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T1 Event May 10th-May13th

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T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#1 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:43 pm

Heads up gang for some time I have been working on an idea to try an help the NA side of the server to that end. I reached out to some streamers I know an have been working with there communities advertising the server an have put together an idea for an event that has gotten the blessing of the powers on high. So with that being said the weekend of may 10th- may 13th with twitch drops to boot as well as some streamers we will be doing a big t1 event all are encouraged to be there the start time I am aiming for at least for the streamers will start up around noon eastern 6pm server time an run from there the idea is to have fun showing off the game talking about the various aspect of the game an doing our best to attract new people into the game of course this will work even better with help from the community in the form of people being there so we can have a mad fun time with massive fights in t1.

Now while I want there to be fun for all I do not want to see it turn into people being jerks about or doing it with the intent to run people off the server we do not need that there has been to much of that already trust me your not doing the server any favors. So lets have fun lets encourage people to want to come join us an stay for the long hall shall we. So this is a MASSIVE CALL TO ARMS for both ORDER an DESTRUCTION come join the fun an remember at the end of the day its a game its suppose to be fun. I will be putting out flyers an other information shortly.

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Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#2 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:17 pm

sounds fun! Make sure to bump and remind.
-= Agony =-

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Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#3 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:57 pm

I will be I also have flyers to pass around. If you want the flyer dropped in your discord then dm via the ror discord an Ill go from there.

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Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#4 » Wed May 01, 2024 12:15 pm

Onlymelee, Onlyhealing, Onlyhater, Onlybacklash, Onlytank - Entropy and Chaos

"All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride."
The Antigone of Sophocles

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Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#5 » Sun May 05, 2024 1:08 pm

Would like to see a strong turn out for this gang to help support the server. Myself an the other streamers are going to do our best to bring in new people to help boost the na side of the server which is why I put this idea together. So I am asking for you guys to help me help the server that we all play on.

Posts: 18

Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#6 » Mon May 06, 2024 12:41 am

My guildies and I can certainly be on, Friday and Saturday nights particularly, to help however needed! Da Ardboyz :)

Posts: 162

Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#7 » Mon May 06, 2024 12:45 am

Don't farm them new players till they quit the game you ****.

Roll a tank or healer, go guard/heal a newbie for 1h, and help NA grow.

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Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#8 » Wed May 08, 2024 11:52 am

Hey gang while I want to thank all those who are prepping an looking forward to the t1 event. I also want to put out a request in general guys please oh please do not do what has been done in previous events do not go for farming the new guys that does not help the server if you do that it just drives people off. Your not helping the game on any level other then showing just how big of a jerk you can really be an its one of many things that is crippling this game. I am not talking about holding peoples hands but for the love of god give people a chance to enjoy the game an to have fun we want them to stay an spread the word to there friends to come play. We do not want them to get so annoyed that they go an pretty much tell people oh do not go play here its nothing but sweat lords who will farm you right off an do not give you a chance. That does not help the cause on any level so for once I am asking please think of something other then yourself.

The main goal for this weekend is to focus on bringing in numbers an to have lots of fun an show case the server. So far I have already been in the streams an communities of more then a few streamers helping people get the game installed an have heard back word of dozens more who have downloaded the game an who are looking forward to playing the game an trying it out with there friends this is what we want is for people to come join the RoR family an to stay with us long term to grow the server population.

I know there is going to be those who this request will fall on silent ears who wont listen but to those who do you have my thanks an let us look forward to trying to make this a truely great weekend an make it a success shall we.

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Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#9 » Thu May 09, 2024 7:03 pm

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Re: T1 Event May 10th-May13th

Post#10 » Mon May 13, 2024 7:34 am

Twitch Drops Extended

We hope you've been having a fantastic time with our Return to Warhammer Event this weekend! We're thrilled to announce that due to the event's great success, we are extending the Twitch Drops for an additional day!

The last day of Twitch Drops will last from 13th May 12:00 Server Time to 14th May 12:00 Server Time and it will be extended to ALL REGULAR ROR TWITCH CHANNELS as usual.

( Not on our Drops list? Send a DM and we can talk about getting you in ASAP! )

Day 4 - Twitch Drops Rewards:

- 100 [War Crests]
- 50 [Gold]
- 1 [Potion of Acclaim]

The Tier 1 - x2 Renown and x2 Crests Bonuses will last until May 13th 23:59 Server Time.

Need assistance on how Twitch Drops work for Return of Reckoning?
:idea: [How to Get Twitch Drops]


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