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Next RoR Podcast

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Next RoR Podcast

Post#1 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:54 pm

The next RoR Podcast will be hosted by on the 16th of march. I have asked him to step in an take the reigns for me since I will be out this weekend do to having a procedure on my heart to have some test run that require them actually going into it among other things. Its suppose to be a simple operation which means I should be home by the very end of the day but its not without its risks mainly due to me having other health issues that make things much harder then it normally would be. So if things do not go as planned then I could very well be in there for some time honestly do not know anyway back to the podcast bit the show will go on with or without me as it was never ment to be focused on me it was about the community. So please gang help support karis to help it continue it will still be on saturdays at noon eastern 6pm server time. He will be reaching out an talking to people who want to be on the show or you can reach out an inquire either way if you have a topic you want to bring to the table then by all means do so. I will return once I am able to I may be on shortly after this is all done but I wont be to where I can handle alot as I will be recovering so please understand that one gang. Thank you again an see you on the battle field kill a few for me while I am gone.

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Re: Next RoR Podcast

Post#2 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:23 pm

Hope you get feeling better sir, thank you
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