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WP Wrath DPS Spec Leveling & End Game

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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WP Wrath DPS Spec Leveling & End Game

Post#1 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:08 pm

Hey guys, going through the forums and not a lot of posts about this since really 2022. Some stuff from 2023 with career builder links but they all seem broken for me as they don't actually pull anything up besides a black screen. I have seen some info on Salvation healing specs and comments about Grace specs and in game people have noted Wrath is good at RR80 with BiS. That said I am currently level 14 having just joined the game and am playing around with as 2H Wrath spec (2 points so far) and full strength gear. Class is fun in PvE but really seems to lack in PvP. Not knowing if there have been any major updates since other posts and not being able to look at a populated builder the question becomes, am I wasting my time trying to play a DPS WP? Are they decent? I also have a AM about the same level that I have been wanting to try out as a DPS spec also. I think you can see a theme here (DPS/Healer Hybrid). AM seems more affective in PvP going mix of int/wis. And it feels equally powerful in PvE to get quests and PQ's done. Should I focus one over the other? I think I just generally like the melee play style of a DPS WP with off healing but it feels so weak.

Posts: 230

Re: WP Wrath DPS Spec Leveling & End Game

Post#2 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:17 pm This is Solo 2h WP. Its a really fun build thru the T2 Sc's. - Warrior Priest This is "The" Wrath build.

Posts: 6

Re: WP Wrath DPS Spec Leveling & End Game

Post#3 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:45 pm

Awesome thank you and this is exactly what i was looking for.

Posts: 103

Re: WP Wrath DPS Spec Leveling & End Game

Post#4 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:05 am

Just to add on to this thread. The 2h build now seems capable of good aoe with its own cool down reduction from sigmars wrath, the stacking guilty soul and good crit chance using a 2h. Seeing as smite has a big range you can generate good numbers, especially if people treat you like a dps and give you a proper group.

Is it wl or bw dps? na but if you drop the wounds buff (for a 2nd in party wp to run) and take the boosted proc dmg, your adding good value to your party plus the burst potential is quite high. You are pretty demanding in composition needs and for rvr play the gear cost is also going to be very high but its got potential.

I havent got the gear myself yet but have seen a couple people in decent combat conditions doing good numbers and really good contri to kills so am keen to try it myself. If your not worried about getting sweaty and joining less picky wbs, you might even surprise some people but its harder to give it all it needs to really do well. Purely speaking about wb play, smaller stuf I have no idea but the fact it can now at least go for a wb dps spot is highly appealing.

just my 0.2c as a new comer to wrath.
Carthage 91 Chosen
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Re: WP Wrath DPS Spec Leveling & End Game

Post#5 » Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:19 pm

Wrath is not optimal in any setting. It's sub-par. It can function okay in a duo. But most people will prioritise guarding an actual DPS or healer over a wrath WP. And the group utility is available to any Salvation spec WP, which in the right group comp they will take. It's lacking tools and just doesn't function well as either a DPS, or a debuffer(because other classes are just better). It'll eventually get a rework, but that's probably a year or more away.. I mean there are plenty of discussions on this topic and all end the same way. Play it if you want, but don't expect anything good.
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Re: WP Wrath DPS Spec Leveling & End Game

Post#6 » Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:45 pm

WP dps vs Dok dps wich one is better for scs and solo rvr?

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Re: WP Wrath DPS Spec Leveling & End Game

Post#7 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:05 am

For AM hybrid I've got a guide in the High Elf subforum.
It pretty much needs R73+ to work, and then only in casual settings, but it was quite powerful here.

Not sure that I'd recommend making an AM just for hybrid anymore, as it recently got nerfed..

it's main ability Energy of Vaul (and Balance Essence); no longer being cast on move.
This took "standing still" time from 10% to like 50%, which in many cases is a death sentence as we are squishy midrange casters.

Dissipating Energy our biggest damage spell is also bugged breaking our mechanic balance, a big part of what makes hybrid viable.

While things might change by the time you are ready, for now it's essentially neutered.
But seems like you like WP more anyway, so go with that.
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
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