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Failing at a WE, send help!

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#11 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:10 pm

Atropik wrote:Good whs? Food for slayers? - I must be living in a parallel universe. Overbuffed wl pet stats and movement speed, and defendable sever blessing are the Problems, and thats all. At least wh is in much worse spot, comparing to we. The only advise for the ts - as soon as you reach Heartseeker, don't even try defensive specs, burst your enemies down, high pressure in "surprise motherfker moment" - is the only key.
On paper, WEs are better. But with current state of the server, i'd say that WEs are quite easy in my WH perspective. Besides you, they aren't a real threat and sometimes i can even wait for them unstealthed. I bet that many don't even know what sever blessing is for.

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Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#12 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:33 pm

Drudge wrote:WE in my experience really shine end game. But if you land a suprise attack and go in you should be winning 1v1. Camp spawns, keep back doors, and outside of warcamps to lock down some 1v1s. Stay away from the dots for now and just focus on your big hitters and you should be good. Pump str/ws
What is wrong with DoTs when at low levels those skills will do more damage per GCD than AW. Also Wracking Pains in WB spec crits 500+ easily on unguarded targets and is deffo good.

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Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#13 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:45 pm

Atropik wrote:Good whs? Food for slayers? - I must be living in a parallel universe. Overbuffed wl pet stats and movement speed, and defendable sever blessing are the Problems, and thats all. At least wh is in much worse spot, comparing to we. The only advise for the ts - as soon as you reach Heartseeker, don't even try defensive specs, burst your enemies down, high pressure in "surprise motherfker moment" - is the only key.
and... fix
fetch in melee range
undefendable pet kd (
reposte tactic (1 sec cd on live) or remove this tactic at all (hello parry-reposte "skilled" players)

but this is not 6x6 issues because of 99% players on this server play in 6x premades.
Apache SH

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Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#14 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:06 pm

repel wrote:
Atropik wrote:Good whs? Food for slayers? - I must be living in a parallel universe. Overbuffed wl pet stats and movement speed, and defendable sever blessing are the Problems, and thats all. At least wh is in much worse spot, comparing to we. The only advise for the ts - as soon as you reach Heartseeker, don't even try defensive specs, burst your enemies down, high pressure in "surprise motherfker moment" - is the only key.
and... fix
fetch in melee range
undefendable pet kd (
reposte tactic (1 sec cd on live) or remove this tactic at all (hello parry-reposte "skilled" players)

but this is not 6x6 issues because of 99% players on this server play in 6x premades.
undefendable pet KD out of GCD was one of the reasons that made me play other games...I doubt devs ever fix that one.. its been 2 years so far WLs ruling 1v1 world with brutal pounce. riposte its best used for WHs
Krima - WE RR 87
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Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#15 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:43 pm

Cruentus wrote:Hey guys!

General question on WE specs. Ive just hit 16 on my WE and have found myself struggling to confirm a kill. Unless im literally 1v1ing a engineer or something extremley squishy with no defensives i seem to come off second best every time. Understanding its more then likley just a "get good" moment and is probably due to my lack of experience as a player. I was wondering whether there is a go-to spec for WE's to become the squishy killing machines i think they should be and I'm just missing it?

Any advice is appreciated.

Thanks guys.


I have just started to level a WE as well. Leveling in ORVR zones possibly with AAO and taking some scs for the weapons.

I am only level 20 now but no problems killing someone in 1v1 (with the xception of some twinked out alts :) ) even without the KD. I have invested renown points in Cleansing winds and Resolute defense for now.

I agree with Atropik on going for the KD or altenatively you can go for Black Lotus Blade and Kiss of Doom. Try it out for yourself which suits you the best.

On AW vs Envenomed blade, correct me if I am wrong, but EB can be cleansed and again what we want to do is to pick target and burst him down in the minimal time possible.

GL ;)
Anyuci - Witch elf
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Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#16 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:34 pm

You have answers from very good player (Kryss, Krima, Atropik). With different approach to WE. I am not so good as them but will add my 2 cents ;)

You are squishy and always will be. So you need to kill your victim fast or by a tanky as much as possible. I run defensive spec. And try to hunt the melee. It is nice to burst down some squishy BW but how many of them you meet on RvR alone?
How to be a tanky on WE? Some of bellow are obvious, but... :
1. Use armor pot.
2. Use Resolute Defense.
3. Run parry above 50% minimum.
4. Use Sacrafice Rewarded tactic.
5. Increase your HP pool as much as you can without hurting above.
6. Use Witch Brew as your main damaging skill (as WB don't scale with str you can sacrifice a little of it to have more parry or HP).

With above you will have a lot of fun with WH (there is only one on this server I am afraid of), and you will improve your chances against WL. Additionally you will surprise every order tank and melt them.
But you will kill slower. This is price for your tankiness.

GL :)
Srul - Shaman
Sruula - Witch Elf
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Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#17 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:55 pm

To the OP, don't despair, I didn't start having fun on my WE until around lvl 20 or so. If you follow the advice offered in this thread and check out some of the builds posted in other threads I think you'll eventually hit your stride. WE takes more practice than some of the other classes and mpds in general can have a bit more of a learning curve.

Posts: 456

Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#18 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:53 pm

Edit: double post
Last edited by kryss on Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 456

Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#19 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:54 pm

kryss wrote:
Miszczu5647 wrote:You have answers from very good player (Kryss, Krima, Atropik). With different approach to WE. I am not so good as them but will add my 2 cents ;)

You are squishy and always will be. So you need to kill your victim fast or by a tanky as much as possible. I run defensive spec. And try to hunt the melee. It is nice to burst down some squishy BW but how many of them you meet on RvR alone?
How to be a tanky on WE? Some of bellow are obvious, but... :
1. Use armor pot.
2. Use Resolute Defense.
3. Run parry above 50% minimum.
4. Use Sacrafice Rewarded tactic.
5. Increase your HP pool as much as you can without hurting above.
6. Use Witch Brew as your main damaging skill (as WB don't scale with str you can sacrifice a little of it to have more parry or HP).

With above you will have a lot of fun with WH (there is only one on this server I am afraid of), and you will improve your chances against WL. Additionally you will surprise every order tank and melt them.
But you will kill slower. This is price for your tankiness.

GL :)
To the OP: this is good advice if you plan to go for the defensive route, and sruula is the best we in that department. I bet he can go after a variety of targets but your bread and butter will be mostly melees. With stealth you can pick your fights, rack up some Rrs and try to switch your spec later

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Re: Failing at a WE, send help!

Post#20 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 4:55 pm

Witch elves Are not food for slayers when they Get the first move (and if they dont they just vanish).
i spent an entire nordenwatch being ganked by krima at the lighthouse i think, IT was fun fighting and i like to think i almost had her a few times.

I guess if you play slayer and spec your renown points and tactics to deal with them in particular they would be a lot easier But i dont think a lot of people do that.

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