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(Chosen) DPS build?

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: (Chosen) DPS build?

Post#11 » Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:40 pm

Panzerkasper wrote: - Chosen build This will be your build. Go Str and Crit.

Rotation: Start with a snare, everybody hates when ppl run away. Apply Wounds debuff, Seeping Wound, Taunt, ToP and then ravage until death (yours or the enemies) -> Start again.

So this: - Chosen build is your proper spec that does decent damage and is actually usefull. The trick is simply to apply Crippling strike with Rending blade on your opponents and take pressure out of the fight. The damage rotation is basically the same as mentioned, but incorporated RB on CD.

Auras are Str, Res and AP. Healdebuff aura is good until you get into T4, then it becomes a waste of skillpoints.

Just a question, these builds would be, the first one with 2H and the second with sword and board, am I right?

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Re: (Chosen) DPS build?

Post#12 » Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:41 pm

and, my thanks to everyone who posted here! thanks for helping a noob!

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Re: (Chosen) DPS build?

Post#13 » Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:58 pm

LuizGuerra wrote:
Panzerkasper wrote: - Chosen build This will be your build. Go Str and Crit.

Rotation: Start with a snare, everybody hates when ppl run away. Apply Wounds debuff, Seeping Wound, Taunt, ToP and then ravage until death (yours or the enemies) -> Start again.

So this: - Chosen build is your proper spec that does decent damage and is actually usefull. The trick is simply to apply Crippling strike with Rending blade on your opponents and take pressure out of the fight. The damage rotation is basically the same as mentioned, but incorporated RB on CD.

Auras are Str, Res and AP. Healdebuff aura is good until you get into T4, then it becomes a waste of skillpoints.
Just a question, these builds would be, the first one with 2H and the second with sword and board, am I right?
Rending Blade is Greatweapon only and being the most efficient way to apply Crippling Strikes to several targets it's mandatory, as Crippling Strikes is just about the only thing a 2H offensive Chosen brings compared to a S&B Chosen.

Both of those builds are for Greatweapon only.

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Re: (Chosen) DPS build?

Post#14 » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:07 pm

Let me add to this. When I first joined ROR, I was "sold" on a "DPS Knight" I tried every conceivable setup. Eventually realized Order isbad and swapped to Destro. Made a Chosen. Got BIS gear (Merc + SC Weapon) around a year ago when it came out. Endless SC farming. Now working on new gear as we speak...

What I have realized from doing both a Knight + chosen as well as other DPS classes like Mara and BW is..... Chosen/Knight DPS really isnt good. Sure I can post "respectable" numbers on damage charts in SCs (I play 2H Chosen) but the reality is, its just good ol sustained damage that does help "pressure" but should NOT be the focus of your build.

You should not think of yourself as a "DPS Tank" but a "2H Utility Tank". The Utility is key. Your PRIMARY function is to guard a MDPS and /assist off them. Their damage FAR exceeds yours and if you assist, it boosts the focus damage and the targets will go down (generally). What this means, since you focus on guarding MDPS, is that you need to stack Parry. Good news is we get 25% Parry for free with our ability :) So make sure this is up 24/7!

Aside from guarding a MDPS, /assisting, and then making sure 25% parry buff is up (to keep yourself alive) I would focus on parry % chance, Wounds, Toughness. (notice I didnt say strength)

I would say MINIMALLY you should have 500 toughness. HP, should be atleast ~7200+ I run about 8k.

Parry (buffed) should be north of 50%. Use renown levels for Parry/Dodge/Disrupt.

The REST you can put into STR. Its more a "3rd tier" stat after you get Wounds/Toughness/Parry/Dodge/Disrupt up.

This is how you play 2H Chosen. One of the best things I did, was play a real DPS. You will CRY when you see all the "IMA DPS BRUH Tanks" in SCs and just how much MORE effective your DPS could be if they were guarding. It will change your perspective...

Dont do what I did, please... If you want to, go roll a Knight and get off Destro so I can crush you in SCs and RVR. Its not about "damage" at the end of the SCs its about wins and total kills. An untouched BW/Sorc can nuke a solo target with just a few seconds of uninterrupted cast time. If you can live 2-3 seconds longer, or keep a MDPS alive 2-3 seconds longer, it will boost your TEAMS damage by like 400% of what your "increase" would have been if you focused on pure damage.

