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SC summary

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SC summary

Post#1 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:21 am

before start
Changes from Live: Scenarios

basically more points mean more emblems even if you lose

hope this helps you predict enemy movements. foresee where to attack, when to defend etc

Instructions : comments on the SC loading screen
Kill : points from killing enemy
Flag/Bomb/Tick/Cap : points from playing objectives
Note : additional info

Orb Points : tick every 6 sec. scale up after 3 ticks. first 2 ticks( 2 points ) don't give points only deal damage.
damage / points
225 / 2
450 / 4
750 / 6
1125 / 8
1500 / 10
2250 / 12
3375 / 14
4500 / 16
6750 / 18
8900 / 20 (?)
8k hp tank holding orb can give ur team 300+ points if he got heals until 8k+ dmg tick.
dead by orb don't give kill points.

damage interrupts capturing action. block/parry/dodge/disrupt save you from interrupting, absorb not.
AoE, DoT are excellent for interrupting.
flag is captured faster by more ppl around it, maximum 6(?). capturing process is stopped by just 1 enemy.
all flags captured reward x3 values per tick(6sec)

Battle for Praag
Instructions : This Scenario is a true tug of WAR! Battle over single locations to push your front closer to the enemy base in an epic struggle in the streets of Praag!
Kill : 2
1 : 15
2 : 25
3 : 35
1 : 2
2 : 7 ( 2 + 5 )
3 : 17 ( 2 + 5 + 10 )

Note : 18 vs 18 SC. capturing order is 1, 2, 3. it takes 10 sec to capture the flag. you can interrupt it with damage.
Tick only occur when you have more flags than enemy. you get capture points from all flags.
cannons are good for target practice. there are flank routes to avoid cannon and zerg.

Black Crag Keep
Instructions : This Scenario has several locations to capture through out the ruins of Karak Drazh. Capturing these locations will make any kills grant points over time as well as increase the amount of points player kills are worth.
Kill : 5
fort : 30
others : 15(x2)
fort : 4
others : 2(x2)
All 3 tick : 24

Note : almost same as Nordenwatch. middle is sum of other 2.

Black Fire Basin
Instructions : Blackfire Basin features a shared Capture the Flag mechanic. Earn points by killing other players and capturing the single shared flag in the middle of the frozen lake! Carrying the flag for too long will eventually snare the flag carrier and eventually drain your will to fight.
Kill : 3
Flag drop : 80

Note : flag decays after 6 mins.

Blood of the Black Cairn
Instructions : Blood of the Blackcairn is a 5 capture point match. Try to capture and hold all the points, but in order to do this your realm must control the two areas nearest to your spawn and then capture The Crossroads. Once you control the Crossroads your enemy's capture points are yours for the taking! Beware, enemy players can sneak behind your battle lines and neutralize any areas you control!
Kill : 6
Capture : none
Tick( 4sec )
base : 1 each
crossroad : 2
2 enemy flags : 4 each
all 5 tick : 12

Note : in order to capture crossroad( mid flag ) you need 2 base flags.
you can unflag enemy base when xroad is neutral, preventing mid cap. - defenders pulling enemy backward.
crossroad owner have their base flag locked. - attackers push forward.

Caledor Woods
Instructions : This Scenario features a single capture point in a true King of the hill battle in a struggle to secure the path through Caledor Valley! Various buffs in the form of dragon essence will appear from time to time to aid in your struggle for victory over Caledor Woods!
Kill : 4
Capture : 25
Tick : 15

Note : instruction is old. no essence. nothing special

College of Curruption
Instructions : The fires burn hot within the Bright Wizard College of Altdorf, constantly stoked by the masters of Aqshy that brave uts searing corridors. The most formidable practitioner of the Red Wind is Supreme Patriarch Thyrus Gormann. Known for his fiery temper and passionate loyalty to the Empire, Gormann will not rest until the enemies of Karl Franz are little more than piles of smoldering ash.
Kill : 9
Capture : 30
Tick : 9

Note : there are teleporters at spawn and dmg buff mechanic at 2nd and bottom.
Destro : left - bottom, right - 2nd floor
Order : left - 2nd floor, right - bottom
dmg buff : for 2min, each realm can have 1 buff.

