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N00b needs help with pvp

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N00b needs help with pvp

Post#1 » Mon May 17, 2021 5:42 pm

So I am not much of a gamer, but I realized that I just couldn't deal damage in most cases in any situation in pvp. At first I figured that I was attacking tanks that were receiving heals, but I cannot even damage the healers. Then I realized that once I was attacking them, a green text that said 'absorb' popped up, as they had some green aura around them. Am I just healing them by hitting them? What should I do instead?
Also... Any general tips for sucking a tiny bit less would be helpful. Currently I am an Ironbreaker, but I am putting an Oath Friend on other party members and doing some buffs on them, as well as guarding them.

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Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#2 » Mon May 17, 2021 6:15 pm

don't expect to do much dmg as a tank unless you really spec hard for it. absorbs are bubbles so your dmg is just getting eaten by them

Dartanous wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 5:42 pm I am putting an Oath Friend on other party members and doing some buffs on them, as well as guarding them.

then you are doing your job. try and stay with your groups hardest hitting dps, keep them guarded and buffed as well as using your cc to control the fight. use your knockback on enemy tanks who are guarding your dps's target, and use your knockdown on targets your group is focusing when they are about 50% hp. use your snare on anybody in range so that your dps doesn't have to leaving them free to deal dmg. at level 20 you will get an ability called challenge that you want to use on cooldown, it's an aoe dmg reduction to all enemies in a cone in front of you so you want to be positioning to hit as many people as possible. at level 24 you get a moral called deafening bellow which is also an aoe dmg reduction and you should learn how to use, they are different in application. also use hold the line in appropriate situations, particularly open pvp. scenarios you should usually be actively fighting more often

if you do all of that you are a credit to your group. as you get better learn to float guard (switching it to groupmates who are under focus), it takes time to learn how to do this without dropping your dps so let it happen naturally. eventually you can start cycling in a wider array of buffs and dmg assist abilities, but to begin with just focus on the core - guard, challenge, snare, knockdown, knockback, important buffs

Posts: 22

Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#3 » Mon May 17, 2021 7:21 pm

Thank you, that is actually very concise and helpful.
Of the buffs I'm using (which I can share with my oath friend), I buff strength, toughness and armor, I'm assuming those mean important buffs.

I do generally try to stay in range of my teammates, though enemies often run around me to attack them, which is when I try to snare them (I have a 40% speed reduction anyway). I am still halfway panicked in fights, so I can't switch groupmates, gonna try to work more on that (Is there a shortcut commando for that?) Still at lvl 12 btw.

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Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#4 » Mon May 17, 2021 8:07 pm

just have guard bound to something easily accessible, like a mouse button. i used m3 for the longest time when i only had a basic mouse but now use a thumb button. get used to selecting your teammates from the group menu - the default ui isn't great with this as the bolster icon covers the class icon but you can usually tell well enough. you get used to playing tank with one eye on the fight and one eye on the group. but overall don't try and force it, one day you'll realize that you just naturally guard switched to your focused healer and it will be 2nd nature from then

str tough and armour are prob the most important yeah, at higher levels this changes as most classes will buff their own main stat and armour but it's a good focus for now. IB has a LOT of good buffs, it's sort of the class identity, so don't worry about trying to use all of them. oathbound from the middle tree is probably the best to pick up first as the parry buff is gonna help you mitigate a lot of guard dmg. if you're lvl 12 you just got an ability called stone breaker and this is a good offensive tool to focus on as most dps don't have their own armour debuff. so 1. do your basic tank jobs, 2. keep those few buffs up and 3. apply stone breaker to focused targets

enemies will always try and avoid IB, nobody wants to fight you, much of tank is positioning and psychology. sometimes you use your body to fill a gap and make nobody want to push past you whilst your side is readying their play. if they do, you cc, debuff and punish. but again this stuff comes naturally

Posts: 22

Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#5 » Tue May 18, 2021 12:54 am

