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Fixing da Enemy

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Fixing da Enemy

Post#1 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:19 pm

Hi there,
after playing for a while and grinding my last piece of devastator i am (as all of the healers i talked to) getting kind of frustrated from how the UI works.
The thing is that Enemy is only UI that works as long as proper HP pool displaying goes. HealGrid, Squered and even standard UI is bugged in that way. So its pretty much the only choice here. When you are running all together with your group it seems alright, but once ppl went out of range or die their part of the ui basically freeze at that moment and stay so until its selected again, which forces you cycle/click thru everyones portrait as part of your healing rotation, which feels really horible to do over and over and over again.

Maybe if somebody could posibly make it to autoselect all the other portraits at same time in background or something... Just every workaroud for such a crucial feature would be greatly appreciated.

Also if other healers could voice themselves or devs cloud spare few worlds on this topic (like if its something to be look at or its just the way it is)

Thanks, Jinxypie

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Re: Fixing da Enemy

Post#2 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:42 pm

I thought it's only my problem as I'm logging on a pretty old laptop at the moment, glad to hear I'm not alone with this.

Playing a shaman, it's bearable if I'm with a party of 6 and can spam group heal from time to time, but in a wb it's really hard to burst heal when necessary, and I can't keep hots constantly on everyone. Knowing who needs help is really crucial to surviving scenarios and with the ui bugging I can't even see who's in healing range.
Cyrulik, shammy 40/4x
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Re: Fixing da Enemy

Post#3 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:08 pm

I'm no expert but i think it might have something to do with the Unitframe packet data
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