It's often said you can't do hybrid (healing+DD), and to some extent that's true, in very competitive content (organized city and ranked) you either sacrifice too much survivability or dmg for it to make sense, but PvE (if the team is decent) and especially in ORvR and forts (and PUG/dominating city) it can be very fun and hectic.
I recommend first going through [AM] Heal Guide and How AM and Shaman for fundamentals.
Hybrid AM Guide
This build is awesome, you have a lot of punch in both heal and damage department, it is a little lackluster on taking hits, but for most content simply switching to wounds focused gear is enough.
And it offers a lot of flexibility around it's core set of abilities based on tactics..
> Did your WB/SC/party lose a healer or just need more heals? switch tactics and focus healing
> Did your WB/SC/party lose a DPS or is taking little damage? switch tactics and focus DPS
> Somewhere in between? best of both worlds, go full hybrid and take advantage of the AM Mechanic.
> Seeing a straggler running away? DoT them up and blast them with Searing Touch.
> No dedicated rezzer? 1.6 sec rezzes
Broadly speaking, you'll want to start engagements by pre-hotting at least 5 times, then DE followed either by EoV to close gap for SoC or SoC followed by EoV. These 3 abilities will be your bread and butter to use on cooldown, landing them well and timely will make a big difference.
At this point, it's pretty standard healing, if the fight is in your favour (no/low healing needed), focus on killing otherwise focus on landing big EoV and quick resses until DE and SoC are back up.
With WW you can opt to get 5 tranq stacks and then spam EoV, but would only do so if SM is always using WW on cooldown.
If pulled of correctly you can get a 10-30% heal boost over a Willpower AM, with EoV being 1-2x stronger, while doing 20-50% the dmg of a DPS with good DBs and using more utility than normal.
If done wrong, your heals will go down and you'll have the highest death count and barely do any dmg...
Is it worth adding strict requirement to use mechanic (with need to plan new rotations constantly as things change)
And now have to worry about choosing the right offensive targets, and assisting MA and joining morale bombs..
All while being way squishier, so positioning and detaunting also matter way more..
Lifetap/DPS focused - Sov+2 0-13-13
This is the build I run 90% of the time nowadays.
1 mastery point and tactic slot is left open, use it to pick up the proper tactic/ability for the content (see Tactics section below).
Alternative Builds
The graph shows standard tactic layouts depending on content.
Tactic detailed explanations:
Isha's Ward: Very strong 3600 absord, makes up for a lot of the squishiness of the build, generally I run this.
Divine Favor: 1600 heal, decent since you will lack strong ST heal in DPS variants not running Arching Power.
Steal Life: 900 lifesteal, very rarely, when you can go full glass cannon and want more DOTs.
Morale 2
Rampaging Siphon: if your WB comp lets/needs you to get close, this is great, otherwise very risky.
Blinding Lights: great for the utility focused builds and to add WB survivability
Focus Mind: dual function, great escape tool and to continue mechanic speed burst after using all stacks.
Archmage Mechanic (Force/Tranquility a.k.a. stacks)
A lot of the strength of the hybrid comes from using the mechanic as close to 100% as possible, to take advantage of:
AP Costs: reduced by 40%
Instant spells: +20% stronger
Time Casted Spells: +40% faster
On heal side, this makes up for missing willpower/heal crit and on damage side, makes up for less time spend on DPS.
Energy of Vaul (EoV): is what makes the build, will do decent amount of damage and majority of your healing. Focus on MA's target or where you can hit 5 soft.
Enemy hit cap: 5
Friendly hit cap: 24
Enemy Crit: No
Friendly Crit: Heal Crit
Damage/lifesteal Scales with: Intelligence
Base Heal: ~1125
Base heal scales with: points in Vaul Mastery tree (willpower has no effect)
Total heal modifiers: same as normal heal, impacted by heal buffs and debuffs.
EoV (without Penetration Syphon tactic) counts as a heal rather than a lifetap meaning heal modifiers impacts the amount healed (heal crit, % heal (de)buffs), however there's no Willpower scaling on the 1125 base heal, leaving int and heal modifiers as your only way to increase.
Luckily the Int to heal scales 0.20-1:1 (0.2 per hit) before absorbs and mitigation, about 0.5-0.8:1 after which is in line with group heal wp:hp scaling.
Dissipating Energies (DE): this along with SoC provides about 20-30% of your damage, which considering the long cooldown is great, put on your front runner when they reach the middle of the enemy blob. Even better with Arching Power or Dispel Magic.
Storm of Cronos (SoC): provides +400 spirit debuff and has a great AoE range. Also great for ST heal with Arching Power. No gain from AM mechanic, but will add Force counter.
Scatter the Winds (StW): DoT and heal debuff, picking this up makes you a lot more deadly in 1v1 and ST DPS, and makes the build a lot more flexible.
Balance Essence (BE)/Transfer Force (TF): with lots of int, magic crit and Tranq stacks, these become a potentially potent ST heal.
For healing abilities, please see guides linked at the top.
BIS Gear: 7p Warlord + 2p Victorious (body, ring:54 magic power), 2p scholar genesis
Weapon: Bloodlord staff
Additional gear info:
Stat Screenshots