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[Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#31 » Sun Dec 03, 2017 8:55 pm

Necro like hell, but somehow fits to current state of melee WP (grace or wrath difference is small).

viewtopic.php?f=75&t=20252&start=50 move to 6 page. My small talk with Peter only proves your point.

Im pity for all those new solo wp (wave after wave) who start t4 sc after t3 fun and try hit the destruction melee wall even if they usually screw my sc...
Karak Azgal - Haron WP
Karak Norn - Haeroon KoTBS
- Chaeron - SM
- Nogrun - magnet eng
- Cheron - i want sorc Black Horror skill for my BW ;)

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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#32 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:21 am

lefze wrote:
BrockRiefenstahl wrote:Logged in yesterday the first time since last year Dec. My WP feels horrible and hits like a wet noodle. Why did they revert almost everything beside the Salvation healtalent? Also Hammer of Wrath seems much weaker than last year, even the tooltip still says xy extra damage (guess its from the ressouces dmg revert). Now we can wait ages for the launcher that is expected to com soon (tm) Maybe in a year :cry: . Holy crap WP is really lackluster right now. I should have bought the healing set and not spend 300 gold on STR Talismans...
Necroing aside, do you even have gear that is on par? Being away for a year usually means you have some grinding to do before you are competitive again.
I Changed my Hybride gear (had Str/Willpower) for Mercenary and need to grind some genesis parts. RR39 atm sucks hard. Also yesterday I had 2 whole scs popping up in the timespan of 5,5 hours lol... Everyone and their grandmah was in RvR and I have absolutely no use for the whitebag trash... (I have other careers too and when I feel like: Okay this time I am sure I have a big contribution, I always end up with white bags...) Sometimes I log on a damn low level twink, barely 5-10 minutes in the Zone and get a blue bag or even gold lol... Something is clearly off with that system.

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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#33 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:32 am

i think if 2hander bypass not block byt 10% armor than wp will shine(i mean also all 2hander can bypass 10% armor)
"Iron Within, Iron Without!"

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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#34 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:38 am

BrockRiefenstahl wrote:
lefze wrote:
BrockRiefenstahl wrote:Logged in yesterday the first time since last year Dec. My WP feels horrible and hits like a wet noodle. Why did they revert almost everything beside the Salvation healtalent? Also Hammer of Wrath seems much weaker than last year, even the tooltip still says xy extra damage (guess its from the ressouces dmg revert). Now we can wait ages for the launcher that is expected to com soon (tm) Maybe in a year :cry: . Holy crap WP is really lackluster right now. I should have bought the healing set and not spend 300 gold on STR Talismans...
Necroing aside, do you even have gear that is on par? Being away for a year usually means you have some grinding to do before you are competitive again.
I Changed my Hybride gear (had Str/Willpower) for Mercenary and need to grind some genesis parts. RR39 atm sucks hard. Also yesterday I had 2 whole scs popping up in the timespan of 5,5 hours lol... Everyone and their grandmah was in RvR and I have absolutely no use for the whitebag trash... (I have other careers too and when I feel like: Okay this time I am sure I have a big contribution, I always end up with white bags...) Sometimes I log on a damn low level twink, barely 5-10 minutes in the Zone and get a blue bag or even gold lol... Something is clearly off with that system.
Bit off topic but:
Once you got a bazillion white bags you will see some shiniez. Though if you manage to find the missing Genesis piece is another story.
Would try to get minimal contri for every zone just to higher chances of winning / getting a roll.
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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#35 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:03 am

BrockRiefenstahl wrote:
lefze wrote:
BrockRiefenstahl wrote:Logged in yesterday the first time since last year Dec. My WP feels horrible and hits like a wet noodle. Why did they revert almost everything beside the Salvation healtalent? Also Hammer of Wrath seems much weaker than last year, even the tooltip still says xy extra damage (guess its from the ressouces dmg revert). Now we can wait ages for the launcher that is expected to com soon (tm) Maybe in a year :cry: . Holy crap WP is really lackluster right now. I should have bought the healing set and not spend 300 gold on STR Talismans...
Necroing aside, do you even have gear that is on par? Being away for a year usually means you have some grinding to do before you are competitive again.
I Changed my Hybride gear (had Str/Willpower) for Mercenary and need to grind some genesis parts. RR39 atm sucks hard. Also yesterday I had 2 whole scs popping up in the timespan of 5,5 hours lol... Everyone and their grandmah was in RvR and I have absolutely no use for the whitebag trash... (I have other careers too and when I feel like: Okay this time I am sure I have a big contribution, I always end up with white bags...) Sometimes I log on a damn low level twink, barely 5-10 minutes in the Zone and get a blue bag or even gold lol... Something is clearly off with that system.
There you have the issue. I'd say the bare minimum to aim for before attempting to play dps is SC hammer/sub hammer, 2 merc, 2 domi, 2 genesis and at the very least RR50. If you can hold off speccing dps until you have 3 merc 3 domi, even better. Grinding gear in heal spec is so much better than trying to dps in subpar gear.

