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Patchnotes 15/12/16

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Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#141 » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:00 pm

Dabbart wrote:@dur3al Well I still disagree with your breakdown of why ONLY MDPS can use detaunts, for the reasoning I already put. But that brings up an interesting point. Guard doesn't stack with detaunt, can't test anymore, but did detaunt have any effect on WP/DoK while under a guard?
Dabbart wrote:You're theory crafting particular situations to fit your arguement. Then insulting peoples ability and intelligence. That's what I'm reading anyways.
Fine mate, lets then pick the situation where the melee dps is unguarded as the main example for balancing (where he will die within 3 globals anyway), or when a player (melee DoK in this case) picks the wrong target, and lets use those situations to dictate what is, what isn't ,a counter for that specific class.
While at it, lets go ahead and determine balance for the situations where players do not use their skills when they should. Perfect. Great balance we will achieve, much awesome such wow.
I'm done with this topic since you're just picking on something I said for the sake of arguing, all the while not really debunking my point that its an unreal & ineffective as a proper counter measure. By all means, keep detaunting a healer if you want though.

Azarael wrote:Now we're getting into the tail wagging the dog.

All I read here is: thanks for all the free work you did resurrecting the game. We'll be nice to you if and when we feel like it, and you'd better be grateful for that, but you'd better not think you have any right to do what you want with the game, because it's about what we want and what we will tolerate, and our bars are set very low.

Absolutely vile. DoK/WP playing to concept is the price I ask, and I am not so much of a doormat that I will disregard all the time spent working on this project and allow that to be blocked by people who do not, in fact, work on the project, because muh nostalgia.

Really, I can't emphasise it enough. Vile. You benefit from free work. Why on earth do you think I'm going to have even the smallest of my actions constrained by traditionalism for traditionalism's sake? Get over it. I'll accept criticism for causing imbalance but I will not for one second accept being criticised simply for the act of having made a change. This project made it clear a while back that the aim is to make progress, not to allow you and yours to allow traditionalism and nostalgia to block everything you don't like.

You can save your responses as well, because I'm setting out how things are, and I'm sure as hell not interested in wasting any more of my breath against "muh nostalgia".
I'd like to give my 2 cents also on what Zumos/roadkill and Aza argument.

First of all, I think all of us players are grateful with all the efforts done by the staff to keep this server running. Because we enjoy playing this game. As it was pointed out a lot of times, we are not allowed to donate money to some-how help you guys, but I'm sure if we could, a lot of people would do it to support the project. With that being said, what we can effectively do to help is to actively report bugs when we find them and besides that, we can't do anything else besides play the game & try to be friendly and welcoming to the community in order to help it grow. Reminding us all the time how much effort is being done by the development team vs of the community seems to not be good to anyone as we all understand this, even if you believe some people don't.

Now comes the part where some confusion happens: When I first heard about Return of Reckoning, I was very happy since I did enjoy the game very much, but my first general impression I had, was that this project was intended to be what it says in the title, Return of Reckoning, as in Mythic Age of Reckoning which most of us in this community played.

Second big confusion comes when we're told that this is an Alpha server, and I'll quote from the
What you accept about this project before you start playing. thread:
Azarael wrote:2. This project is in its alpha stage, and alpha means bugs.

Alpha is not an "excuse". Alpha means Alpha. It means the server is not feature complete. It means you accept that bugs can and will occur. It means that you treat all things as being in flux, and nothing as permanent. It means that you understand and accept the possibility that progress on the server may be reset.
Reading this, I understand that I expect an incomplete game, with bugs, and that is fine, but nowhere in this makes us read that the game might be changed and take other directions of what we believe is the purpose of this project, which is to be a Return of Reckoning.

Now there is a new added point which reads:
Azarael wrote:4. The developers have the right to change anything they so choose, mechanically speaking, and to bear the consequences, in terms of player gain or loss, of bad decisions.

We are not Mythic. This isn't Age of Reckoning. We have the right to change anything related to the mechanics of the game. Anything.

Read that again. We have the right to change any mechanics, should we so wish. Will that always be a good idea? No. Will it always work out for the best? No. Will it sometimes work out for the best? Yes. Do we eventually hope that all our changes will be improvements from Mythic's state? Yes.
This is even furthering confusion, for example:

We understand the balancing of x or y class, we're glad things can be changed which were obviously broken in the live versions of the server. But having the WP/DoK changes in mind, they weren't with the balancing the class as main target in mind, they were brought mostly due to what the development team thought was a design mistake from the original game, and that the class should have a different role, and arguments were used such as lore and other several reasons. As Zumos explained, players never really bothered as much with the lore discrepancies, they just are happy and used to play the class for years and will take any such drastic change as negative.

