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2H IB balanced build

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 318

2H IB balanced build

Post#1 » Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:44 pm

Since the Grumble and Mutter change, may I ask what the experienced IBs out there think a good 2H build is now ? I really wanna play 2H IB for fun :-) This would be a balanced build for WB RvR, SC mainly.......if such a build exists :-) Thank you in advance !

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Posts: 218

Re: 2H IB balanced build

Post#2 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:38 am

Paxsanarion wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:44 pm Since the Grumble and Mutter change, may I ask what the experienced IBs out there think a good 2H build is now ? I really wanna play 2H IB for fun :-) This would be a balanced build for WB RvR, SC mainly.......if such a build exists :-) Thank you in advance !
Well, other tanks make-a-do without grumble, so im confident IB Will too. We get strong regen from Gear and with lini ok resists to mitigate magic dmg aswell (armor ofc IS naturally strong as tanks)

Im very curious about new AA-abilities and how they work with old AA haste (from magic dmg, dunno If it means on physical, or actual casted spells).

Slow attacking 2 h with warlord and as much crit as u can sensibly get will Be My way to go. Bring The base dmg up and Stack those bonuses!

About The aa speed when hit by magic attack, does anyone know If for example Witch Brew procs it(it can Be defended with absorb which only Works against magic)

Im avoiding The ability name, as i really just cant remember it :D
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Posts: 269

Re: 2H IB balanced build

Post#3 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:23 am

Pahakukka wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:38 am
Paxsanarion wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:44 pm Since the Grumble and Mutter change, may I ask what the experienced IBs out there think a good 2H build is now ? I really wanna play 2H IB for fun :-) This would be a balanced build for WB RvR, SC mainly.......if such a build exists :-) Thank you in advance !
Well, other tanks make-a-do without grumble, so im confident IB Will too. We get strong regen from Gear and with lini ok resists to mitigate magic dmg aswell (armor ofc IS naturally strong as tanks)

Im very curious about new AA-abilities and how they work with old AA haste (from magic dmg, dunno If it means on physical, or actual casted spells).

Slow attacking 2 h with warlord and as much crit as u can sensibly get will Be My way to go. Bring The base dmg up and Stack those bonuses!

About The aa speed when hit by magic attack, does anyone know If for example Witch Brew procs it(it can Be defended with absorb which only Works against magic)

Im avoiding The ability name, as i really just cant remember it :D

Stubborn as stone and yes it works against WE's - it was my go to ability to use against them myself.

Posts: 57

Re: 2H IB balanced build

Post#4 » Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:22 am

Something like this is probably the go to in most group settings now with the loss of GnM (goes in the book). - Ironbreaker

Try pick up some % parry gear, slot WS to 600ish and then STR, don't be afraid to spend RR on statblocks outside of Futile Strikes and Parry.

I did a sov +2 for the AA damage build, you give up a little bit too much to run it and GBF, so RIP 2h.

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