As for getting bags, what works for me is to get some kills/assists with AAO, only like 10-20 by playing the zone for 10-15 minutes and then log off. Had 3 gold bags in one day a couple weeks back, just out of the blue from checking out zones and then logging. On the other hand, while playing a zone for hours in a premade warband I get white after white even if we have 10x the kills of anyone else in the zone.
Rip Phalanx

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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#36 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:19 am

lefze wrote:
BrockRiefenstahl wrote:
lefze wrote:
Necroing aside, do you even have gear that is on par? Being away for a year usually means you have some grinding to do before you are competitive again.
I Changed my Hybride gear (had Str/Willpower) for Mercenary and need to grind some genesis parts. RR39 atm sucks hard. Also yesterday I had 2 whole scs popping up in the timespan of 5,5 hours lol... Everyone and their grandmah was in RvR and I have absolutely no use for the whitebag trash... (I have other careers too and when I feel like: Okay this time I am sure I have a big contribution, I always end up with white bags...) Sometimes I log on a damn low level twink, barely 5-10 minutes in the Zone and get a blue bag or even gold lol... Something is clearly off with that system.
There you have the issue. I'd say the bare minimum to aim for before attempting to play dps is SC hammer/sub hammer, 2 merc, 2 domi, 2 genesis and at the very least RR50. If you can hold off speccing dps until you have 3 merc 3 domi, even better. Grinding gear in heal spec is so much better than trying to dps in subpar gear.

As for getting bags, what works for me is to get some kills/assists with AAO, only like 10-20 by playing the zone for 10-15 minutes and then log off. Had 3 gold bags in one day a couple weeks back, just out of the blue from checking out zones and then logging. On the other hand, while playing a zone for hours in a premade warband I get white after white even if we have 10x the kills of anyone else in the zone.
Thanks for the advice, I play currently some sort of "tanky" hybride build. Got a fat junk of parry (50%) good resists etc. But damage is still pretty lackluster. I even started to think, that the T4 Questhammer with the 800 Armour debuff is better than the lvl 39 SC hammer. The 2% Crit and minimal dps more seems kinda not worth it.

As to the Contribution/Bag thematic, I think this was changed after the first days because Devs found, that to many gold bags went out so they drastically reduced the numbers. Since then I have never seen a gold bag anymore. Only with my lowlevel SM I got a Blue bag for like 5 minutes noobing around. This seems like a slap into my face because all my geared toons are the whole time in the zone, capturing BOs killing Lord and I always get those damn white bags. Thats why I say this system is completely odd.

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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#37 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:10 am

BrockRiefenstahl wrote:
lefze wrote:
BrockRiefenstahl wrote:
I Changed my Hybride gear (had Str/Willpower) for Mercenary and need to grind some genesis parts. RR39 atm sucks hard. Also yesterday I had 2 whole scs popping up in the timespan of 5,5 hours lol... Everyone and their grandmah was in RvR and I have absolutely no use for the whitebag trash... (I have other careers too and when I feel like: Okay this time I am sure I have a big contribution, I always end up with white bags...) Sometimes I log on a damn low level twink, barely 5-10 minutes in the Zone and get a blue bag or even gold lol... Something is clearly off with that system.
There you have the issue. I'd say the bare minimum to aim for before attempting to play dps is SC hammer/sub hammer, 2 merc, 2 domi, 2 genesis and at the very least RR50. If you can hold off speccing dps until you have 3 merc 3 domi, even better. Grinding gear in heal spec is so much better than trying to dps in subpar gear.

