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Why is Annihilator so Meh?

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Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#11 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:50 pm

Martok wrote: I also like donuts.
Love me some donuts.

Gonna make a 4th set for the current level of T4, must incorporate donuts somehow.

Don't forget, there's also RvR jewelry sets from the various bags. Torque made them as punishments for hoping you get a bag.
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Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#12 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:13 pm

It seems they were going for equivalent but different to support various builds/playstyles.

Want super tanky tank? Use Ruin?
Want balls to the wall DPS 2h tank? Use Merc.
Want a balance of both? Use Anni.

The main thing I don't like about the PVP sets is it's a slight discouragement towards playing together. DPS wants to do sc all the time to get their best gear, but healers want to do rvr all the time for more healing oriented sets. So a group of players who started the game together, made their way to 40, did epic quests and lair bosses together suddenly are kind of forced to play apart to get their next logical set.

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Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#13 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:15 pm

wargrimnir wrote:
Martok wrote: I also like donuts.
Love me some donuts.

Gonna make a 4th set for the current level of T4, must incorporate donuts somehow.

Don't forget, there's also RvR jewelry sets from the various bags. Torque made them as punishments for hoping you get a bag.
Yeah, the Genesis set is well crafted, I think. Currently I have two pieces, but the third is proving hard to come by. However when combined with certain items from either the Tomb Unlocks and/or the Imperious Warrent tokens, even one can be quite beneficial.

I see rank 40 players all the time running around with green jewelry items and have to wonder why. I mean no insult at all, but I suppose some players are not yet aware of the Tomb Unlock items which can be had for nothing more than an investment of time.
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Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#14 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:33 pm

Martok wrote: I see rank 40 players all the time running around with green jewelry items and have to wonder why. I mean no insult at all, but I suppose some players are not yet aware of the Tomb Unlock items which can be had for nothing more than an investment of time.
Vanguard jewelry isn't that bad at all. Comparable stats to other jewelry drops or sets.

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Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#15 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:33 pm

Martok wrote:
wargrimnir wrote:It is an equivalent set, as designed.
This. I mean, you have three choices. Merc, Anni, and Anni/Merc. For what it is worth I have played and tested all three with different combos, and each reflect their own strengths and weaknesses. I like full Merc for the crit bonus, but then I like full Anni for the parry bonus. I like the mix for the str/toughness combo bonus. I also like donuts.
Previous set bonus structures were more conducive to mixing in a 2/3 set configuration. With the move to the current 5/5 or no +5% X bonus, it forces the player into the 5/5 set to make it worthwhile. I have both Ruin and Merc sets and has not really looked at the Annihilation set because ORvR has only now, through much work and thought by the dev team (good job BTW), become less zergy to the point of our 6-man can actually participate without too many instances of being blob-mobbed in the lakes.

In my humble opinion, the old days of running and mixing sets on a 2/3 scale allowed the player to tailor his gear for specific playstyle or role much easier. I read and understand the push by the dev team to move towards "State Stabilization" and put measures in to the game to avoid (or make less viable) the Min/Max outlier builds.

I guess it all comes down to what I thought versus what was reality. As a Defensive specced Chosen, I've never won a bag at a kleep take and my highest ranking ever was 23rd. On my lowly 40/31 DoK, I've ranked 3rd, 10th, and 17th and won one minor bag in the very limited ORvR i've done on her as a 'regular spec" (not ab ex spec) dps/sippy cup healer.

I feel this comparison shows how, once again, the defensive spec tanks get screwed for contribution rolls as the majority of what we are relied upon for by other players is not measured or tracked by the game, but I digress.


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Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#16 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:51 pm

Depends on the class. For Zs, merc is defensive and Anni adds heal crit, so the difference is quite large and choice is based on style.

My knight felt BIS in full ruin, my AM has an ani set for healing and merc for dps. So I feel the multiple sets do their job...
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Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#17 » Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:21 am

The best goal for a tank is to get rr70 for all those neat tricks you can pull out of your bag.

Posts: 77

Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#18 » Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:23 am

You can mix and match the set pieces to prioritize stats also btw...

For instance, its far easier to get capped str and good wounds with mixing and matching set pieces, than it was on live with the same gearsets. Its also easier to get close to the coveted 800/800/800 chosen setup from live. Set diversity is working pretty well, in my opinion.

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Re: Why is Annihilator so Meh?

Post#19 » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:54 am

I don't fina annih that good for chosen I would just use ruin or beastlord
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