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Double XP/RP Weekends?

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Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#11 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:55 am

kmark101 wrote:Let me add my 2 cents as someone who just recently found this server. I used to play on the original game years ago but generally forgot everything, so the game was a bit familiar.

- Problems start as you get into t4 as a fresh lvl 31. Scenarios pop, but you lose most of them. As 9/10 times you lose, getting tiny xp or renown. As a fresh noob char, you are a liability to your team, you are hitting worse than a wet noodle and the opponent usually just destroys you. Especially sorcs, it's very usual that they one shot me (playing IB). Well technically not 1 spell-shot, but they do 7k+ damage in a second, without a chance to do anything. I'm fine with that I have to endure this period, but not for too long (situation did not change with the rr29 gear that is available).
I'm finding this hard to believe. You probably had a really bad streak of defeats. The only way to get at least some realistic picture about the win/loss ratio is to play 100 SCs and pull an average ratio from that.

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Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#12 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:12 am

Sulorie wrote:a twink to rank up together.
That has some seriously homoerotic undertones...

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Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#13 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:03 pm

The thing about double exp/rr, in my experience, is that if it happens too frequently... everyone expects it. The idea becomes a huge negative if everyone just 'doesn't play' until double exp/rr shows up, and when it doesn't show up, people will whine on the forums constantly about why it didn't show up.

It becomes a strain on the development team to schedule these sort of events out in most other projects I have seen. I doubt they have a system in place to schedule out events on a calendar-style system just yet, and even if they did, the aforementioned problem is one of the reasons why you just don't put something out like that.

Double exp/rr can also be detrimental to the server's health. By leveling at an accelerated rate, you will run into an issue with the server being top-heavy and not have enough players at mid tier scenarios and t1 RvR/SC's.

My suggestion is to just grind it out. You don't need a double exp weekend, it would be a strain on both the community and the development team for your personal gain.

Posts: 309

Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#14 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:13 pm

kmark101 wrote:- Problems start as you get into t4 as a fresh lvl 31...
The usual thing to do when you hit 31 is to get a Ruin set and the T4 epic weapons. It'll give you a decent starting gear for PvP in T4 and about rank 34-36 in the process. Plus you'll be doing something with a purpose, not just grind for XP.

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Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#15 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:34 pm

So much effort put into justifying or not justifying this. I just thought it was a neat idea.

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Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#16 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:21 pm

To be honest, with the merging of t2 to t4 i really dont see a problem there anymore. After reaching 16 you can play with your friends easy, and to get to 16 is a very short timespan.
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Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#17 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:37 pm

Noergl wrote:To be honest, with the merging of t2 to t4 i really dont see a problem there anymore. After reaching 16 you can play with your friends easy, and to get to 16 is a very short timespan.
true story ;D

and it gived now the "minimal" renown for a kill, before this patch you killing players and became nothing. it makes no sence if all are RR 80 and the gear at RR 45 ;P
Xarloc RR 80+ <Guerra>
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Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#18 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:02 pm

I also started a few days ago and after getting lvl 16 i found myself rather weak against lvl 40 people in the next map, scenarios barely pop like that guy said in t2 lvl's so it's kinda a bad experience compared with the awesome fun i got playing T1.

Another thing is that questing is literally useless now, killing 3 mobs gaves me the same XP than finishing a quest... a quest should give at least 10-15 mobs value imo. Mostly if we consider how weird the quest are phased in this game.

Doing those weekends or similar things not for attracting new players but for the health of current players may be a good idea. In a game where pvp is the main attraction feeling behind after T1 is not the best feeling for anyone.

That said, it's just my opinion so far.

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Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#19 » Tue Sep 19, 2017 7:08 am

ChrisKnight wrote:I also started a few days ago and after getting lvl 16 i found myself rather weak against lvl 40 people in the next map, scenarios barely pop like that guy said in t2 lvl's so it's kinda a bad experience compared with the awesome fun i got playing T1.

Another thing is that questing is literally useless now, killing 3 mobs gaves me the same XP than finishing a quest... a quest should give at least 10-15 mobs value imo. Mostly if we consider how weird the quest are phased in this game.

Doing those weekends or similar things not for attracting new players but for the health of current players may be a good idea. In a game where pvp is the main attraction feeling behind after T1 is not the best feeling for anyone.

That said, it's just my opinion so far.
You won't feel so weak, if you used appropriate gear for your rank together with talismans and potions. The bolster is pretty strong below lvl31.
You got it right, questing is not that efficient for leveling.
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Posts: 9

Re: Double XP/RP Weekends?

Post#20 » Tue Sep 19, 2017 10:21 am

Oh, is there good gear for my lvl? I was trying to find a vendor similar to the one in the first T1 map but i couldnt find it.

I'm playing Runepriest right now, it feels great but way weaker than i was in t1 (In scenarios i still chill)

I'm interested to know where i can get this gear, talismans etc since i really like to PvP instead of grinding mobs and a healer is allways needed.

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