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[Implementation Feedback] RvR design

After feedback has reached it's viable limit, it will retire here to keep the main section clean and tidy.
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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#131 » Wed May 31, 2017 5:37 am

Not sure if this is the appropriate thread, but with regards to the recent changes to the keep lords I think it's gone slightly too far. The previous iteration of the keep-lord took too long to take down, but this version doesn't take long enough.

Yesterday there weren't that many Order players online to begin with and we took down the lord before they could even organise a defense. As we also had held the BOs for quite some time, we flipped the zone 10 or so minutes after the keep take.

I'm not a fan of one-day battles in KV, but this all felt a bit too quick on the other hand.

Yes, this is the thread to use for feedback on the current existing RvR implementation.
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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#132 » Wed May 31, 2017 6:18 am

Lord scaling threshold has already been adjusted for the next patch.
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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#133 » Wed May 31, 2017 7:47 am

"Do more, get more."
These words keep ringing in my head. Now I question what the "Do more" part entails exactly. Intense but short-lived campaigning in-group can yield results, and fast, by doing the maximum amount of "things" in the field. As such it has been a lesson in field control. That being said, "Do more" does not secure a steady flow of combatants in the field, as gear collection can be calculated and gamed. Such a player is now free to leave the RvR game.
Barring requesting a rollback to previous systems, I would like to point out that in previous systems, "Do more" meant taking keeps, lots and lots of keeps, due to the random nature of rewards. See endless threads about Genesis acquisition, for one.
It appears to me that being able to secure loots effectively ends the campaign for the people in question. "Do more" actually becomes "Do less" over time.
It might be beneficial to the continuation of the campaign to abolish contribution as we know it now. To counter people showing up for rolls only, perhaps use the counting and measuring to construct a set of parameters that must be accomplished in order to qualify for a roll at all, that being something along the lines of "participate in 50 kills" or "cap or recap no less than 2 BOs" or any combination of checks.
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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#134 » Wed May 31, 2017 2:19 pm

Pumatouch wrote: It might be beneficial to the continuation of the campaign to abolish contribution as we know it now. To counter people showing up for rolls only, perhaps use the counting and measuring to construct a set of parameters that must be accomplished in order to qualify for a roll at all, that being something along the lines of "participate in 50 kills" or "cap or recap no less than 2 BOs" or any combination of checks.
I wonder where you guys get so misinformed, the system already accounts for this.

You accumulate contribution over time for "doing stuff". This moves you up on the 750/750 roll. If you don't hit a minimum threshold, you have a +0 bonus and will not win a bag (short of extreme mathematical outliers). The amount of renown/influence you receive from a zone lock tick is proportional only to YOUR accumulated contribution.

If you show up right before a zone locks, you're only getting contribution for the renown you've accumulated in that short amount of time. You're extremely unlikely to win any bag (and virtually guaranteed to not win the top several bags).
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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#135 » Wed May 31, 2017 3:27 pm

wargrimnir wrote:
You accumulate contribution over time for "doing stuff". This moves you up on the 750/750 roll. If you don't hit a minimum threshold, you have a +0 bonus and will not win a bag (short of extreme mathematical outliers). The amount of renown/influence you receive from a zone lock tick is proportional only to YOUR accumulated contribution.

If you show up right before a zone locks, you're only getting contribution for the renown you've accumulated in that short amount of time. You're extremely unlikely to win any bag (and virtually guaranteed to not win the top several bags).
I have to ask, in regards to taking bo's, keeps and running supplies, how significant is being present in zone at the first bo which opens the zone in comparison to showing up halfway, as i have done this myself several times, doing all these things, only to earn a +90 contribution.

Is it possible to earn +750 contribution by running supplies, taking a keep and a decent amount of Bo's
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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#136 » Wed May 31, 2017 3:54 pm

xanderous wrote:
wargrimnir wrote:
You accumulate contribution over time for "doing stuff". This moves you up on the 750/750 roll. If you don't hit a minimum threshold, you have a +0 bonus and will not win a bag (short of extreme mathematical outliers). The amount of renown/influence you receive from a zone lock tick is proportional only to YOUR accumulated contribution.

