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Exp x3

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Exp x3

Post#1 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:33 pm

Hello i want to know if theres any possibility about getting that x3 in t1 and t2. People can play these tiers if they want anyway, but i think is not necessary to be stucked in previous tiers. What do you think?

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Re: Exp x3

Post#2 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:48 pm

Oh the exp gain is most likely to be removed once t2/3 get reworked.

Posts: 394

Re: Exp x3

Post#3 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:00 am

oh yes reworked , it's taking over 1hour and half to let a t2 keep ready to ram deployment.

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Re: Exp x3

Post#4 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:31 am

Maybe introduce what other private servers have and add an option to increase your xp, instead of it being mandatory. Some servers have a .xp # function that increases your xp gain by the number you put in, to a max of course. You can add that to both t2 and t3 and then remove that function for t1 and t4 players. Players that want to stay in t2 and t3 longer can do so without being forced to gain more xp than they want.
Agrot 35/40 Aggychopp 32/40
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Re: Exp x3

Post#5 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:32 am

magter3001 wrote:Maybe introduce what other private servers have and add an option to increase your xp, instead of it being mandatory. Some servers have a .xp # function that increases your xp gain by the number you put in, to a max of course. You can add that to both t2 and t3 and then remove that function for t1 and t4 players. Players that want to stay in t2 and t3 longer can do so without being forced to gain more xp than they want.
I'd love to see this for all tiers 1-3. I'm currently living in Australia (albeit only until the end of this week when I head back to the freezing cold UK...) and tried rolling a new character at about 6pm Aus time last night - after half an hour of waiting for a scenario pop in T1 and only seeing 1 kill pop up on the enemy addon kill tracker in T1 emp I gave it up.

(I then logged onto my t4 slayer and had less than 5 mins between sc pops- so there is definitely action for Oceanic players).

I appreciate this is a pretty niche experience but slogging through t1 and t2 to t3's current triple xp would be pretty demoralizing for anyone living in funky timezones who've just discovered RoR. A toggleable xp boost would be great to see for:

- Allow totally new players to try a variety of classes to a reasonable level
- Helping WAR vets ease back into the game
- Maintain interest and ensuring T4 population grows/doesn't wane

I'm sure 90% of us would much rather level through an active rvr scene and not face entering T4 with a garbage renown rank; but in the current climate if you could grind a bit of xp during dead periods then turn off the xp boost when there's sc's popping/orvr taking place it'd help a lot.

On a similar topic, an inf/rr boost in t2/t3 orvr would be a nice carrot to encourage some more action :mrgreen:
Moz - Slayer - 40/7X
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Posts: 146

Re: Exp x3

Post#6 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:01 pm

Yes i agree because for the moment the only option i see viable is power leveling. Some boost for lower tiers in all aspects (exp/inf/rp) would be logical.

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