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About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#31 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:56 pm

Penril wrote:
Coma wrote:
that is not really unique on the same way as pounce/wing ^^' also destro has their RKD on melee... but order have longer RNK on ranged that destro don't have ^^' its like challenging the enemy at a game they are better equipped for than you :P
That doesn't make any sense. Destro has 2 mDPS classes with ranged KDs, and Order doesn't. This means that if both run melee trains, a Mara/WE group can have 2 RKDs, while Order will have zero. That is an advantage and I could see it being useful in certain setups.

Is it as strong as a Pounce/WoH + WH? No. Maybe. Who knows, depends on who you are fighting, if it is a 6v6, or you are fighting the zerg, if most of your enemies are mDPS or rDPS, etc. etc. etc.

For every "unfair" setup you see in the other Realm, yours also has one. Find it and, if you feel it isn't as strong as it should be, think of ways to fix/buff it.
Sorry penril But both here and live I played a lot with many classes on both side ^^ (on live Sorc, Magus, SH, DoK, Shaman, Chosed for destro and BW, Eng, Kotbs, SM ,SW, WP for order... yes I love to test thing and I rolled a large number of character on different servers... I alwasy like to get my own data and test thing for myself before giving an opinion on them ^^) there were indeed a few setup where destro was superior... but they gradulay got nerfed or destroyed... Sorc saw originaly much superior to BW on single target... than they mirrored WoP and FF on BW whiouth giving anything back to the sorc ^^' choppa have single targt CD increase... slayer has an AoE version of it... Chosen quake was a KD opposed to heaven's fury stagger... and it was than changed to be a stagger as well... Dok had a morale pumping Tactic that got removed... and so on...

yes... destro HAD many singularity and unique skill... but they gradualy got eliminated or mirrored over time... unfortunately the same thing didn't go the other way ^^'

Sorc still have a worse AoE mastery and CC, Mara don't have Jump, WE have worse blodlust building tactics and no Dot Finisher (and the really good Witchbrew got nerfed with ICD)... and so on...

this is not something that one say just to lament the other side... as I said I played for long on both order and destro... I generally like destro more due to visuals (and the fact that I'm a DE lover from tabletop WH also pay it's role here ^^ if there were any Vampire/undead I would probably play them even if they were the worst classes ever ^^') but spent quite a good long time on order as well... and that wasn't Xrealming since I had character on different servers and generally spent 1 or 2 month on faction without ever logging the other if not for testing recent changes ^^

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#32 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:14 pm

Aurandilaz wrote:
Coma wrote:a note on WE AoE... not sure if intended or not... but slice tactic don't hit 3 target... but MANY more... tested that it hit at lest 9 target... could not test with higer number in a reliable way ^^ and the dmg reduction is still 10%... wich translate in quite the damage for a spammable aoe... it is also 360° aoe hitting even enemy behind you as long as they are within 25ft... not really a trash AoE but a rather good one. Also note that it deal damage to secondary targets even if the primary targt parry/block it.
sounds like a bug, gonna test it myself

Wasn't the target limit removed almost a year ago with the RvR mdps buffs?

Posts: 167

Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#33 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:16 pm

Martok wrote:This thread is funny. Anyone who can't achieve some level of success with a class featuring invisibility, attacks which can not be defended against, a four second knock-down, a four second disarm, and a six second disable, none of which break while their target is taking damage, should go find another class to play and then whine about that one.
lol... as I said I'm surely not the best player with MDPS (this still don't mean I can't get a few kill with them :P )... but your post is even more fun... and show that you really don't know much about the class ^^

Stealth only work for initiating combat (no this is not WoW/Rift/GW2... you can't use stealth to escape since it have a 2 sec casting time that is instantly interrupted if you take even "1" dmg from a lvl 1 rat :P )... altrough I have to admit that stealth no longer getting broken from damage (while already in stealth) surprised me a lot... that's not how I remeber it working on live... but I quitted shortly after the rr100 patch so I could have missed it ^^

Disarm/KD/stagger not being interrupted by dot... well... does a disarm/kd that is break on damge existe in war? Beside KD is 3 sec... unless you'r talking of "For the Hag Queen" tactic... that gives you a 50% chance to proc the KD... so it often proc when You don't need it and don't proc when you need it... making it a bad choice for one of you REALLY IMPORTANT tactic slot... since CC are something that you don't trow around randomly... but use when are needed... unless you like to give people immunity like SW/BO spamming their AoE pushback and making people immune to push/root when they need to get pushed/rooted :roll: :roll: :roll: .... as for the Stagger I've not tested it... I don't play solo a lot and WE only have 2 dot (that are pretty subpar skill unless you spec for them and they got the finisher for that mastery nerfed hard so not many people really spec for it ^^), what more all breake on damage root (from RDPS and Tank) also don't breake by damage casued by previously applied DoT ^^ and I assume your talking about damage form dot... because if you'r talking about direct damage... than it breake without any problem ^^

Attack that can't be defended against... are you talking about the openings? that skill that you can only use once from stealth... and have to wait untill you enter stealth again to use? those skill that are all cleansable dot? (and with them being opener they are the first to get clinsed obviously... they would be good to cover other dot... if only WE had dot woth covering.. but there is no BAL or BE on WE ^^ ) or are you talking about the purge... that is only good for removing buff since it's damage is not boosted by any mastery and is low to begin with?