This is what causes the most confusion because now can we really expect Return of Reckoning, or Not-Return of Reckoning?
How far are the changes in the design from the original game going to go? Out the top of my head if you followed the lore I guess Archmages should be as a strong damage dealer as any other sorcerers type in the game. Chaos shouldn't be allied with Greenskins because from the lore perspective, they simply can't. Can we expect live Reckoning version of Land of the Dead with all its items and item procs in the future? Or all of that will be re-designed? The bottom line is: How far are the changes going to go? You can't just change as you go along without a proper plan/direction that is agreed and shared with the player base in my opinion. In a new game you could do this without any problem, but here we players were expecting something like Return of Reckoning as the huge title says, but now not really?

Keep in mind, nowhere I'm saying you shouldn't or should do this or that, or that you should listen to the players before doing this or that, this is your project and you can do whatever you want, I'm not discussing this. But it wasn't told us beforehand at all that such things would occur, because then why would you use the title of a game if you're going to overhaul it?
If this was a complete new game from scratch we wouldn't mind at all, but for a lot of us the Mythic version was considered the final product, even with all its flaws, and that the majority of us enjoyed playing it, even with all its drawbacks - and with some small tweaks here and there would do the job regarding balancing, oRvR and even PvE to have an even better Reckoning.

My final thoughts is that this is lacking transparency and communication on what is the direction this project will take beforehand.
It should be stated that we (as players) will not have the same game as Mythic one (once this Alpha phase is out). That the intention is to take x, y, and z direction, and fundamentally change a, b & c. We are using Mythic's Return of Reckoning as a sort-of foundation for a new game.

Now a lot of players will feel like they've been cheated, where while we agreed with an Alpha phase with a lot of bugs, we would have the same game (or something very similar) that it was enjoyed from Mythic. But as things went along, sudden changes were done and all time and effort by players for that particular gameplay they wanted will not happen.

Basing your arguments on what Mythic intended to do and didn't do, or what developers intended at that time, or how effective or noneffective they were implementing stuff is all null. We must base how you envision this new game with what we had as a game, which was Age of Reckoning at its final stage.
This is the sort of thing we're no longer entertaining.

- wargrimnir
Last edited by dur3al on Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:18 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#142 » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:01 pm

roadkillrobin wrote:
wargrimnir wrote:Sham/AM are intended to be lifetap healers primarily, and they were addressed. Rp/Zeal are intended to be backline healers with a DPS toggle, which largely functioned as expected on WAR.
This is simply not true. It might be RoR gaols. But deffintly not what Mythic had in mind when they designed the game. Shaman had 1 Lifetap skill at launch (Bleed for Me) until it was changed in the 1.3 patch
They were not very successful with their implementation but it is definitely what Mythic had in mind when they designed the game: ... be&t=1m55s

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Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#143 » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:28 pm

if devs couldn't make changes because of worrying about losing players
It would be same mistake as AoR

i understand the frustrations of losing beloved main character and playstyle
but unhappy players threat to quit shouldn't affect the balance changes

there are other good ways to alter balance changes
SM8, SW8, AM8, WL7, KoBS5, BW6, WP8, WH7, IB7, Eng5, RP5, SL6
BG8, Sorc8, DoK8, WE7, Chs8, Mg8, Ze7, Mara8, BO6, SH7, Shm6, Chop4
SC summary - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20415
( last update : 2020.06.09)

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Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#144 » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:37 pm

Reminding us all the time how much effort is being done by the development team vs of the community seems to not be good to anyone as we all understand this, even if you believe some people don't.
Yet it seems a lot of players need to be reminded this as they either have not yet heard and and are complaining in a really ungrateful manner or they simply dont care and post like it either way.

I can see where you are coming from with that, but it does not mean we should change our attitude on that matter. Also the vision of RoR is to make AoR the best it could have been with the potential the game had/has, to me when I joined that was pretty clear from day 1.

EITHER way, this is a patch note topic, lets keep it about the patch and follow the rules, alright?

