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4 problems killing this server

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4 problems killing this server

Post#1 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:07 pm

This post was translated by artificial intelligence, so I apologize.

I want to ask the development team a question: what is your goal? If you want 100 players to remain on the server in the primetime exciting empty keeps and forts, then you do not need to change anything. If you want to see several servers with 3,500 players, then make an effort to do this. Start the system work.

1) Balance
2) Matchmaking
3) Bugs and exploits
4) New content and activity


The current balance is based on simple principles:
1) Destro > order
2) Stealth > no stealth
3) Mdps > rdps
4) defend for offensive

This leads to an outflow of players for the order and a decrease in the level of understanding of the game on the part of the destruction. It is enough to recall the massive crying from the players of destruction when the 1.4.8 magnet was returned to the game. Although there were also enough mistakes with this mechanic, but now the errors have been fixed, and the mechanics have been broken and not returned to the main tactics. Please keep math and gameplay in mind when making balance edits. Remember the principles of patch 1.4.8 and 1.4.9 beta
1) Destro = order
2) Stealth only for initiative
3) Mdps = rdps
4) defend for defend, offensive for offensive


Beginners leave the project after reaching level 40, so when they enter the event scenario, they are thrown against assembled and experienced groups. The longer you delay solving this issue, the fewer players are written to the scenes and the less room for maneuver for you. At the second stage, the capitals also need to be redone.

Bugs and exploits

The importance of this problem is clear to everyone. We players understand that the development team is small and you do not have enough specialists, but pay attention to this issue. Since critical errors directly affect the balance of the parties

New content and activity

Add new activities, new scenes. Consider improving textures and models using artificial intelligence. Give more opportunities to guilds to strengthen castles. You have come up with cool events with food and rings, add them on an ongoing basis. Let the ingredients for them fall in new dungeons, but are available for sale at auction.

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Posts: 1878

Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#2 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:33 pm

Just a quick note:

Throughout the life of the server much new and additional content has been introduced on a relatively steady basis. I have never had any complaint in this regard, and feel those involved have done well in adding varied material.

Matchmaking, yeah, that could be worth a look but at this point I don't what could reasonably be done.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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Posts: 999

Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#3 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:38 am

Martok wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:33 pm Just a quick note:

Throughout the life of the server much new and additional content has been introduced on a relatively steady basis. I have never had any complaint in this regard, and feel those involved have done well in adding varied material.

Matchmaking, yeah, that could be worth a look but at this point I don't what could reasonably be done.
Force 2/2/2 for first 6 on both sides for PUG matchmaking. Pro: balanced teams. Con: DPS classes probably will see less initial pops than types that are more in demand.

Make archtypes in queue known to your side and enemy side similar to ranked. people will know if no one is in queue or if someone just needs 1 more healer. often people quit queueing not knowing if there is no one in queue or if they just got unlucky.

Matchmaker looks for new match every 5 minutes, not every 1 minute, to give more time for people to queue up.

6 mans prioritized towards matching against other 6 mans above all else.

Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
Destro - Mostly Harmless
Tangler and alts - 8X IB, other 40s - RP, SM
Order - Most dishonorable

Posts: 632

Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#4 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:44 am

Detangler wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:38 am
Martok wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:33 pm Just a quick note:

Throughout the life of the server much new and additional content has been introduced on a relatively steady basis. I have never had any complaint in this regard, and feel those involved have done well in adding varied material.

Matchmaking, yeah, that could be worth a look but at this point I don't what could reasonably be done.
Force 2/2/2 for first 6 on both sides for PUG matchmaking. Pro: balanced teams. Con: DPS classes probably will see less initial pops than types that are more in demand.

Make archtypes in queue known to your side and enemy side similar to ranked. people will know if no one is in queue or if someone just needs 1 more healer. often people quit queueing not knowing if there is no one in queue or if they just got unlucky.

Matchmaker looks for new match every 5 minutes, not every 1 minute, to give more time for people to queue up.

6 mans prioritized towards matching against other 6 mans above all else.

Solo dps never gonna get any sc pop, this has been done twice before id did not work to low population.

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Posts: 999

Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#5 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:07 am

geezereur wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:44 am
Detangler wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:38 am
Martok wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:33 pm Just a quick note:

Throughout the life of the server much new and additional content has been introduced on a relatively steady basis. I have never had any complaint in this regard, and feel those involved have done well in adding varied material.

Matchmaking, yeah, that could be worth a look but at this point I don't what could reasonably be done.
Force 2/2/2 for first 6 on both sides for PUG matchmaking. Pro: balanced teams. Con: DPS classes probably will see less initial pops than types that are more in demand.

Make archtypes in queue known to your side and enemy side similar to ranked. people will know if no one is in queue or if someone just needs 1 more healer. often people quit queueing not knowing if there is no one in queue or if they just got unlucky.

Matchmaker looks for new match every 5 minutes, not every 1 minute, to give more time for people to queue up.

6 mans prioritized towards matching against other 6 mans above all else.

Solo dps never gonna get any sc pop, this has been done twice before id did not work to low population.
Explain how this suggestion doesn't help that situation, cause it sure seems to make sense to me.

Make archtypes in queue known to your side and enemy side similar to ranked. people will know if no one is in queue or if someone just needs 1 more healer. often people quit queueing not knowing if there is no one in queue or if they just got unlucky.