Dragon's Bane
Instructions : Dragon's Bane is a power struggle between three capture locations. Capture and hold these locations for points over time. To aid the recapturing of these objectives, deliver the Black Dragon or Sun Dragon Beacons to the capture locations to call down aid from above!
Kill : 3
Capture : 0
Tick( 2sec ) : 1
All 3 tick : 9

Note : Beacon only spawn when there's enemy flag. despawn when none. can't plant beacon at neutral flag.

Doomfist Crater
Instructions : Doomfist Crater contains a single capture location and three Doomfist Ore. Carrying the Doomfist Ore will augment point gains from kills, and capturing the center platform will give your Realm points towards victory! Carrying the Doomfist Ore grants 25% more damage, but you must continually slay players to retain this power!
Kill : 2
Kill with Ore : 4
Capture : 30
Tick : 9

Note : you have to score death blow or assist kill while carrying Doomfist Ore. or you'll be killed by Ore. Ore gives dmg bonus.

Gate of Ekrund
Instructions : Capture the Gate Switch, Supply Room, and the Ammunitions Cache located on the upper floors of the gate. Most important, kill all enemies you find!
Kill : 5
Capture : 15
Tick : 2
All 3 tick : 18

Note : all 3 flags have same values.

Gromril Crossing
Instructions : Gromril Crossing is a true Tug of WAR! Several capture locations are scattered through-out the Scenario but only one is open at a time and progresses towards the enemy base depending on who captured them!
Kill : 2
1 : 15
2 : 25
3 : 35
1 : 2
2 : 7 ( 2 + 5 )
3 : 17 ( 2 + 5 + 10 )

Note : 18 vs 18 SC. capturing order is 1, 2, 3. if you lost bridge follow enemy's capturing order. it takes 10 sec to capture the flag. you can interrupt it with damage.
Tick only occur when you have more flags than enemy. you get capture points from all flags.
there are tunnels at your WC connected to flag no.2

Highpass Cemetery
Instructions : Highpass Cemetery features simple dual capture mechanics. Capture both the Stag and the Crypt to earn points for your Realm and be granted a powerful boon to destroy your enemies!
Kill : 5
Capture both : 80

Note : holding both objectives for 15sec gives capture points and damage buff. it reset after 30sec.

Howling Gorge
Instructions : Howling Gorge features a Powder Keg that must be picked up and set in the detonation location before the fuse runs out! Successful delivery of the Powder Keg grants your Realm points! Failure to place the Powder Keg within 90 seconds will result in lethal consequences!
Kill : 2
Bomb drop : 75

Note : you can interrupt planting bomb. defend drop point / escort carrier.

Khaine's Embrace
Instructions : Khaines Embrace is a battle over two altars: Death's Charge and the Dance of Swords. Capturing both of these altars will grant your Realm points towards victory, but also invoke Khaine's Wrath! Avoid imminent death or speak with the Scion at Khaine's Altar for forgiveness!
Kill : 5
Capture both : 75

Note : holding both objectives for 15sec invoke khaine's wrath.

Logrin's Forge
Instructions : Logrin's Forge is a dual capture location Scenario! Capturing both the Anvil and Hammer will grant your Realm points!
Kill : 2
Capture both : 80

Note : holding both objectives for 15sec gives capture points and damage buff. it reset after 30sec.

Lost Temple of Isha
Instructions : This Scenario is a battle over a forgotten Temple of Isha that must be captured and held. Holding the Temple will generate points. Holding Isha's Will will grant additional points per kill for the one carrying it. Capture the Temple or Isha's Will to lay waste to your enemies for victory!
Kill : 2
Capture : 30
Tick : 9

Note : Isha's Will gives damage bonus to carrier. feels like 100% bonus ( not confirm ).
Isha's Will spawns only when flag is captured by enemy and disappear when flag become neutral.

