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Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#1 » Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:14 pm

Okay so I have just started playing some other healers as I love my WP dearly, but being RR40 and having my dev set and multiple duelist sets with different enchants.... I had to move to something to play for some fun. I noticed that most RP's I talk to don't even realize that this class has a heal debuff and honestly it is a freaking awesome one. I am almost to it and I will be doing a lot more testing with this in the near future. But I do really think that even with toggle and near soft capped int, the damage isn't even really "decent" as most dps healers are around that minus an AM who can deal pretty solid damage and is realllllly good solo roaming.

I only ask this because RP are unique in that with just one button they can take all their healing powers and go straight into DPS mode if they need to, and it is quite a bit of fun. I think that if their heal debuff and toggle are used correctly this class can do some things that people haven't seen it do in a while.

I know that no balance changes are going to happen until T4 but would people be very opposed to their DPS getting a little more love? It's not like AM's who have to pretty much give up healing and their sanity in most cases as they are so hated throughout the server. It's not like a RP has to go full dps all the time, if the party needs more heals, it takes the toggle off, if it needs more dps it throws the toggle on. But up to level 25 so far, my DPS is like... SUUUUPER low. Now I'm sure it will improve as I level up obviously, but from what I can tell everyone is like noooooo don't dooooo it. But they don't realize that RP has one of the best heal debuffs in the game, similar to a DoK's heal debuff. I mean it is there to mirror the DoK's heal debuff yet it is never used. So you usually only hear about the SW's heal debuff. I don't even think it would take that big of a boost honestly, maybe just 10-15% increased damage and it could totally be viable in a group. Especially if they group is getting hammered, they just toggle back and heal like a champion. The thing I like however is they don't necessarily do both at the same time (kinda OP if it did) so....

Would the guys on the forums vote towards this to maybe get some more RP in the SC/RvR pool? Sure there are several, but it'd be a kinda cool meta. RP gets in, says do you guys want damage or heals? If there are some solid healers, maybe they just have 1 healer and use his as backup while he gets his HD going on. I know it could add a killer HD to warbands, especially in tighter areas granted that most of their AOE is fairly close range but it just seems like such a cool concept if you could ever get the damage to be just a litttttttle higher. I mean even with divine fury on its really not that good of damage.

Let me know!


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Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#2 » Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:59 pm

What would happen if the granted ability from the oath rune the RP cast on himself had a reduced CD of 10 seconds and became part of their DPS rotation?

Posts: 11

Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#3 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:41 am

Nooooooo don't doooooo it.

But back on topic, I don't see much use for Rune of Nullification in the same way you do. While I would love to see a Runepriest jumping into the destro horde and heal debuffing them all in a blaze of glory he or she would probably just end up very dead; Runepriests have robes, and Grimnir's shield is on a 3m cooldown. If you wanted to do it this way you would need a dedicated tank, dedicated healer, and a BW or slayer to take advantage of the aoe Hdebuff.

Now you could potentially use Runic Blasting to increase the chance of a ranged, single target Hdebuff, but you'd be better off working with a SW or BW.

As for the dps increase you would have to be careful about much of an increase due to Efficient Runecarving, you'll also potentially be increasing heals. Runepriests already have amazing utility, and a well played RP is nigh-unkillable, a big dps increase could be bad for balance.

All that being said I have no clue what kind of numbers you're talking about here. If you're going full-on dps mode and can't bring something to less than 90% then sure, boost might be in order. If you aren't doing as much damage as an actual dps class then roll a dps class, silly.

Posts: 835

Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#4 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:21 am

Oh no no no, I didn't mean for it to be dropping mega bombs of damage or anything. I really just meant for it to do comparable damage to other crosses. I 10000000% am gonna see what the heal debuff is capable of.

I know a damage increase would make its solo RvR potential go up, but I mean if we based all changes on solo RvR then there is no way an AM would have ever been born lol. I really just meant for when you toggle DPS on, would a little more umph be a bad thing?

There healing is amazing, that is for certain. I don't think in a million years anything should ever affect that. but maybe a little more on rune of fire, little more on their primary dots, or maybe just a little 10% increase in damage when you use your toggle. Not talking about a lot here. Just enough for if the situation called for it, that it could be there. I by no means think a RP should should be a "threat" but more of a... "Oh... his hands are glowing, he can actually hurt me if I'm not careful" type of thing. Seeing how the toggle isn't a direct depression of heals, you can still throw out some good numbers so again, not talking anything crazy here.