More info for people to choose what to queue up at low pop hours. Ranked had this - We had people in chat that were queuing and always saying something similar to "ranked match needs 1 healer" in /5. I didn't even do a ton of ranked play, but I always watched it play out in chat. :D People that just wanted scenario pops would sometimes swap if it meant getting a queue. This would help - at least in my mind.
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
Destro - Mostly Harmless
Tangler and alts - 8X IB, other 40s - RP, SM
Order - Most dishonorable

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Posts: 1878

Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#6 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:24 am

Detangler wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:38 amFIXED.

But are there enough people left on the server for any of that to matter?
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

Posts: 74

Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#7 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:35 am

Martok wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:24 am
Detangler wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:38 amFIXED.

But are there enough people left on the server for any of that to matter?
Right now no. But most of the people still playing are never going to quit permanently no matter what.

Like uhh hypothetically speaking of course, I bet you could release a so-called balance patch that would completely unbalance the game and even leave pve in a disabled state and the current playerbase wouldn't leave.

But every so often this game does get some crazy influx of players from some youtubers and these are the players who leave because of how F'd up everything is (especially for a new player) who may otherwise stick around and in time could see a much more healthier playerbase.

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Posts: 346

Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#8 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:21 am

juzziex wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:35 am
Martok wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:24 am
Detangler wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:38 amFIXED.

But are there enough people left on the server for any of that to matter?
Right now no. But most of the people still playing are never going to quit permanently no matter what.

Like uhh hypothetically speaking of course, I bet you could release a so-called balance patch that would completely unbalance the game and even leave pve in a disabled state and the current playerbase wouldn't leave.

But every so often this game does get some crazy influx of players from some youtubers and these are the players who leave because of how F'd up everything is (especially for a new player) who may otherwise stick around and in time could see a much more healthier playerbase.

Yeah, low population argument against matchmaking and balanced Scs is a bit Catch 22. But consistently balanced Scs would be major for player growth / retention imo.
Deadlakes (Marauder)
Shoreditch (Zealot)
Vhannos (Chosen)

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Posts: 10

Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#9 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 11:41 am

illumius wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:07 pm This post was translated by artificial intelligence, so I apologize.

I want to ask the development team a question: what is your goal? If you want 100 players to remain on the server in the primetime exciting empty keeps and forts, then you do not need to change anything. If you want to see several servers with 3,500 players, then make an effort to do this. Start the system work.

1) Balance
2) Matchmaking
3) Bugs and exploits
4) New content and activity


The current balance is based on simple principles:
1) Destro > order
2) Stealth > no stealth
3) Mdps > rdps
4) defend for offensive

This leads to an outflow of players for the order and a decrease in the level of understanding of the game on the part of the destruction. It is enough to recall the massive crying from the players of destruction when the 1.4.8 magnet was returned to the game. Although there were also enough mistakes with this mechanic, but now the errors have been fixed, and the mechanics have been broken and not returned to the main tactics. Please keep math and gameplay in mind when making balance edits. Remember the principles of patch 1.4.8 and 1.4.9 beta
1) Destro = order
2) Stealth only for initiative
3) Mdps = rdps
4) defend for defend, offensive for offensive


Beginners leave the project after reaching level 40, so when they enter the event scenario, they are thrown against assembled and experienced groups. The longer you delay solving this issue, the fewer players are written to the scenes and the less room for maneuver for you. At the second stage, the capitals also need to be redone.

Bugs and exploits

The importance of this problem is clear to everyone. We players understand that the development team is small and you do not have enough specialists, but pay attention to this issue. Since critical errors directly affect the balance of the parties

New content and activity

Add new activities, new scenes. Consider improving textures and models using artificial intelligence. Give more opportunities to guilds to strengthen castles. You have come up with cool events with food and rings, add them on an ongoing basis. Let the ingredients for them fall in new dungeons, but are available for sale at auction.
I need to admit that you are absolutely right. For the second time, I reached 40/50, and looks like this is the end. Playing in this game becomes frustrating.

On RvR totally disbalance and Destro domination, I find no fun to feed destro with free renown and constantly die in battle 2 wbs vs 4 or 5.
On scenarios - destro premades keep you in WC and 99% you will surrender. ( My thoughts are that premades MUST be banned from PUG scenarios, better wait longer but play than stay in WC and wait till surrender).

I faced these problems on official servers and we know what happened there many years ago. No order on RvR, no order at all. As a result - dead game.

End Times is coming ))) Soon this game will have only bugged PvE content that no one needs, and only destro on RvR and scenarios. And after that online will come lower and lower. Even now I could see that if in last year it was 1000 now we have 500...

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Re: 4 problems killing this server

Post#10 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:02 pm

I logged after while. Order were dominant so I went with my destro tons.
Current state of order now is absolute lack of will to fight in open areas even when numbers are equal. Order just camp at warcamps, defend forts and keeps. Thats it. Thats where they good at. Defensive up to passive play style.
Than they form 4 wbs ultra blob to storm the zone. Seriously. Its either ultrablob or passive wait at keep the whole time. Ye current state is because of orda player mentality.
Since gtdc nerf, mara nerf order combo of BW+ Slayer has upper hands, but its rarely used.
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Sun Tzu

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