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So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

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So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#1 » Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:07 pm

Hey gang. I played RoR for about a year, took a few months off, and when I came back the other day, I was immediately reminded of one of the main issues _I personally_ have with RoR and our community: x-realming and the imbalances x-realming can create, especially during oRvR. Being a relatively unfamiliar face in the oRvR crowd, I was accused several (well, three, now that i think of it) times of being an xrealmer. It's not so much the accusation that bugs me, but more the deep distrust of fellow players that the overall concept of actually being able to x-realm has created. Clearly, its not an easy issue to solve, and for all I know, everything may be working as intended (or as close as possible) from a dev point of view.

I realize ChatGPT is FAR from the best source for ANY information, but I thought I'd have it take a whack at coming up with solutions to what I perceive as a x-realming problem. I'm both happy and frustrated by the fact that most (if not all) of the suggestions to help remedy the situation are already in place, or have already been tried.

Anyway, this is what one of today's leading machine learn-ed artificial intelligence systems suggested:
Addressing the issue of players switching between factions to exploit imbalances in your MMO's open battlegrounds can be challenging, but it's crucial for maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players. Here are several strategies you can consider implementing to solve this problem:

1. Faction Locking:
- Implement a faction-locking system that prevents players from switching factions too frequently or at critical moments during a battle. For example, you could limit faction changes to once every 24 hours or after a certain number of battles have taken place.

2. Faction Balance Mechanisms:
- Implement mechanisms to encourage players to join the underpopulated faction. This could include offering bonuses or rewards for playing on the less popular side, such as increased experience points, in-game currency, or unique cosmetic items.
- Adjust the gameplay mechanics to provide advantages to the underpopulated faction, such as stronger NPCs or defensive structures during battles.

3. Faction-Based Matchmaking:
- Introduce faction-based matchmaking to ensure that players are pitted against opponents of roughly equal faction strength, minimizing the impact of faction-switching on battle outcomes.

4. Penalize Frequent Faction Switching:
- Apply penalties for players who frequently switch factions. This could include temporary bans, reputation loss, or longer cooldown periods for joining battles on the winning side after a faction switch.

5. Faction Loyalty Rewards:
- Reward players for remaining loyal to their chosen faction over time. Offer special titles, cosmetic items, or in-game currency to players who stick with their chosen side for extended periods.

6. Community and Reporting Systems:
- Encourage the community to report suspected faction-switching exploits, and have a responsive team in place to investigate and take appropriate action against offenders.

7. Transparency and Communication:
- Be transparent with your player community about the steps you're taking to address faction-switching and maintain balance in the game. Open lines of communication can help build trust among players.

8. Monitor and Adjust:
- Continuously monitor player behavior and the balance of factions within your MMO. Make adjustments to your anti-switching measures as needed based on player feedback and data analysis.

9. Player Feedback:
- Actively seek feedback from your player base regarding faction-switching and balance issues. They may have valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

10. Incentivize Cooperation:
- Encourage faction loyalty and teamwork by emphasizing the importance of working together and fostering a sense of pride and identity within each faction.

Remember that finding the right balance between preventing faction-switching exploitation and maintaining a fun and engaging gaming experience can be a complex process. It's essential to listen to your player community, be open to making adjustments, and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your solutions. By taking a multi-faceted approach and addressing the issue from various angles, you can work towards resolving the problem of faction-switching and promoting a more enjoyable gaming environment for all your players.

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#2 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:02 am

You forgot tô ask How to do It in a low population server

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#3 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:53 am

All of these have been attempted. AI can't do miracles.

Posts: 435

Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#4 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:01 am

So 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 10 are in place already and the rest are mainly developers and community interaction, except for nr 3 which would break the fundamental idea of ORvR.

I legit don't understand what it is that you faction priders desire. As you yourself have noted the majority of you are a bunch of paranoid individuals who live in a very different reality from the rest of us.

