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Xrealming has completely ruined this game

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Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#1 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 5:48 pm

For years and years people have been saying that this will happen, and they've been relentlessly mocked by the few who obviously dislike fair play as tinfoil wearing conspiracy theorists. We have eyes too, we see what's going on. It didn't bother me too much before, as it was just a minority, but i've grown disgusted by what i have been recently experienced...
Some guilds which i will not name, who were ardent believers in realm pride, and if i may be so bold carriers of Order identity due to their longevity and success on the server, have started to buy into the whole corrupt "if you can't beat them, join them" mentality. Swapping to the realm of Destruction when Order wasn't doing so well, and crippling the entire realm when it needed them most to support it... Abandoning their brothers in arms who've they spent years and years fighting side by side with. The first few times i've noticed it i thought that it was surely a coincidence... Then i've seen it happen more and more, with more and more guild who were the true bulwark of order swapping to "farm" their previous comrades. I felt so sickened by this cynicism and gear chasing that i've quit playing entirely, as did some of my friends. It's a game friends, it's meant to be fun, not just an empty gear grind... Who cares that the other realm gets their gear faster, or that their classes are stronger, it's about the journey, not the end. It's about the friends we make along the way...

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#2 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:05 pm

i 100% agree with you
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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#3 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:07 pm


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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#4 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:08 pm

i will quit playing too, this is not the game i loved anymore
Samson Biceps, famous egg.
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Posts: 258

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#5 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:14 pm

Ah, few of the well known haters of fair play here instantly to derail the thread. Have you ever wondered exactly why you're the most reviled guild on the server?
Please keep to the subject matter, i will not be answering obvious trolls anymore.

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#6 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:30 pm

We try our best, if the numbers are against us and nobody is working together on the evenings we play, we'll just log off. We're not playing to get wiped by the same zergs to just get tilted. It's not a fun or healthy experience for anyone.
Last edited by Scottx125 on Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#7 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:35 pm

Your supposition is that you should only be allowed to play half of the game for the reason of "fair and balanced'?

Well, dear friend, let me educate you on exactly why this is wrong! We had no x-realming on live for the longest time. What did it lead to? One side completely dominated the server as the other quit or re-rolled. There was then no RvR, just PvDoor! This was the situation on most servers. They were strange times, but Mythic was forced to allow x-realming after enough server merges occurred to where it was the only reasonable option.

Do people x-realm to the winning side? Probably, but you probably shouldn't care because those who do are typically of little impact in RvR besides being a body. Sorry if this offends anyone.

As a member of the 'most reviled guild on the server' that x-realms to the weaker side more often than not, I will say that x-realming is fantastic for the health of the game and I see it used mostly for good, perhaps less so lately, as certain guilds really seem to like to stack one side and avoid the gameplay of the game.

As you mentioned, it is a game. Why make a rule where you are only allowed to play half of the game? It's sheer nonsense. People have less fun on average and it's a (disproven) theoretical solution to a problem with a lot of answers! Games like this rely on Player-created Content. The game needs you to go out in the lakes and fight other people. Removing the ability to become an enemy or an ally to a force severely inhibits this system. There could be a multitude of in-game systems to encourage a more balanced atmosphere, rather than the basically pointless systems of Against All Odds and War-Torn Apathy that we currently have:

Increased power to the weaker side;
Supplemental NPCs;
Siege Guns;
Extra Granted Abilities;

All of these are more fun solutions, and almost assuredly better solutions than one that was more-or-less disproven during the Live version of the game.

So rather than being an XREALMING IS BAD Andy, I encourage you to see reason and then use your imagination for what could be good changes to the game to help the problem! Remember that it's Player-Created Content and people are fickle. They like easy roads and will avoid challenge unless it's fun!

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#8 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:44 pm

Okay, but who asked ?

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#9 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:54 pm

xrealming, got you. Following the well known topic order the next hot thread will be rampage again.

On a serious note, why you are bothered by the side someone goes to? On high enemy aao they get basically nothing for kills.
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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#10 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:09 pm

i totally agree with op. biggest problems of ror atm:

2-regen builds
3-ah taxes
4-nerfed buttons - now sequencer
6-rof stacking bws
Last edited by Haojin on Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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