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Lack of new players sticking around...

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Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#1 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:32 am

Just read a post titled "Making this Game Newbie Friendly", where in the OP was discussing the lack of bolster once you hit 31, and the subsequent feeling of being a total weakling against geared 40's. This OP who has a very high level Knight, so is not a newbie, had a few suggestions, and was immediately shut down by Wargrimner, who I respect and happen to normally agree with most of his posts. From Wargrimner's response and subsequent lock on the thread, I imagine he has heard many "suggestions" to make the game more newbie friendly, and appears to be tired of hearing it, and I can understand that to a degree, I can only imagine all that he as to put up with running a game like this.

In this case as a new player myself I resonate well with what the OP was saying, and felt compelled to throw my 2 cents in as well, especially after having friends try the game too and upon hitting 31+ just end up bailing, due to the grind and feeling totally inadequate through those levels.

I imagine the veterans who know the game inside and out, probably have ways to mitigate the lack of bolster, or at least the time spent there, with premades, guilds, a larger circle of friends etc. But us new players who never played War, much less ROR, and are still feeling our way through this game and it's progression style, it's an issue. Especially when you attempt to que for SC's and get bitched at for even thinking of entering "their" SC as a 31 to 39 level, and being called a "waste of a slot".

I'm sure what I am saying is nothing new and it probably comes up a lot, but if that is true, maybe there needs to be some recognition that there might really be a problem from a newbie's perspective. And don't we want more players? I mean I play NA, West Coast NA, and it's literally DEAD a lot of nights where getting an SC to pop is nearly impossible, and very little if any RVR even, at times, to the point I log off because the time invested feels wasted. I work days full time, so getting on earlier isn't an option. Weekends are a little better because I can get on earlier and people tend to play later.

Honestly with my friends bailing, I don't know if I will continue or not at this point either. While I'm sure there's some that don't agree, I also think there's plenty of unsung voices of potential players being lost to it then might be currently recognized, in some cases simply by word of mouth.

I don't profess to know the magic answer, just posting to express I, as a new player, recognize this as an issue for many other new or potential players.

Just my 2 cents,

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Re: Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#2 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:53 am

While not a new player myself and I even played the game during live I can never the less understand your frustration

Renown ranks not high enough to wear a full set of T2 gear let alone T3

Terrible damage in scenarios with your attacks only doing double digits or low 100’s, can’t do anything but ride the orvr Zerg and leech exp and rr

One of the changes, where if there is too large a gap in levels between people in a group then no one gets exp stopped power leveling groups and in turn guild mates stopped helping low level builders level up or do low level pq farms with them as much that’s what I saw happen in my old guild any way

Because I’ve leveled multiple characters I’m more desensitized to the grind and realize that this is all part of the process that we have to deal with till we get to the “real” game at 40/40

I wish I could say something otherwise but it is what it is and yeah it’s rough for new first time players trying to get a read on the game

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Re: Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#3 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 1:22 am

It's the reality of a PvP based MMO RPG where your power level changes as you progress. You have to take your lumps for a bit. Even when you get to a decent point of progression you are going to find yourself severely outmatched sometimes.

If you cant make it through leveling something else is going to put you off at some point.

Your time zone issue is something I can sympathize with since I have the same issue. It's just a reallity you have to deal with.

If any of this is causing you to not have fun while playing you should quit. Not saying that to be mean its genuine advice. Makes no sense to keep playing a game you dont enjoy in the hope that it changes.

I've played this game so much I've lost countless times, been powerless against the other team and seen all manner of bad or asshole teammates that it doesnt really bother me(It used to). To really enjoy this game you have to be able to have fun during the times when you arent on top. Just my 2 cents.

Posts: 77

Re: Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#4 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:07 am

Maybe renown should be fast until rank 40, but keep it the same and make sure the real grind is still after renown 40. Just reduce the required renown points to level basically, and maybe make it easier to level from 1 to 16 by reducing required exp as well.

And yes, sentinel accessory can be an example insane power gap, but that's a different story. At least after rank 40, you can just time your morales with a warband and it should be playable. Getting to rank 40 can be brutal, but the game starts to become tolerable after that so maybe it should be easier to get renown then and then make the real grind AFTER renown rank 40.

And it really isn't that hard to make money to buy potions and unguents.

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Re: Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#5 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:27 am

chokeanutsman wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:07 am Maybe renown should be fast until rank 40, but keep it the same and make sure the real grind is still after renown 40. Just reduce the required renown points to level basically, and maybe make it easier to level from 1 to 16 by reducing required exp as well.