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#34 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:21 pm

(main WH here and on live)
WH/WEs are really unappreciated, for their good reasons:
-stealth that gets bugged by npcs (also magus' daemons uncover stealth apart from squigs)
-light armour and equal dmg to other mdps.
-positional requirements for some (important) abilities.
-lack of aoe and survivability.

The only field where they shine is solo, and it's funny sometimes hearing that this is a group-based game, especially when you are the first to be kicked from wbs.
I wait for the patcher, hoping that it will fix things.

(provocation)Give back to WH/WEs only the previous crit. %, prior to crit. nerf. (only a provocation...or maybe not)
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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#35 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:50 pm

Zegota wrote:
Aurandilaz wrote:
Coma wrote:a note on WE AoE... not sure if intended or not... but slice tactic don't hit 3 target... but MANY more... tested that it hit at lest 9 target... could not test with higer number in a reliable way ^^ and the dmg reduction is still 10%... wich translate in quite the damage for a spammable aoe... it is also 360° aoe hitting even enemy behind you as long as they are within 25ft... not really a trash AoE but a rather good one. Also note that it deal damage to secondary targets even if the primary targt parry/block it.
sounds like a bug, gonna test it myself

Wasn't the target limit removed almost a year ago with the RvR mdps buffs?
there was brief testing phase in late jan early feb, that allowed Slice to hit more than 3 targets with the tactic. Before that, it hit only 3, and afterwards, it was back to 3, which made me a sad WE back then. However, somehow during the last half year when I havent bothered with Slice tactic, it has bugged out and is back to hitting 9 targets. Cannot find any mention of WE, Slice, or Broad Severing in recent patch notes, so I'm pretty sure it's bugged, which is the least surprising possibility in this somewhat buggy game. :)

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#36 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:29 pm

On the side note, would love to know if the 9 target aoe is there to stay, whatever intended or not. Tried WE back on live little before server was closed, might be worth trying it again if the aoe remains.
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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#37 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:27 pm

Penril wrote:
Coma wrote:
that is not really unique on the same way as pounce/wing ^^' also destro has their RKD on melee... but order have longer RNK on ranged that destro don't have ^^' its like challenging the enemy at a game they are better equipped for than you :P
That doesn't make any sense. Destro has 2 mDPS classes with ranged KDs, and Order doesn't. This means that if both run melee trains, a Mara/WE group can have 2 RKDs, while Order will have zero. RDPS have nothing, NOTHING to do with this comparison. That is an advantage and I could see it being useful in certain setups. Is it as strong as a Pounce/WoH + WH? No. Maybe. Who knows, depends on who you are fighting, if it is a 6v6, or you are fighting the zerg, if most of your enemies are mDPS or rDPS, etc. etc. etc.

As for your Zealot/RP comparison... Zealot has better ways to deal AoE damage thanks to WoI + CA, which means it is easier for them to apply AoE heal debuffs. See? Much more interesting than just mirroring skills across both realms.

For every "unfair" setup you see in the other Realm, yours also has one. Find it and, if you feel it isn't as strong as it should be, think of ways to fix/buff it.
Pen There are 100s of hours of 6v6 the reason why none use mdps rkds is because they are unicorns. Stop this please you know better
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#38 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:34 pm

Mirror classes when? (summon haojun)

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#39 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:35 pm

Bozzax wrote: Pen There are 100s of hours of 6v6 the reason why none use mdps rkds is because they are unicorns. Stop this please you know better
Not everything is 6v6 in this game. Balance changes are certainly not made with 6v6 in mind, you should know this by now. Stop this please you know better.

Or let me be more clear: If a certain setup is not meta for 6v6, but does very well in open RvR, lets you kill larger numbers, and is pretty good for SCs, then maybe that setup WORKS. Just because "but muh 6v6" does not mean a class/spec is bad or useless.

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#40 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:37 pm

Penril wrote:
Bozzax wrote: Pen There are 100s of hours of 6v6 the reason why none use mdps rkds is because they are unicorns. Stop this please you know better
Not everything is 6v6 in this game. Balance changes are certainly not made with 6v6 in mind, you should know this by now. Stop this please you know better.
Yes, but people shouldn't speak about 6v6 if they have no idea what they are talking.

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