If you want to play a tanky/DPS class, go play a Mara. Here you CAN focus on DPS first and tankiness second and then come back to me and tell me "oh how right you were" when I read this post about tanks not guarding and you will LOL like me at the idea of "DPS Tank"

That said. I love my Chosen. Worth the time to level and play. Correctly.
Sulfuras - Knight
Viskag - Chosen
Ashkandi - Swordmaster
Syzzle - Bright Wizard
Curz - Marauder
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Re: (Chosen) DPS build?

Post#15 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:09 pm

th3gatekeeper wrote:Let me add to this. When I first joined ROR, I was "sold" on a "DPS Knight" I tried every conceivable setup. Eventually realized Order is gay and swapped to Destro. Made a Chosen. Got BIS gear (Merc + SC Weapon) around a year ago when it came out. Endless SC farming. Now working on new gear as we speak...

What I have realized from doing both a Knight + chosen as well as other DPS classes like Mara and BW is..... Chosen/Knight DPS really isnt good. Sure I can post "respectable" numbers on damage charts in SCs (I play 2H Chosen) but the reality is, its just good ol sustained damage that does help "pressure" but should NOT be the focus of your build.

You should not think of yourself as a "DPS Tank" but a "2H Utility Tank". The Utility is key. Your PRIMARY function is to guard a MDPS and /assist off them. Their damage FAR exceeds yours and if you assist, it boosts the focus damage and the targets will go down (generally). What this means, since you focus on guarding MDPS, is that you need to stack Parry. Good news is we get 25% Parry for free with our ability :) So make sure this is up 24/7!

Aside from guarding a MDPS, /assisting, and then making sure 25% parry buff is up (to keep yourself alive) I would focus on parry % chance, Wounds, Toughness. (notice I didnt say strength)

I would say MINIMALLY you should have 500 toughness. HP, should be atleast ~7200+ I run about 8k.

Parry (buffed) should be north of 50%. Use renown levels for Parry/Dodge/Disrupt.

The REST you can put into STR. Its more a "3rd tier" stat after you get Wounds/Toughness/Parry/Dodge/Disrupt up.

This is how you play 2H Chosen. One of the best things I did, was play a real DPS. You will CRY when you see all the "IMA DPS BRUH Tanks" in SCs and just how much MORE effective your DPS could be if they were guarding. It will change your perspective...

Dont do what I did, please... If you want to, go roll a Knight and get off Destro so I can crush you in SCs and RVR. Its not about "damage" at the end of the SCs its about wins and total kills. An untouched BW/Sorc can nuke a solo target with just a few seconds of uninterrupted cast time. If you can live 2-3 seconds longer, or keep a MDPS alive 2-3 seconds longer, it will boost your TEAMS damage by like 400% of what your "increase" would have been if you focused on pure damage.

If you want to play a tanky/DPS class, go play a Mara. Here you CAN focus on DPS first and tankiness second and then come back to me and tell me "oh how right you were" when I read this post about tanks not guarding and you will LOL like me at the idea of "DPS Tank"

That said. I love my Chosen. Worth the time to level and play. Correctly.

Do you have a build link for what you currently use?

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Re: (Chosen) DPS build?

Post#16 » Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:38 pm

SardonicWrath wrote:
th3gatekeeper wrote:Let me add to this. When I first joined ROR, I was "sold" on a "DPS Knight" I tried every conceivable setup. Eventually realized Order is gay and swapped to Destro. Made a Chosen. Got BIS gear (Merc + SC Weapon) around a year ago when it came out. Endless SC farming. Now working on new gear as we speak...

What I have realized from doing both a Knight + chosen as well as other DPS classes like Mara and BW is..... Chosen/Knight DPS really isnt good. Sure I can post "respectable" numbers on damage charts in SCs (I play 2H Chosen) but the reality is, its just good ol sustained damage that does help "pressure" but should NOT be the focus of your build.

