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Re: Balance Discussion forums are now Open

Post#71 » Wed May 31, 2017 9:36 pm

Shouldn't you take this discussion to, like, General Discussion? Or make a proposal for whatever the hell it is you want to fix?

I just don't understand why you guys discuss all those things in this thread.

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Re: Balance Discussion forums are now Open

Post#72 » Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:08 pm

Penril wrote:Shouldn't you take this discussion to, like, General Discussion? Or make a proposal for whatever the hell it is you want to fix?

I just don't understand why you guys discuss all those things in this thread.

pff as if ask in the balance section for:

-DD/rDD KD return back to 2 sec
-wh/we immunity again 20 sec and stag 3 sec (and not this lol 6 sec stag 10 sec immunity which is 4 sec of true imunity LOL which you use to stag 1 tank and pounce like onto a healer.....)
-remove renown skills

would be possible.....renown skills wouldn't even made in the game in first place if this was the case and these things would had brought back alredy.

1.4.7 was the absolute worst patch in war history too many ninja changes

Posts: 702

Re: Balance Discussion forums are now Open

Post#73 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:04 pm

Warhammer only works in very specific settings and if you dare move away from this just a bit you will face serious weaknesses maybe even impossible odds depending on your setup. Example let's say you run 6 dps classes vs 2:2:2 setup who will win? Now you might say oh this is unfair nobody will run 6 dps classes and think this should be balanced okay. In wow running only dps was when I played (long way back in bc) a viable option you couldn't run 6 of em because that's not a suported format but you could run 5 of em vs a balanced team and actually had a chance. Here not so much.
Now let's compare the most close setup 2:2:2 vs 2:2:2 same setup same mirrors is it balanced to run 2 wls vs 2 marauders? Still not? Ow boy even running mirror classes isn't perfectly balanced how can you call this game has the best balance when each and every mirror isn't.
. Most MMO's have their difficulties with this GW2 does a quite good job at this in my opinion. Most classes are used in pvp with tons of setups and several class specific specs.

It's true there will always be just one meta. In warhammer what the meta is, is extreamly clear especially on destro. On order there a therefore a few options trying to kill that meta and I heared slayer with sw was a fairly good setup to beat it but still calling it balanced is wishful thinking.

In shord: In no other game I have seen are you punished so harshly when moving away from meta setups. You can like the fact that you always play in a certain setup but by the number of premades out there show that there aren't many of them. People play what they like and not what the game is tring to push on them.

Btw bringing up that suboptimal premades do good against pug's will not change any of this. Suboptimal premades will be wooped just as hard against optimal premades as they woop pug players (who have no composition at all respecivly: no healer no guarding tank).[/quote]

Yep i have exactly same opinion than Valfaros - for now Warhammer is to much rigid, intractable.
2 - 3 night ago i see that TESQ call on advice for 2-3 healers to pug warband , for almost a half night , then Ocara too. This orthodox way impede a fluency of the game. And sure - GW2 is a nice example of solution such problems.

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