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Gates of Ekrund... Through Solid Stone Walls

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Re: Gates of Ekrund... Through Solid Stone Walls

Post#11 » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:32 pm

Great story as usual! I like even better that some order players complain about it. Means we are WINing. I always got your back Ooul, even to respawn.

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Re: Gates of Ekrund... Through Solid Stone Walls

Post#12 » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:16 pm

Dont think Ive been in an sc yet where there wasn't at least half exploiting one bug or another.
You can see why games companies don't open alphas up to the masses until they are in a playable state. Most are more interested in exploiting a bug and never see them posting them. I thought it might end up like this one exploiter leads to more and more.

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