Okay, so it's true that they don't want to fight me, they all avoid me like the sweet whispers of Nurgle. Problem is every map is friggin' huge, there's never any place so far where I can fill in a gap, so to speak. I get that I am not the damage dealer, but even I should be able to do SOMETHING to affect their life meter, right? Maybe they're auto-healed every time, but should I do more to stay up to date on equipment than just questing? I know there's an auction shop somewhere, is that a big priority at this level? Or getting talismans?
PS. Is there any specific renown abilities I should go for? I am thinking Wounds & Toughness, with maybe regeneration (if that regens during combat), but I dunno. Seems pretty basic, there might be something much better I'm missing

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Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#6 » Tue May 18, 2021 1:07 am

not rly, if they are getting healed you will do 0 dmg as a tank. it can take 2 proper dps to put a dent in someone being focus healed. you effect their life meter with dmg assist and cc. you control the fight as to create situations where they get bursted down, like punting away their guards or punting them away from their healers and into your dps or mitigating enough dmg for your group with guard, challenge and m2 so that they aren't pressured and can focus on killing

talismans are important, the auction house is in the city and i would slot something in every piece from 16+ onwards. toughness is a coverall for tanks, the talis are pretty cheap, just bulk buy crappy +8 - +10s and they will make a big difference. you should be able to sustain that from scenario winnings. it gets easier around lvl 25 when you're swapping gear less

maps are big but you have to make yourself bigger, patrol the front line, let the enemy know that you know where they are, you know what they're doing and you're ready to punish it. controlled aggression, feints, posturing without getting caught out and rekt, all part of tanking

for renown you have 2 main objectives, avoidance and crit chance. your main source of incoming dmg will be guard dmg, but you can block and parry this. for this reason i like full reflexes on all tanks as it gives you most guard mitigation for points, but block is also good. for crit chance IB has low base ini so you want at least 2 ranks of futile strikes alongside 2 ini talis which i think gets IB to 0% chance to be crit, but i wouldn't worry too much about min/maxing that now. i'd recommend just maxing parry then spending the rest on futile stikes. once you get to around 40/50 you'll probably know what build you're going for anyway

Posts: 22

Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#7 » Tue May 18, 2021 3:35 am

Thank you so much for the help so far. I can make talismans myself, though I have like a single piece of equipment that can slot a talisman slot. I guess that's something I should look for at the auction house too? Should I salvage items to get talisman fragment and stuff, or sell them at the auction house?

Also, this is a personal thing for me, I enjoy a linear story progression. That's why I never ventured outside the dwarf campaign yet. I know I can fly to Altdorf for just 50 copper, should I fly there and back? Or outside my own bias of a personal story, is there nothing really worth going back for? I have this feeling that people can just go quest in whatever zone really, or skip questing entirely and go for pvp and public quests? Any pro strat there?

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Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#8 » Tue May 18, 2021 6:43 am

You visited the rvr warcamps? When you have only 1 item with talisman slot, you probably haven't and just doing pve quests and occasionally some scenario.
At warcamps you find vendors with gear, albeit those hear only goes up to level 10. But most likely it will be better than some of your current gear.
Vendors for 13+ you only find in city.
At 16+ you should try to find a group for sewers dungeon in your city, its quests give you a 5piece armor set of lvl17 and some gold. A good place to put some talismans in. Additionally you get jewels and weapons from it.
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Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#9 » Tue May 18, 2021 7:18 am

Sound advice! To improve your guard you should get the Tether addon that shows you a line between you and the character you guard. If you go out of range it will go from green to red.
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
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Re: N00b needs help with pvp

Post#10 » Tue May 18, 2021 8:01 am

You are in T1, where healers are absolute gods.
It gets better when people have access to heal debuffs.

Best you can do in T1 is go 2H, equip str talismans (talis are very important, bolster is THAT good) and push forward allowing your team to follow.

Tanks are not tanks in T1, you got no guard for half of it, no challenge, no below, often not alot of CC.
There's absolutely no way you can do your job right at these levels.

Go pseudo DPS and try to lead like you are the Main Assist.

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