You should not think of yourself as a "DPS Tank" but a "2H Utility Tank". The Utility is key. Your PRIMARY function is to guard a MDPS and /assist off them. Their damage FAR exceeds yours and if you assist, it boosts the focus damage and the targets will go down (generally). What this means, since you focus on guarding MDPS, is that you need to stack Parry. Good news is we get 25% Parry for free with our ability :) So make sure this is up 24/7!

Aside from guarding a MDPS, /assisting, and then making sure 25% parry buff is up (to keep yourself alive) I would focus on parry % chance, Wounds, Toughness. (notice I didnt say strength)

I would say MINIMALLY you should have 500 toughness. HP, should be atleast ~7200+ I run about 8k.

Parry (buffed) should be north of 50%. Use renown levels for Parry/Dodge/Disrupt.

The REST you can put into STR. Its more a "3rd tier" stat after you get Wounds/Toughness/Parry/Dodge/Disrupt up.

This is how you play 2H Chosen. One of the best things I did, was play a real DPS. You will CRY when you see all the "IMA DPS BRUH Tanks" in SCs and just how much MORE effective your DPS could be if they were guarding. It will change your perspective...

Dont do what I did, please... If you want to, go roll a Knight and get off Destro so I can crush you in SCs and RVR. Its not about "damage" at the end of the SCs its about wins and total kills. An untouched BW/Sorc can nuke a solo target with just a few seconds of uninterrupted cast time. If you can live 2-3 seconds longer, or keep a MDPS alive 2-3 seconds longer, it will boost your TEAMS damage by like 400% of what your "increase" would have been if you focused on pure damage.

If you want to play a tanky/DPS class, go play a Mara. Here you CAN focus on DPS first and tankiness second and then come back to me and tell me "oh how right you were" when I read this post about tanks not guarding and you will LOL like me at the idea of "DPS Tank"

That said. I love my Chosen. Worth the time to level and play. Correctly.

Do you have a build link for what you currently use?
Well, since the CS nerf... I stopped playing my Chosen to play BG... BUUUUUT...

For 2h, its pretty vanilla. You spec up to Rending + Crip Strikes + Oppressing Blows (crit)
Then you spec rest of points into Path of Discord (I grab Quake for shits, but dont use it due to immunity - only for roaming purposes to stagger).

Path of Discord is for resists. Then run STR/TOUGH/RESISTS auras.

The key is to not just "stack strength" but rather to stack defensive tools. Frankly, from my testing of things like Ravage, Rending, etc. it takes ABOUT 15 strength (at the 600-700 level) to get 1% more damage and the more strength you have, the more strength you will need to get a 1% increase...

So I find myself stacking things like parry % more than strength. I am often torn between which weapon to use, but often settle for the Epic Quest one that increases your defenses by 10% (on proc). When you guard you will have it constantly up. Then look at grabbing Torment + Strife for another few Parry % as well.

I run a combo of Beastlord + Ruin + Dominator (however you like) why Ruin 2 pc is for the extra armor (plus I think its gloves that have parry %?)

Its all about being a tanky 2H. Your primary role is guarding/buff/debuff/PUNTING! While your SECONDARY role is to add "bonus damage" to your target. So dont forget that priority. A guarded Mara, will DESTROY someone, and your damage is "BONUS" damage to him....
Sulfuras - Knight
Viskag - Chosen
Ashkandi - Swordmaster
Syzzle - Bright Wizard
Curz - Marauder
Andrithil - Blackguard

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Re: (Chosen) DPS build?

Post#17 » Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:55 am

I had a fun DPS build where I focused on focus damage and AOE, this was after they nerfed Ravage.
Auto attacks still hit for 2100+ sometimes though. Ravage maybe something like 1700 or 1800 on high crits.
Main goal was the non crits (normal hits), they were 1100-1200 with full buffs which aint bad.

Paper tank deluxe though.

Posts: 29

Re: (Chosen) DPS build?

Post#18 » Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:29 pm

Zak, I remember you from the live forums. I remember the discussions and fallout resulting in the Chosen nerfs. I was so disappointed being an up and coming Chosen for it to be nerfed before I experienced the OPness.


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