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#5 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:10 am

Secrets wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:53 am All of these have been attempted. AI can't do miracles.
Out of curiosity, what is/was the Faction Loyalty Rewards (5)?
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
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Posts: 97

Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#6 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:40 am

Rapzel wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:01 am So 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 10 are in place already and the rest are mainly developers and community interaction, except for nr 3 which would break the fundamental idea of ORvR.
Idk, 3 is what makes Lotd fun.

Posts: 215

Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#7 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:20 am


Idk, 3 is what makes Lotd fun.

3 in Lotd is fun because theres alot of objectives to capture and you just cant zerg that much, in Orvr its keep funnel and thats it, if sides are equal , one campaign can be forever untill one side loses players and aao ramps up.

Thats why we have to find a way to make orvr keep taking and defending viable whit AAO.
Right now you just have more peoplethan your enemy and thats it.

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#8 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:25 am

rrrutsss wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:20 am
Idk, 3 is what makes Lotd fun.

3 in Lotd is fun because theres alot of objectives to capture and you just cant zerg that much, in Orvr its keep funnel and thats it, if sides are equal , one campaign can be forever untill one side loses players and aao ramps up.

Thats why we have to find a way to make orvr keep taking and defending viable whit AAO.
Right now you just have more peoplethan your enemy and thats it.

It's keeps because going 5 stars is harder than it used to be 4-5 years ago.

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Posts: 17

Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#9 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 10:39 am

Denali wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:07 pm Hey gang. I played RoR for about a year, took a few months off, and when I came back the other day, I was immediately reminded of one of the main issues _I personally_ have with RoR and our community: x-realming and the imbalances x-realming can create, especially during oRvR. Being a relatively unfamiliar face in the oRvR crowd, I was accused several (well, three, now that i think of it) times of being an xrealmer. It's not so much the accusation that bugs me, but more the deep distrust of fellow players that the overall concept of actually being able to x-realm has created. Clearly, its not an easy issue to solve, and for all I know, everything may be working as intended (or as close as possible) from a dev point of view.

I realize ChatGPT is FAR from the best source for ANY information, but I thought I'd have it take a whack at coming up with solutions to what I perceive as a x-realming problem. I'm both happy and frustrated by the fact that most (if not all) of the suggestions to help remedy the situation are already in place, or have already been tried.

Anyway, this is what one of today's leading machine learn-ed artificial intelligence systems suggested:
Addressing the issue of players switching between factions to exploit imbalances in your MMO's open battlegrounds can be challenging, but it's crucial for maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players. Here are several strategies you can consider implementing to solve this problem:

1. Faction Locking:
- Implement a faction-locking system that prevents players from switching factions too frequently or at critical moments during a battle. For example, you could limit faction changes to once every 24 hours or after a certain number of battles have taken place.

2. Faction Balance Mechanisms:
- Implement mechanisms to encourage players to join the underpopulated faction. This could include offering bonuses or rewards for playing on the less popular side, such as increased experience points, in-game currency, or unique cosmetic items.
- Adjust the gameplay mechanics to provide advantages to the underpopulated faction, such as stronger NPCs or defensive structures during battles.

3. Faction-Based Matchmaking:
- Introduce faction-based matchmaking to ensure that players are pitted against opponents of roughly equal faction strength, minimizing the impact of faction-switching on battle outcomes.

4. Penalize Frequent Faction Switching:
- Apply penalties for players who frequently switch factions. This could include temporary bans, reputation loss, or longer cooldown periods for joining battles on the winning side after a faction switch.

5. Faction Loyalty Rewards:
- Reward players for remaining loyal to their chosen faction over time. Offer special titles, cosmetic items, or in-game currency to players who stick with their chosen side for extended periods.

6. Community and Reporting Systems:
- Encourage the community to report suspected faction-switching exploits, and have a responsive team in place to investigate and take appropriate action against offenders.

