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RoR Podcast Epi 24

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RoR Podcast Epi 24

Post#1 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:42 pm

On saturday the 2nd of dec Ill be hosting the next podcast at noon eastern 6pm server time. Topic of discussion will be diving into the recent live test of the new ability system an all feed back from that text. So gang this will be your chance to give air to your thoughts as always be respectful as I will be sending this over to the devs for them to watch. I have also reached out to the devs an invited them to be there so they can chat with you guys directly but no real word on that so no promisses but still would love to see a strong turn out for it so we can have loads of feed back to give the devs on the live test guys look to see you there.

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Posts: 123

Re: RoR Podcast Epi 24

Post#2 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:46 am

Today's Podcast will kick off at its normal time gang. I will be joined by stormrage an og of the community so I will be discussing the events of the test that was done this past week. Would love to here feed back from the community at large meaning peoples thought's on the changes good bad all of it as always I will post it up on youtube later an to the devs. Look to see you all there.

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Posts: 123

Re: RoR Podcast Epi 24

Post#3 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:48 pm

Heads up gang about to kick off the ror podcast epi 24 will be discussing the live test that was done so please feel free to come by an share your thoughts on it an way into the discussion tigerstormrage, karisannkelly an myself will all be in live comes possible other guests will join later if they have time will see there but want to here from the whole community on this one gang. Starting at noon eastern sharp.

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