And yes, sentinel accessory can be an example insane power gap, but that's a different story. At least after rank 40, you can just time your morales with a warband and it should be playable. Getting to rank 40 can be brutal, but the game starts to become tolerable after that so maybe it should be easier to get renown then and then make the real grind AFTER renown rank 40.

And it really isn't that hard to make money to buy potions and unguents.

They already doubled RR gains after 40 not that long ago; getting to rr40 is super easy even if you just pve your way up. The main issue is 16-30 taking too long to level compared to the rest of the tiers;both T1 and T4 have consistent SC pops where you can just push through very quickly as opposed to T2 that has 2-3 hours a day of consistent pops.

Posts: 77

Re: Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#6 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:28 am

Yeah 16-30 does feel brutal, maybe PvE mobs should give more exp.

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Re: Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#7 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:56 am

Manatikik wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:27 am
They already doubled RR gains after 40 not that long ago; getting to rr40 is super easy even if you just pve your way up. The main issue is 16-30 taking too long to level compared to the rest of the tiers;both T1 and T4 have consistent SC pops where you can just push through very quickly as opposed to T2 that has 2-3 hours a day of consistent pops.
Wait was this before or after they changed the rr gain from the slow tick rate to the “normal” rate and when they made that change they gave everyone who hard reached 80 at that point the legacy forum tag

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Re: Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#8 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:22 am

TenTonHammer wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:56 am
Manatikik wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:27 am
They already doubled RR gains after 40 not that long ago; getting to rr40 is super easy even if you just pve your way up. The main issue is 16-30 taking too long to level compared to the rest of the tiers;both T1 and T4 have consistent SC pops where you can just push through very quickly as opposed to T2 that has 2-3 hours a day of consistent pops.
Wait was this before or after they changed the rr gain from the slow tick rate to the “normal” rate and when they made that change they gave everyone who hard reached 80 at that point the legacy forum tag
So the legacy tag was from releasing 80-255 then not too long after that they doubled gains from 40+

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Re: Lack of new players sticking around...

Post#9 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:32 am

Aziano wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:32 am Just read a post titled "Making this Game Newbie Friendly", where in the OP was discussing the lack of bolster once you hit 31, and the subsequent feeling of being a total weakling against geared 40's. This OP who has a very high level Knight, so is not a newbie, had a few suggestions, and was immediately shut down by Wargrimner, who I respect and happen to normally agree with most of his posts. From Wargrimner's response and subsequent lock on the thread, I imagine he has heard many "suggestions" to make the game more newbie friendly, and appears to be tired of hearing it, and I can understand that to a degree, I can only imagine all that he as to put up with running a game like this.

In this case as a new player myself I resonate well with what the OP was saying, and felt compelled to throw my 2 cents in as well, especially after having friends try the game too and upon hitting 31+ just end up bailing, due to the grind and feeling totally inadequate through those levels.

I imagine the veterans who know the game inside and out, probably have ways to mitigate the lack of bolster, or at least the time spent there, with premades, guilds, a larger circle of friends etc. But us new players who never played War, much less ROR, and are still feeling our way through this game and it's progression style, it's an issue. Especially when you attempt to que for SC's and get bitched at for even thinking of entering "their" SC as a 31 to 39 level, and being called a "waste of a slot".

I'm sure what I am saying is nothing new and it probably comes up a lot, but if that is true, maybe there needs to be some recognition that there might really be a problem from a newbie's perspective. And don't we want more players? I mean I play NA, West Coast NA, and it's literally DEAD a lot of nights where getting an SC to pop is nearly impossible, and very little if any RVR even, at times, to the point I log off because the time invested feels wasted. I work days full time, so getting on earlier isn't an option. Weekends are a little better because I can get on earlier and people tend to play later.

Honestly with my friends bailing, I don't know if I will continue or not at this point either. While I'm sure there's some that don't agree, I also think there's plenty of unsung voices of potential players being lost to it then might be currently recognized, in some cases simply by word of mouth.

I don't profess to know the magic answer, just posting to express I, as a new player, recognize this as an issue for many other new or potential players.

Just my 2 cents,
This was the suggestion presented
"My suggestion is 2x exp at rank 31-40. Or, give people a potion than makes them insta-40 once they hit renown rank 40."

Not going to happen. Long time player. Been on the forums a long time. Should know better, but I wouldn't be shocked if he didn't. Also, when a thread gets locked, opening another one to comment isn't exactly top form.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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