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2hand choppa/slayer rework - making them usefull

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Posts: 51

2hand choppa/slayer rework - making them usefull

Post#1 » Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:32 pm

Choppa/Slayer 2hand rework:

Both classes have solid spots in wb play as ae dps. Slayer applying more pressure with Inevitable Doom, choppa bringing more utility with Chopa fasta. I don’t want to talk about ID or GtdC. I want to talk about ST 2hand only. First of all, I listed all the changed I would make. Then I will explain my ideas behind these changes. I think both classes need a clear difference between ST for group play/ ST party in city fights and wb/ae play. Giant/Hitta should be the GO TO ST dps tree for sc, party, etc, while Skaven/Wrecka should stay as the ae tree for wb play.

First thoughts about left tree (Trollslayer/Savage):

Short Version: Devastate/Tired Already: are no longer Exhaustive Blows, no weapon restriction, 1st/5-point abilities in left tree > aka the debuff/utility path

Both classes have access to an incoming healdebuff. This is a must have. You always pick it.
The first ability from the left tree are very different. The choppa one (recovers 100 ap) is rather useless and only a pve option. The slayer one Rampage is discussed multiple times in the forum.
I would swap both abilities (Rampage and Keep On Choppin‘) with the 2nd abilities form middle tree (Devastate and Tired Already?) and change them to normal Skills instead of being Exhaustive Blows.
Additionally, remove their Great Weapon requirement. The left tree now is your utility/debuff path.

Changes to Giantslayer/Hitta:
Current Situation: Rage management is rather difficult. You need 20 Seconds to get full Rage. With Holding Grudge/Pent Up Rage you can use 3 Exhaustive Blows before entering the green zone again. After 3 Exhaustive Blows it takes 12 Seconds to regain 3 tactic stacks and even more time to regain Full Rage.
Both classes require weapon skill for Armor Penetration which limits your tactic choice. With rage tactic equipped 3/4 tactics slots are set.

Tactic Holding Grudge/Pent Up Rage: Lower the time to recover a stack from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.

New 1st/5-point ability for both classes:
NEW Rampage:
30 Action Points, 30s cooldown, requires Great Weapon
On activation you feel your blood boiling and gain 25 Rage. For the next 10 seconds you gain 20% additional armor penetration and a 20% higher chance to critically hit your enemy.

NEW 2nd/9-point abilities:
NEW ability 1st class/Rage Rush:
30 Action Points, 30s cooldown, requires Great Weapon
On activation you feel your blood boiling and gain 25 Rage. You want to destroy your target. For the next 3 seconds your movement speed is increased by 30%. Your next attack within 10 seconds will deal XX bonus damage.

NEW ability 2nd class/Stay Here:
30 Action Points, 30s cooldown, requires Great Weapon, 30ft range
You sweep your weapon to your target’s ankle dealing XXX damage and reducing their movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds.

Rage Rush can be used offensive to close distance or defensive to disengage/break line of sight. While boosting your burst capability. You are vulnerable to cc though. If you rush a range dps and the enemy tank knocks you down the attack failed.
Stay Here can only be used offensive. Dmg is applied instant and even if you get hit by cc your teammates still have the chance to catch the opponent. Offers better chance of catching the enemy but you don’t have the option of using it for your own rescue. It synergizes well with Charge.

With the changes to Trollslayer/Savage trees they are evolved to true utility/debuff path. No weapon limitations. Rune of Absorption/Furious Choppin’ gives nice damage with selfheal for solo or smallgroup play (3man, duo). Incoming healdebuff and first ability debuff are a nice addition to AE and ST build. They are necessary to increase pressure on your target. Either while bombing around it with AE or just focusing this single target.
Changes to Giant/Hitta:
Both skills (Rampage + Rage Rush/Stay Here) give you an instant rage boost. This improves your rage management and allows to take up the battle way faster. You can recover faster after your Exhaustive Blows failed (got blocked/parried/enemy popping defensive morale, etc). Instead of waiting fighting for 20 seconds till you can burst again.
Choppa and Slayer are very vulnerable to kiting and cc. Rage Rush and Stay Here offer a bit more mobility. But not to the point of Pounce/Mara Pull. They are great abilities to engage a fight. I don't care which of the classes gets which ability, or both the same.
New Rampage is nice to refill your rage during a fight and preparing your burst. But enemies can counter it. If you see the enemy slayer/choppa pop Rampage you know its time to cc them, pop your defensives, preheal etc.
With limitation to Great Weapon it can’t be abused to increase ae dps.
The pure numbers are just an evaluation. You can decrease the Rage points gained to 15 or 20, increase the cooldown to 40s or decrease the % gained to 10 or 15. You would need testing/gameplay to get the sweet spot right.
I feel like the basic concept would make 2hand slayer/choppa a great burst oriented st dps.


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