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Changelog 02/11/16

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Posts: 1725

Re: Changelog 02/11/16

Post#41 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:59 pm

dur3al wrote:Most of the times the attackers chain lock BOs when going for keep
Let me try to understand what you just wrote, attackers chain lock bos, alright, everything fine till now, there is still the fact that you somehow let them do so but lets accept for a second that they did, next part is:
dur3al wrote:so the BO is from his realm, so what now?
What? Attackers got the bos but the bos are now from the guy defending? Or what the hell are you saying here? And again, you can go and ambush people towing siege so this doesnt happen, there is your what now.
dur3al wrote:That could also easily happen outside a funnel, on courtyard for example, since usually you will certainly be around people after past the funnel position, so that also makes no sense. If fights remain around the keep for the zone reward, the problem will remain the same.
First, you keep saying that the only way to get rewards is to be around the keep but i really ask myself if you are going to Orvr at all after the patches, i literally never got anywhere near a keep for the last days and still got all the rewards from them including being included in the loot rolls from bags. So seems like the problem you mention doesnt exist anywhere outside your mind.

Also, if you are letting the enemy siege you outside an enclosed zone like a keep, its your fault and no one else.
dur3al wrote:That could also happen for the defenders too, then what's the point? Since usually at inner you're guaranteed to be around other people - read Morfee's post for reference.

Cannons are simply not fun and stupid greifing tools, and I'm sure everyone agree that if mechanic-wise the game was better, we wouldn't even need them... and an interesting fix is to not make everything about the keep as I lengthily suggested previously.
This is just your opinion while you try to adress as much "bad words" like grefing, stupid and so on while trying to tell everyone you told us already, which you probably didnt. Try to go to Orvr and roam around a bit, the changes were pretty great for it.

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Re: Changelog 02/11/16

Post#42 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:51 pm

bloodi wrote:[...]stupid and so on while trying to tell everyone you told us already, which you probably didnt.
Sorry you make absolute no sense, also you fail to understand every single point I'm trying to make.
So for now on I just think you're a troll, or eng is not your first language and you can't make sense of anything's being said, I'm done arguing with you.
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Posts: 1725

Re: Changelog 02/11/16

Post#43 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:00 pm

dur3al wrote:Sorry you make absolute no sense, also you fail to understand every single point I'm trying to make.
So for now on I just think you're a troll, or eng is not your first language and you can't make sense of anything's being said, I'm done arguing with you.
Yeah you being wrong is out of the question here, have fun mate.

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