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Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#145 » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:50 pm

Natherul wrote:@dur3al
Reminding us all the time how much effort is being done by the development team vs of the community seems to not be good to anyone as we all understand this, even if you believe some people don't.
Yet it seems a lot of players need to be reminded this as they either have not yet heard and and are complaining in a really ungrateful manner or they simply dont care and post like it either way.
Well, in one hand those players are retards (sorry for the term) and secondly you kind-of need them to play the game (more people, more testers, healthier community), isn't it much easier to ignore them? Its kind of what I said about enforcing every single rule in another thread too.. for me it seems like a huge waste of energy and effort to try make people see sense. Just ignore them, that's my suggestion. Same can be said about some of the balancing suggestions :roll:
Natherul wrote:I can see where you are coming from with that, but it does not mean we should change our attitude on that matter. Also the vision of RoR is to make AoR the best it could have been with the potential the game had/has, to me when I joined that was pretty clear from day 1.
Yes but that's debatable isn't it? What is best for you maybe is not best for me? Even as all the while you hold the power to go along what you think its best, if you're not clear with the direction you plan to take - you'll always have an unhealthy relationship with your player-base, and you also need them after all this is still a game isn't it?

Being honest here, even though I don't generally care so much for the changes by themselves, when I started playing this I honestly did not know we would had such drastic changes in comparison with the live version, and changes that are what you guys think was a mistake done by the original developers of this game. I think everyone in a common sense scale can go along with some changes, but what is planned for the future? How about tovl stuff? City sieges and many other to-come features. Regarding balance, I've read from Azarael is that Chosens/Knights of the Blazing Sun are also into the pipeline for some big changes too, perhaps this should be more advised beforehand for the community to avoid such reactions and stress - and waste of energy because of it.
Same as above. Moderated at the same time.

- wargrimnir
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Posts: 445

Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#146 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:55 am

I like change.

What I don't like is how every DPS WP/DoK is now essentially crippled, and will remain so until experimental mode returns with the launcher, or some other update in the future.

Particularly when one does not have a single piece of healing gear, having a mixture of ruin and mercenary.

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Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#147 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:16 am

In regards to melee healing, there are several other games where classes like this are played extensively. WAR was pitched with the concept of a melee healer, and failed spectacularly in presentation to the point the meta WP/DoK was a powerful armored backline super-healer. Without WP/DoK being a melee healer, we have no offering to the types of players who enjoy this playstyle. It also violates the core promise of the class archetype that WAR failed to uphold.
Acording to RoR team it's ok to use the: "how Mythic intended the classes to be here"

Sham/AM are intended to be lifetap healers primarily, and they were addressed. Rp/Zeal are intended to be backline healers with a DPS toggle, which largely functioned as expected on WAR.
Here it was also claimed by the RoR team how "Mythic intended it to be" But I provided proof that it was purly an aftertought.

This argument just ins't consistant. If you wanna make em melee healers then sure do that. But use your real motivation for it. That it's the way YOU want it to be played. Don't blame Mythic for failing to deliver it to you. It's a gaming company with around 15+years of experience when WAR released. Don't you think they could switch some numbers around? They designed and built the entire game you're using as a platform. There's moast likley ballancing reasons aswell as don't wanting to dissencourage the players who like playing backline healers who allready invested time into the class. And thats what i've been trying to say all the time.

Anyway. I'm not gonna be active on these forums anymore. When you're now getting moderated with the argument that GM's feels: "it's tiresome" and moderation on what i'm personally allowed to critiuqe then. Yeah I have no words for it tbh. Tought controll, opinion management, maybe.
Post not about the patch itself, keep it about the patch guys or post in another thread. -Natherul

Posts: 2840

Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#148 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:31 am

There were no books at the beginning, iirc mythic poorly implemented them (yes, RF regen bound to the rarity is very poor game design) after people complained that they can't "backline-healbot" with the class; afaik during the alpha mythic even made shields available to WPs, which has probably been changeled because too OP.

Posts: 146

Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#149 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 5:36 pm

If you cant modify certain aspects of DoK and WP for the moment so make them useless. I prefer not seeing immortal melee DoKs than being **** in every sc by that melee trains. Tha day you can balance them will be a nice day, but for the moment that class destroy scs, so not sense to allow them do that.
If you have a balance issue, take it to the balance forums.

- wargrimnir

Posts: 1295

Re: Patchnotes 15/12/16

Post#150 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:18 pm

Please, could someone link the thread where explain the actual status for Dok/WP, i´ve found some ones explaining different changes but i can´t find a compilation of actual status of Dok.
I´ve noticed some changes from the live DoK (from the begining of war) but i know that classes changed after i left i dont know what DoK im playing (still level 20)....its a experimental mode (with some sort of changes...) or the final version of DoK in ROR...

Thanks in advance.

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