If you show up right before a zone locks, you're only getting contribution for the renown you've accumulated in that short amount of time. You're extremely unlikely to win any bag (and virtually guaranteed to not win the top several bags).
I have to ask, in regards to taking bo's, keeps and running supplies, how significant is being present in zone at the first bo which opens the zone in comparison to showing up halfway, as i have done this myself several times, doing all these things, only to earn a +90 contribution.

Is it possible to earn +750 contribution by running supplies, taking a keep and a decent amount of Bo's
Maybe you did all those things but someone did it better, kills are most important in your contribution.

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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#137 » Wed May 31, 2017 3:58 pm

We've specifically not released any details for the contribution system to prevent people from gaming it. We don't intend to release those details in the future, or confirm/deny suspicions. Mostly we sit back and eat popcorn when the topic comes up. :)
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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#138 » Wed May 31, 2017 4:03 pm

wargrimnir wrote:We've specifically not released any details for the contribution system to prevent people from gaming it. We don't intend to release those details in the future, or confirm/deny suspicions. Mostly we sit back and eat popcorn when the topic comes up. :)
Was worth a shot :D
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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#139 » Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:19 pm

Gerv wrote: How does this relate to the current RvR system and how would you go about making changes to the system to address the community issues?
This is not the place to post text about the subsets of the community, continued off-topic discussion away from the system itself is better placed in a general discussion or suggestions and feedback sub forum, warned.
I guess it would have helped alot if I had stated that the gibberish about the subsets resembles a summarization of not only the majority of "feedback" gathered in this thread but the entirety of this forum and the ingame chats, as it comes to the RvR system and its flaws, it was meant as joke - my honest apologies in that regard.

Now, to answer the question you've posed:
Reutilize the locked zones for weekly or monthly scheduled, community driven and narrative-induced events.
Alternatively disable the normal RvR buisness for the duration of these events to funnel the people into it.

Award the participation with unique skins or consumables (the bear/skeleton thingies or alike) and have the events revolve around funny things.
Ridiculous, for example revive the skavenhunt from live - have the people hunt a NPC across the entirety of a tier, or turn them into chickens with ridicoulus abilities to stage some 300-esque battle of absolute glory.
Something that brings people together; something that brings people to laugh with each other and to forget the super serious buisness that the lootrolls and constant strive for shinies have turned RvR into - award titles that reflect their valor in the battle of chickens.
Of course, yeah, people need carrots and sticks so, well, award them with a tad of renown or whatever else makes them feel like they have succesfully spent their time grinding pixels.

Abbd.: Maybe have extra loot rolls in those events and be transparent as to how to score the most - have the scoring be done through, again, ridiculous means.
Abbd.: As to the skavenhunt idea, let the people fight each other over the NPC - add some hilarious siege to the event that shoots chickens to counteract zergfest.
Abbd.: Yes, I love chickens.
Abbd.: Introduce an event in which both realms have to work together to succesfully end it and be granted rewards.

Once people have established ties within their realms, and not only that but with the other realm aswell, you can go about fixing the structure of the system. For aslong as the community doesn't come together again, any change to system will just ducttape the symptoms and will have you open feedback thread after feedback thread - over and over again - that contains the very same rants about how just about everything is unfair and about how who has **** over who by stealing ones spot in the lootrolls.

Abbd.: Only a healthy community that is NOT constantly up in arms with each other will provide good feedback - let alone think about doing so in the first place. If people are more concerned about how many pixels they can acquire (and who they have to compete against) than aiding the devs in the development of this game you ultimately have a serious problem at your hands.

E: Words and stuff, bear with me today is not my day - I'll clean unreadable nonsense as I spot it.

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Re: [Implementation Feedback] RvR design

Post#140 » Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:56 pm

Until such point that the new t1 RvR system has been released this thread will be locked as no changes are planned to the existing t4 campaign at this time.
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