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Mom's Station Wagon

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Mom's Station Wagon

Post#1 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:42 pm

Maybe I'm too old for this crowd, but maybe you can empathise with me here. When I was a kid, me and my 4 siblings would pile into mom's station wagon and head out on Saturdays to get dinner. Mom would ask us "where do you want to eat?" and all five of us would yell different fast food joints. Then she said, "those are great ideas! We'll see." It was the "We'll see" that always did it. We would always end up at the local Denny's or similar restaurant. Never where we wanted to go.

Now I understand that mom and dad were on a budget, and they cared about how we ate, so I can't fault them for taking the 5 animals (as my dad called us) to a cheap but healthy place to eat over those "other" places. We still ate, and had a good time, but it always stuck with me that they never went where we wanted to go. Always with the "We'll see".

That's how I feel about RoR right now. I'm a passenger in Mom's Station Wagon again. Riding along, being asked what I want and being told, we'll see. Now I understand that the team here is on a budget (of sorts) only so much time in the day - and yes, I understand this is alpha, and this is ab ex, and this is x, and Y, and Z. All that said, it's getting harder to go with the flow and accept the weekly/daily "We'll see" when so many decisions impact the playability of the game so much.

An example of this is the Quick Escape thread. I've never seen this thread, and truthfully, I have not searched for it because .. by the time I heard about it the decision was made and implemented. Is it my fault for not being on the forums enough? gawd knows I'm on here nearly every day. I guess it's just as it is, and nothing but what it is or ever will be. I'm a passenger, sitting on the sticky hot vinyl seats of the 1973 Buick station wagon named RoR.

I can't be the only one who is trying to just get along and go along who sees these things and is reminded of Mom's station wagon.. or am I?

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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#2 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:08 pm

Vagreena Auntie Dangercat
Porkstar Hamcat Coolwave
Penril wrote:So you are saying that a class you never touched is OP?
Go play it before posting about it pal...

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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#3 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:26 pm

One or more siblings screamed for Quick Escape iirc.
Pretty much always afk or tabbed out.

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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#4 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:27 pm

Sure, I guess it is your mother's station wagon. I also imagine it's the same because at the end of the day, even if she did take you to wherever you wanted to go, you would still ask every 2 minutes - are we there yet? And no matter what she said or did, you never be satisfied with the answer, as it was never as close as you hoped.

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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#5 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:27 pm

Druin wrote:One or more siblings screamed for Quick Escape iirc.

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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#6 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:35 pm

I think mom needs some Xanax and Loratab
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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#7 » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:16 am

There is no QE thread. A point is being proven.

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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#8 » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:19 am

There are children in Africa with poor wi-fi connections that would love to play the RoR the devs provided for you! You should be grateful!
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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#9 » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:20 am

QE is awesome

Made Smallscale Great Again! :D

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Re: Mom's Station Wagon

Post#10 » Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:06 am

>tfw you want to escape miss mother's wild ride but you can't
>tfw the ride never ends

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