Maw of Madness
Instructions : Maw of Madness is a battle over several sources of power. The Warpstone Talisman, The Glyph of Madness and The Glyph of Fury. Holding these artifacts will earn your Realm points towards victory. but with great power comes the risk of death!
Kill : 5
Orb : orb points( x3 )

Note : there are 3 objectives.
you can see current objectives location by opening map. simply press 'm'

Mourkain Temple
Instructions : Find the Mourkain artifact and seize it for your realm. Killing the enemy while carrying the Mourkain Artifact will yield more points, but slaying the artifact bearer also yields increased rewards. Carrying the Artifact will inflict damage to the carrier over time.
Kill : 10
Orb : orb points

Note : not sure about additional points from killing with orb.
orb will reset near any of faction base.

Instructions : This Scenario takes place in the critical beachhead of Nordenwatch. The battle rages around the Lighthouse, Barracks and Fortress. Take and hold these objectives while killing any enemies you find!
Kill : 4
fort : 20
others : 15(x2)
fort : 3
others : 2(x2)
All 3 tick : 27

Note : choose wisely where to push.
enemy base flag have high rate of reinforcement. ally base flag is backline.
it's good practice to draw strategic map.

Phoenix Gate
Instructions : Phoenix Gate takes place on the hills of Ellyrion where Dark Elves and High Elves try to capture their hated enemy's banners in a struggle for morale! Capture the enemy banner to earn points! if both banners are held, break the stalemate by dropping the enemy banner off at the bridge for a small victory! Doing so will cause both banners to reset!
Kill : 3
Flag drop at base : 150
Flag drop at middle bridge : 50
Flag holding tick( 1sec ) : 1

Note : carrying flag yields 1 point per second until both were taken.
if both flags were moving drop point is changed to middle bridge faction flag.
To reset dropped flag on the field you have to camp it for 5~10 sec ( not confirm )
you can see current runner's location by opening map. simply press 'm'

Reikland Hills
Instructions : Reikland Hills is a rotating King of the Hill match! Battle over the fallen Bridge at first, but soon the focus of the battle will shift to the Mill or Factory shortly after. Stay on your toes and keep moving as the capture locations open and close!
Kill : 2
Capture : 35
Tick : 3
All 3 tick : 27

Note : 18 vs 18 SC. instruction is old. no rotations.
all 3 flags have same values.

Reikland Factory
Instructions : Reikland Factory features several capture locations which offer points over time as well as points per capture. Capturing the Steamtank will earn you the most points per capture, but capturing the Landing, Warehouse and Machine Shop will give you more points over time!
Kill : 4
middle : 50, outside : 15(x3)
middle : 1, outside : 3(x3)
All 4 tick : 30

Note : there are underground tunnel and upstair railroad.
outer flags are better for long term points. mid flag is for short term points.

Serpent's Passage
Instructions : Serpent's Passage is a battle on the coast of an island heading towards the Isle of the Dead. Two ships have been run ashore and are now forced to salvage parts from the Ancient Shipwreck!
Kill : 2
Part drop : 75

Note : Part decays after 3 mins.

Stonetroll Crossing
Instructions : Stone Troll Crossing features a "flag runner" capture mechanic. Pick up the Troll Pacifier and take it to each of there capture locations to subdue the Trolls and earn points for your Realm!
Kill : 2
Capture : 35
all 3 Cap bonus: 65

Note : one full capture is 170. you can see current runner's location by opening map. simply press 'm'

Talabec Dam
Instructions : Talabec Dam is a simple Bombing run Scenario. Acquire the powder Keg at the crossroads and destroy the Chaos Artifact defiling Talabec Dam or lay waste to the Windmill of Talabecland!
Kill : 3
Bomb take : 10
Bomb drop : 75

Note : you can interrupt planting bomb. defend drop point / escort carrier.