Take a big BW/Sorc crit... around 1600-2k? SW fester crits used to be stupid high... but maybe 2k ish now? I'm not saying this class should nuke people. But AM dps has a place sometimes. Hell even a DPS WP can have a place for the prayer adding 350 damage at a 20% proc rate. In my mind I see this heal debuff as the best keep defense type of move. BW up top blasting away, you AOE the door and put some serious pressure on those healesr to keep them up. They go into that "freak out healer mode" several other members sneak behind and swipe swipe swipe.

It definitely doesn't fit the whole MOAR DEEPS mentality of WP in the back, BW's in the back, Knight's up front and some random slayers and whatnot in the mix with the occasional WL who pounces too far and gets vaporized. But yeah, nothing til t4 of course. But does anyone else who plays RP think a tiny little bit of increase on their base damage would be a bad thing? Obviously not their lifetap skill as that affects healing. But for their pure DPS skills?

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Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#5 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:21 am

Dpswise rune priest is not in bad shape.

But in T3 it is hard to get all the tools you need due to limited mastery points / tactic slots.

The heal debuff in Grungi alone is great, and the toggle gives great utility. The 50% detaunt tactic, and rune of battle are also very good.

Maybe the only thing that could be adjusted is the fact that we don't have a good elemental debuff to help our dps.

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Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#6 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:33 am

Solo RP is T4. It could be on par with DPS AM, but like Karast said, it could do with a resist debuff to be strong. Also needs key tactics and skills.; ... 2:3862:0:0:

Warband wise, you can use one, in t4, as you need healdebuff + rune of battle, and get crazy high crit chance.You also need a lot of damage behind it to make it work. It also isn't needed vs pug, only vs guilds, but there aren't many guilds in this game to go 24v24 with.
Crimson did this, but would only take one if they had full setup.(i.e 3 parties of dps with the 4th with dps rp)

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Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#7 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:48 am

Runey is the mirror career of Zealot, am I right? Now, I don't know of runeys, but I witnessed with my own eyes a Zealot performing 309k damage in sc and 9 dbs. So, try it out, you never know.

Posts: 835

Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#8 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:06 pm

Yeah I'm going to max it out as soon as I can. Mostly just doing RvR to get the feel for it. Working my way into T3 now keeping the renown up as I go. I have a few destro guys who said they'd duel with me to help me work on rotations and stuff, but I assume in RvR roaming it is a beast.

But yeah, I really don't wanna do numbers that blow people away, but more or less make someone have to pay attention to me, the heal debuff sort of being what makes my "meh" damage be much better or more effective. I think it isn't played as much because it is a higher skill cap then most Runie setups (not to take away from them or say they are easy) Especially when to know to toggle and so forth. But I'll keep trying it.

Posts: 835

Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#9 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:18 pm

Okay so tried out the heal debuff and it is decent. It isn't very easy to get much magic crit now but I am working on getting the pvp set as well but I did get one aoe heal debuff and it worked out pretty well. The main problem again, even using divine fury I just can't get decent numbers to come out.

I specced into the middle tree to get the 6 second channel. I was bolstered in T3 pvp and the tooltip read near 2700 damage in 6 seconds after int was soft capped with toggle. However during its use, it was usually disrupted, and did nothing remotely close to that damage. I'd say on avg it was hitting for like 700-900 damage in the total six seconds. I know elemental resists are on literally everything, but it was kinda fishy. I was attempting to use the AP drain and divine fury just to see what it could do, and still fell pretty far short.

But I'll keep the grind going. Slowly working on duelist and dev sets to see what works out the best, and I may have to go for the channel for any potential burst damage at all seeing how my AOE's are REALLY only for keep defenses at best and the RP is pretty squishy as it should be.

If anyone else has anything I can try id be more than happy to give it a go. The tooltip damage looked amazing on that channel and if it did do anywhere near the damage it said it did, with the 15 second DOT draining AP, and even by AOE close range DOT going, it could be pretty awesome, but it falls short. I assume it is probably a tooltip error as no one should be soaking up 60-80% of my damage unless they are soft capped with toughness and resists and it can't be that in my 10 SC's nearly every person was haha.

Still have a week or so until that T4 announcement of when it is being released or maybe even is released to get some more data so alllllllllllll suggestions are much appreciated. Hell even if I could get it to do that insanely high AOE damage that Zealots can do on some Praag matches I would be all over it. But the search continues!

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Re: Runepriest DPS (could it use a little love?)

Post#10 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:28 pm

not to rain on your parade but i hardly doubt thats what the announcement will be, more likely gundabad and other pve stuff

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