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[Disciple of Khaine] Terrifying Aura

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: [Disciple of Khaine] Terrifying Aura

Post#41 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:01 pm

panakon1 wrote:I dont get it. Why do DoKs have more parry than WPs ? Considering that a WP can use sigmar's vision. They also have access to more deffensive tactics like Emperor's ward instead of that useless bathing in blood. I think its far to give both of them AOE detaunt when they go melee. It wont overpower them as it comes to other MPDS because they lack CC, debuffs , dps and a way to replenish AP .
Dual-wield gives 10% parry. A DoK can get 20% passively with just that and a tactic(one they will be using). After that, it's gear and renown.

WPs have to rely on Sigmar's Vision to match DoK's base parry, and Vision can be parried or blocked to negate its buff, the buff severed, which results in WPs have less parry a lot of the time. Add in DoKs debuffing it themselves, and WPs often have up to 20% less parry, when the two classes meet.

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Re: [Disciple of Khaine] Terrifying Aura

Post#42 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:03 pm

Renork wrote: You truly have to be horrifically bad to lose a 8v1. No excuse.
or you should be rr+90 vs rr70-80s pre hidden levels nerfs. Because believe it or not, back then 2-3 ppl could wipe a wb
Mostly harmless

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Re: [Disciple of Khaine] Terrifying Aura

Post#43 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:11 pm

Nameless wrote:
Renork wrote: You truly have to be horrifically bad to lose a 8v1. No excuse.
or you should be rr+90 vs rr70-80s pre hidden levels nerfs. Because believe it or not, back then 2-3 ppl could wipe a wb
Please don't quote just one portion of my post. We all know rr100 gave some classes ridiculous defense, but unless you're stuck in the past, you won't see that here. A DoK will never solo 8 people here. The end.

Posts: 411

Re: [Disciple of Khaine] Terrifying Aura

Post#44 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:22 pm

Renork wrote:
Nameless wrote:
Renork wrote: You truly have to be horrifically bad to lose a 8v1. No excuse.
or you should be rr+90 vs rr70-80s pre hidden levels nerfs. Because believe it or not, back then 2-3 ppl could wipe a wb
Please don't quote just one portion of my post. We all know rr100 gave some classes ridiculous defense, but unless you're stuck in the past, you won't see that here. A DoK will never solo 8 people here. The end.
Hey, now. DoKs maybe, but a WP? That AoE debuff made them unstoppable and god-like. I once solo'd fifty people on my WP, with that. Just hit it and take zero damage for hours on end, one-shotting people left and right.

This is a joke. Don't nobody go crazy, now.

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Re: [Disciple of Khaine] Terrifying Aura

Post#45 » Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:09 am

I remember Hallu, those were some epic fights we had. it took our guild a little while to get used to his Arsenal group .. And yes 1v1 DPS healers are all strong. and yet no one plays 6 DPS healers in a group, figure that.
I'm all for the DoK's getting a 2H AoE detaunt. it didn't help the WP much and it wont save the Melee DoK. S+B tank + AP drain is Win! + plus, I'm back to playing order so that many more easy kills.
I smash things on Bolimor (WP) :shock:
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Re: [Disciple of Khaine] Terrifying Aura

Post#46 » Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:30 am

ThePollie wrote: Add in DoKs debuffing it themselves, and WPs often have up to 20% less parry, when the two classes meet.
Funny how you mention how WP's ability based parry buff can be defended and then point out the buff can be shattered... then conveniently omit how DoK's parry reduction can be defended, and cleansed.

I really fail to see how a 10% increase in parry justifies a free AoE detaunt on WP. The application of 10% parry is much less broad as opposed to an AoE detaunt. If you instead suggested Sigmar's shield isn't as good as Devour Essence and WP needs something to balance it out I might agree with you.
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Re: [Disciple of Khaine] Terrifying Aura

Post#47 » Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:47 am

its absured that DoK can get a free 41% parry with no ws and just renown and gear/tactics

Honestly this whole 10% parry on DW needs to go remove it and the pointless stikethrough on 2h, it was an unnecessary and without it DW and 2h are balanced.

DW has faster aa and has an easier timer procing stuff and 2H has higher burst

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