Thunder Valley
Instructions : This Scenario has several locations to capture through out the rocky terrain of Thunder Valley. Capturing these locations will grant more points towards winning the Scenario as well as grant points over time. Capturing the Gyrocopter Hangar will allow your Realm to bombard capture locations!
Kill : 5
Capture : 10
Tick : 3
Mid Cap : 20
Mid tick : 0
All 5 tick : 36

Note : middle Gyrocopter Hangar bombardment destroys cannons, zero dmg to players.

Tor Anroc
Instructions : Tor Anroc is a struggle to gain control of the Brimstone Bauble. Hold on to the Brimstone Bauble to earn points over time and more points per kill! The longer you hold the Bauble, the more damage you will take however!
Kill : 10
Orb : orb points

Note : dead by lava don't give kill points.
orb will reset near any of faction base.

Twisting Tower
Instructions : Within the farthest reaches of the Chaos Wastes resides the enigmatic Twisting Tower. Battle for control over both the Atrium and the Loft to secure the tower and earn points for your realm. Controlling the tower will reveal the Oculus of Change which your realm can seize to earn extra points but beware of the Changers Gaze!
Kill :
Capture : 10
Tick : 10
top object :

Note : after both object captured, points of captured realm start reverse until top object activated or reach 0 point.

ps. It's so damn hard to explain SC mechanics in /sc with my english.
my apologies if i offended anyone in SC. i burst a lot due to losing and my lack of language, nothing personal.

ps2. welcome corrections on the confusing sentences.
Last edited by anarchypark on Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:39 am, edited 45 times in total.
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SC summary - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20415
( last update : 2020.06.09)

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Re: SC summary

Post#2 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:35 am

Whoot rly cool ty for that
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

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Re: SC summary

Post#3 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:03 am

Very nice, thanks Onesword.
Sia - DoK - Lords
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Re: SC summary

Post#4 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:56 pm

Very nice work. One question, what do you mean by "completing action bar fixes mount bug" on Talabec Dam sc? That bug really annoys me haha.

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Re: SC summary

Post#5 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:45 pm

This is a great post and one that I hope the community reads. I've witnessed many many scs (both in premades and in the solo queue) where at least half of my side doesn't seem to understand the objective of the sc and instead just focuses on beating on the opposing players. The result is that they may win on kills but they lose the sc, sometimes by a lot. I think that everyone being on the same page about the objective of each sc can go a long way toward better a sc experience for everyone. Good work, anarchy.

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Re: SC summary

Post#6 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:40 pm

Good work, thanks.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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Re: SC summary

Post#7 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:45 pm

Collateral wrote:Very nice work. One question, what do you mean by "completing action bar fixes mount bug" on Talabec Dam sc? That bug really annoys me haha.
when you drop the bomb at windmill/dam it pops an action bar, same as taking mid bomb, like channeling. 3 sec i think.
though points are earned instantly by right clicking, you have to stay and complete action bar to see '[player name] successfully planted bomb' message. then you can mount/stealth again without bug.
if you don't complete action bar by any means ( move away, hit by enemy ) there is no successfully drop messages( still you earn points). but you can't mount/stealth.
completing action bar fixes all previous bugged state i think. even for others ( not sure )
Last edited by anarchypark on Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
SM8, SW8, AM8, WL7, KoBS6, BW6, WP8, WH7, IB8, Eng5, RP5, SL6
BG8, Sorc8, DoK8, WE7, Chs8, Mg8, Ze7, Mara8, BO6, SH7, Shm6, Chop4
SC summary - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20415
( last update : 2020.06.09)

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Re: SC summary

Post#8 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:54 pm

This is the Scenarios topic i always wanted to make.

*weeps tears of joy*
Last edited by Dresden on Sat Jun 03, 2017 5:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SC summary

Post#9 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:00 pm

The north-south tunnel under Reikland Factory can be accessed from the southernmost end as well.
. -= Cult Of Chaos =- GUILD -= Cult Leader =- . -= Kagaz Wrathson - The Decioblidevannihilator - Black Orc =- .
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Posts: 2249

Re: SC summary

Post#10 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:27 pm

Awesome work! Even if it's not in alphabetical order... /nitpick

Thanks for all this!
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Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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