As for getting bags, what works for me is to get some kills/assists with AAO, only like 10-20 by playing the zone for 10-15 minutes and then log off. Had 3 gold bags in one day a couple weeks back, just out of the blue from checking out zones and then logging. On the other hand, while playing a zone for hours in a premade warband I get white after white even if we have 10x the kills of anyone else in the zone.
Thanks for the advice, I play currently some sort of "tanky" hybride build. Got a fat junk of parry (50%) good resists etc. But damage is still pretty lackluster. I even started to think, that the T4 Questhammer with the 800 Armour debuff is better than the lvl 39 SC hammer. The 2% Crit and minimal dps more seems kinda not worth it.

As to the Contribution/Bag thematic, I think this was changed after the first days because Devs found, that to many gold bags went out so they drastically reduced the numbers. Since then I have never seen a gold bag anymore. Only with my lowlevel SM I got a Blue bag for like 5 minutes noobing around. This seems like a slap into my face because all my geared toons are the whole time in the zone, capturing BOs killing Lord and I always get those damn white bags. Thats why I say this system is completely odd.
I'm talking about how the bag system works right now, minimal investment of time with aao is far better than tryharding for hours on end without aao. 5 minutes with a few kills and aao seems to have a better chance of granting a bag than 5 hours without aao. In the beginning I tried playing seriously, but only got whites. Now I seldom finish zones and the bags are dropping in plenty.
Rip Phalanx

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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#38 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:30 am

Let's not make this topic just another one whining on bag system.

As for melee build, everything was said already - dpsy WP is kinda viable with good gear and team that is build around you. Outside of that one will have hard time, especially in rvr. Also dps build builds aggro on your scenario mates, no matter how good you are, there will be a lot of bitching.

As for tanky melee heals, it's definitely viable in scenarios as second heal in party. Just needs a bit more awareness but provides assist DPS and solid heals. Get yourself a guard and your effectiveness doubles. You still be order enemy no.1 but can actually make a difference in scenario.

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Re: [Warrior Priest] Full Damage build??

Post#39 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:41 pm

Crenshaw wrote:As for tanky melee heals, it's definitely viable in scenarios as second heal in party. Just needs a bit more awareness but provides assist DPS and solid heals. Get yourself a guard and your effectiveness doubles. You still be order enemy no.1 but can actually make a difference in scenario.
Situation is a bit more complex and depend on many if. Melee Dok is much safer in this field.
Charon wrote:
BrockRiefenstahl wrote:Also all sorts of shields disable lifetap as far as I know. Only the direct portion of grace of sigmar tactic would heal a little bit on shieldet targets right?
Generaly yes. Its especialy painfull if you use DA. What is more after BO/SM and potions changes you may face much more absorbs in combat. Some def gear also proc bubbles.

However, amount of absorbs is not only problem that WP need to challenge. WP was indirectly nerfed step by step in past changes. In grace tree, for example Sigmar Vision is now weaker, fanatism and shield of faith tcs as well and even 2h hammer pary strikethrough buff. In fact all tools in melee healing path are at least controversial.

Sigmars Greace - good on paper wound buff is easy cleansable by all melee making it virtual in fight with any competent enemy. It range is now limited so can not be used as a clunky replacement for aoe heal.
Leading the prayer - is broken after icd implementation on prayers and linked to last useful prayer.
Greave of Sigmar - obsolete with any kind of toughnes aura/buff and especially Dominator proc and you dont have many end game gear options.
Grace of Sigmar - is core tc for melee healing. Without it SIgmar Radiance is nearly useles, but need tc slot and push you to spam one single skill over and over.

What is more you can not so easly use salvation/grace build after CW nerf becase you need repent what limits melee heal to use grace/wrath build. This restricts wp to option which is constantly ap starving (god bless ap pots) and does not give you ability to properly use your mechanic so shifting between ap and fury dependant skils.

I had been using this build for self sustain melee healing (usualy no need to be guarded) for long time and now its nearly useless without pocket tank (if he is around) what means that more important dps will stay without guard, assist and in the end deathblows. - Warrior Priest build (3xCW, 3xFS at rr60)

Only Sigmar Shield and Absence of Faith were improved but its not game changer. (i dont count HoS because it limited use for wrath wp)
At the end.... i started playing my melee wp when only t3 was avaiable and i feel that it was much easier before Azarel ab.mode than now. 2h at least provided free detaunt and gear progresion didnt exclude wp from meta play
Karak Azgal - Haron WP
Karak Norn - Haeroon KoTBS
- Chaeron - SM
- Nogrun - magnet eng
- Cheron - i want sorc Black Horror skill for my BW ;)

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