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Rune Priest / Zealot: Normalize the AP cost of Rune of Burning / Storm of Ravens

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Rune Priest / Zealot: Normalize the AP cost of Rune of Burning / Storm of Ravens

Post#1 » Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:19 am

Previous proposals:

By a developer: viewtopic.php?f=95&t=32270&p=364535&hil ... ns#p364535

The Issue

Disclaimer: I have used the online career builder when gathering information about other classes.

The 7 ranged magical classes are: Archmage, Bright Wizard, and Rune Priest for Order and Magus, Shaman, Sorcerer, and Zealot for Destruction. These 7 classes share an ability (with some differences) which can be summed up as the "6 second channelled single target damage" ability. For 6 seconds the player channels this skill and does continuous damage to their target until the ability ends by whatever means. For some classes this is a core ability while some have to spec for it. Some have secondary effects on the ability such as a snare but this comes with lower damage to compensate. The one thing that is mostly consistant across all 7 careers is the range (100ft), duration (6s) and AP cost (13 AP/second).

However, 3 of the classes listed have a higher AP drain on this ability than the norm. Those 3 classes are: Rune Priest, Magus and Zealot. Below is a table showing the AP cost of the abilities and any secondary effects. Mastery is included but not relevant to the discussion other than to show that other mastery abilities cost 13 AP/s.


The Magus's version costs 15 AP/second which is 2 AP/s higher than the norm. However, it's secondary ability restores a lot of action points to the Magus if the ability kills someone which offsets the slightly higher AP cost. Personally I'm not concerned about the Magus's version, as while some skills trade damage for snares this one trades some AP for a chance of more AP.

The Rune Priest's ability (Rune of Burning) and the Zealot's ability (Storm of Ravens) both cost 20 AP/s which is about 50% higher than the norm. These abilities do not have any special properties relating to AP regeneration and they are on classes already lacking in overall damage. The Zealot's ability comes with a snare but this is offset by the lower damage compared to the Rune priest's ability. Seeing as action points are not regenerated during the channel this leaves the Rune Priest and Zealot staved for AP on a class that has some high AP-costing skills, especially if trying to switch between healing and damage (group heal is 65 AP).

The Proposals

Magus: leave unchanged. The AP granted upon kill is a fair compromise for the extra 2 AP/s channel cost.

Rune Priest: Reduce the AP cost of Rune of Burning to 13 AP/s to bring it in line with the norm and help out with the AP management issues this career has when trying to DPS or be a hybrid.

Zealot: Reduce the AP cost of Storm of Ravens to 13 AP/s to bring it in line with the norm and help out with the AP management issues this career has when trying to DPS or be a hybrid.

Alternate Proposals?

Disclaimer: I do not agree with this.

An alternate solution is to increase the cost of the 5 other similar abilities to 20 AP/s, with the Magus one going higher than that to compensate for it granted AP on kill. I personally DO NOT agree this is the way to go as the 13 AP/s cost seems fair and viable for the 6 classes, where-as 20 AP/s will cause unneeded AP problems for more classes. These skills are not generally considered to be overperforming so making them all more difficult to cast seems counter-productive.

Other Issues?

I looked at comparing the costs of channelled AoE abilities between the classes but there is very little consistancy between damage, duration, AP cost, range, etc, so I have left it out of the discussion.

edits: formatting etc
Zomega: RR8x Zealot


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