Balancing SC's

Structured balance proposals should be posted here. Posts in this section will be taken into account during class balance reviews.
Posts: 24

Balancing SC's

Post#1 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:41 pm

Kinda raging at the amount of DPS speced healer classes such as sham that are taking roles as healers in the sc que but not doing a lick of healing. EX : every shaman and AM in the game. please!!! make scenario que balance code to account for the talent tree and RR points allocated . im tired and ALL OTHER PLAYERRS are tired of being demolished by opposing team due to lack of healing from healer classes because "i play how i want" . or atleast nerf them like the zelot and RP . theres no reason for a healer class to even have a dps tree that can out dps an actual dps class. make them more range support or melee support like the dok and WP . please consider the options... zelot seems pretty balanced, they have nice CC if they wanna go "dps" and can provide value to a team that way. and vice versa for dok and WP . so plaese !! balance AM and Sham so that theyre encouraged to heal and heal only! (or support) not just "im op as this so im going to do this and the team is going to suffer because i like to see numbers on my screen)".


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