7. Transparency and Communication:
- Be transparent with your player community about the steps you're taking to address faction-switching and maintain balance in the game. Open lines of communication can help build trust among players.

8. Monitor and Adjust:
- Continuously monitor player behavior and the balance of factions within your MMO. Make adjustments to your anti-switching measures as needed based on player feedback and data analysis.

9. Player Feedback:
- Actively seek feedback from your player base regarding faction-switching and balance issues. They may have valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

10. Incentivize Cooperation:
- Encourage faction loyalty and teamwork by emphasizing the importance of working together and fostering a sense of pride and identity within each faction.

Remember that finding the right balance between preventing faction-switching exploitation and maintaining a fun and engaging gaming experience can be a complex process. It's essential to listen to your player community, be open to making adjustments, and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your solutions. By taking a multi-faceted approach and addressing the issue from various angles, you can work towards resolving the problem of faction-switching and promoting a more enjoyable gaming environment for all your players.
Another delusional xrealm topic. I love to read all these so called solutions that is a big miss. Gratz my boy you are the 891239457223th person to come up with these.

1- The game already has faction lock.
2- There is a mechanism that encourage joining underdog faction. Its called AAO.
3- This been tried on sc's. No sc's were popping. Do you think RvR will be different.
4- You cant switch factions at will. You locked for time. Thats a penalty.
5 & 10- And punish the players who wants to play either side. There is no such thing as a realm loyalty. This is a game and people might enjoy greenskin choppa today then wants to play Ironbreaker tomorrow. Most of the player base playing on both sides. Its not because joining winning side but the reap the rewards from AAO. Only noobs care about winning zone where they earn almost nothing compared to farming people with AAO. Cities are changed so this is not a problem anymore.
6- Snitches get stitches.
7, 8 & 9 Devs are closed to player feedback they rather listen a few.

Posts: 31

Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#10 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:32 pm

The only tool that moves population is increased rewards.
(For those that are leveling/gearing)
For veterans in BiS nothing you can really do to influence what they desire to log.

Aao should probably be sharper, quicker ramp up, larger reward scaling, and last for entire lockout time for those who chose to log into AAO and fight.

Make it really tempting to log into AAO for anyone that needs something still.

The people that are max geared don't have the same level of issues as a new or low geared player that needs to get actual results to improve his experience.

As a low geared player logging the zerging side is the logical step, guaranteed rewards are better than risky aao playing where you are constantly on the backfoot.

The players that "count" are the organized ones, but the players that you can influence behavior of is the ones needing rewards.
If players are still logging unbalanced, the carrot just isn't good enough.

We've seen time and time again during various iterations of patches over the years that the population of the game is endlessly driven by what carrot is the tastiest.

When city was the carrot, city was pushed endlessly, when forts were carrot they were pushed the same. When zone flips gave massive rewards, well zones where flipping constantly.

The stick approach has been endlessly tried and it keeps failing.

When rings were introduced many were grinding like crazy, the playerbase is carrot driven.

For lowbies that means crests and rr, for vets whatever is a upgrade. If we can't have new sets and gear regularly, then the carrots are for the newbies and levelers.

Buff AAO and turn it into a hefty carrot, with longer lasting effects when you play.

Currently for many it is: Oh no, it's massive AAO, I don't want to get farmed, let's do SC's or log other side.

What you want is: Hey guys, there is massiv AAO, let's log quickly so we can get the massive boost for the next few hours in RvR.

There is also an alternative, 1% increased buff per 100% AAO, that stacks, increasing for each 5 or 10 minutes you play in AAO and decreasing for each 15 minutes you play with enemy having AAO. The buff being permanent.

Make hunting AAO be massively profitable, make the opposite be massively punishing.

You could even drop down the lockout timer then.

Reward all players that seek to play in AAO, punish those that stack one sided fights.

And aim for long term influencing player behaviors through better and better rewards for taking the harder fight.

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