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[Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#31 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:35 pm

Got your point Eiger, i'll try test it myself.
U gonna completly change the way a Sm can be played if u just convert all his damage to spir, i fear it a bit XD

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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#32 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:58 pm

peppex91 wrote:Got your point Eiger, i'll try test it myself.
U gonna completly change the way a Sm can be played if u just convert all his damage to spir, i fear it a bit XD

I fail to see how this will change the way SM will be played. Imho its rather unlogical that we have abilities that still rely on WS to do damage, whilst our gear is completely drained of it during the gear change patch. Its like basing a sorc's doombolt damage on the amount of str he/she has.

Posts: 90

Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#33 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:28 pm

My setup is mostly based on spir/corp dps discrimination, u can be sure the way I play will change if u make the SM spir only :P

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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#34 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:30 pm

Discrimination what? I dont get what you are saying mate, sorry.

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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#35 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:14 pm

Rebuke wrote:
peppex91 wrote:Got your point Eiger, i'll try test it myself.
U gonna completly change the way a Sm can be played if u just convert all his damage to spir, i fear it a bit XD

I fail to see how this will change the way SM will be played. Imho its rather unlogical that we have abilities that still rely on WS to do damage, whilst our gear is completely drained of it during the gear change patch. Its like basing a sorc's doombolt damage on the amount of str he/she has.
Unless you play a Khaine build, nothing will change at all in my opinion.

Right now, the only no-spirit dmg skills that I use (in a full Hoeth build) are QI and EF, and I'm not looking the dmg when I use them.

Another question now that it seems that we can talk a bit about the SM :P, I'm still not convinced about using the Khaine tree, I mean, Duelist SnB full str hits quite hard while you have enough defense. I'm playing that way, with the 3 dots tactics and I have around 650 str 6500hp and 0% chance to be crit. Dazzling strike crits for +700/800 quite often, if a healer ignores you due to the shield (sadly some healers are starting to dataunt me even when I'm not hitting them...) you can kill him quite fast. For me is the most solid build by far at the moment.
Kalla SM
Sniped Engi
Kallak RP

Speedyz Sh (resting)


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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#36 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:45 pm

The fact u use just QI and EF just for their effect is related to the nature of the damage (corp) that make them useless as mere dps tools, but with QI changed to spir i would gladly slot deep incision and use in my dps rotation (the extra snare effect is rarely useless).
I agree with Kalla, full hoeth is almost on par with khaine as dps while retaining a bit of group utility and surv skills; ED eat your AA (good portion of your dps), can be easily count (3 sec cast), got cd and it's the only worthwile active skill in that tree.
Need further test in T4 still, but atm i favor full hoeth too.

Sorry for my shitty eng, hope i elaborated better this time

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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#37 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:25 pm

Kallah wrote:
Rebuke wrote:
peppex91 wrote:Got your point Eiger, i'll try test it myself.
U gonna completly change the way a Sm can be played if u just convert all his damage to spir, i fear it a bit XD

I fail to see how this will change the way SM will be played. Imho its rather unlogical that we have abilities that still rely on WS to do damage, whilst our gear is completely drained of it during the gear change patch. Its like basing a sorc's doombolt damage on the amount of str he/she has.
Unless you play a Khaine build, nothing will change at all in my opinion.

Right now, the only no-spirit dmg skills that I use (in a full Hoeth build) are QI and EF, and I'm not looking the dmg when I use them.

Another question now that it seems that we can talk a bit about the SM :P, I'm still not convinced about using the Khaine tree, I mean, Duelist SnB full str hits quite hard while you have enough defense. I'm playing that way, with the 3 dots tactics and I have around 650 str 6500hp and 0% chance to be crit. Dazzling strike crits for +700/800 quite often, if a healer ignores you due to the shield (sadly some healers are starting to dataunt me even when I'm not hitting them...) you can kill him quite fast. For me is the most solid build by far at the moment.
I run a similar build though probably a little bit tankier since my dazzling strike tend to crit around 600 max (800 has happened but thats against unsupported pugs). Agreed that it is a solid build.

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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#38 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:31 pm

You play khaine if you want to maximise your burst potential. Hoeth is good for sustained damage, and is probably a better spec overall, but Khaine's burst is unrivaled.

Blurring shock on a spirit resist debuffed enemy, popping taunt and use ED = good times. AA isn't something SM's really focus on if you're going Khaine, given our low armor penetration/lack of an armor debuff/spirit type being our main dmg. Khaine is built around Ether Dance.
I get crits of 800-950, x 4/5 in less than 3 seconds + Blurring Shock procs = huge burst. The only class that can rival this burst for a tank is the DPS BO (but only on squishies)

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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#39 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:19 pm

Khaine spec also has the added benefit of higher natures blade proc values of about 40 more stats? AP drain is nice too.

2H tanks also draw a lot of attention from DPS, as long as your have over 7k HP and ~650 base spirit res you can shrug it all off if you have 2 half decent healers in your group all while guarding anything because you have over 50% parry w/ buff up.

The problem I have with whispering winds is if you don't have a group setup around it I feel like it is sort of a waste, would be an amazing skill on black orcs to counter slayers tho :^)
<Lords of the Locker Room> <Old School>

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Re: [Swordmaster] Builds, hints and tips.

Post#40 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:57 pm

I know this is about khaine but how does path of da brawler bo's burst compare to SM's? does SYG compensate for doing physical vs spirit dmg?

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