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Eldoir-Tides of War (Short Story)

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Eldoir-Tides of War (Short Story)

Post#1 » Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:03 am

(This is just some very basic and poorly writen backstory so I get something down on paper about Eldoir's past as well as the past of his family.Enjoy!)


Eldoir crouched low in the rocky and sparsely vegetated crag which he had take as his hidingplace. His watch was lonely but he was more then used to the sounds and smells of the Shadowlands. The rumble of the all but constant thunderclouds in the bleak, sunless sky. The mournful wind who passed through trees and ruin alike.

"Not like Yvresse at all" he thought. Eldoir smiled wryly at the familiar longing that awoke whenever he spared a thought to the distant land his ancestors had called home and yet fled from when Malekith's Druchii swept over Ulthuan so long ago.
Eldoir briskly shoke his head and resumed his watch over the passsage that was his charge.

He had been out on watch for a few weeks now, since a large number of Druchii corsair ships had been sighted, along with a dreaded Black Arc which had laid siege to Calumel. His fellow Shadows, Navren and Lanthel had returned a few days to one of their hidden camps for some rest and resupply, which was of no concern for him. He did not fear the Druchii, nor their bruthis allies the Norsemen or Greenskins. He did not fear death either.

"I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees" as his father used to say."Atleast you got your wish, father." Eldoir thought dryly while gazing for a moment at the grey sky. A sound, of metal scraping lightly on stone made him look out across the pass for a moment. And spying a fleeting shadow across the pass made Eldoir ready an arrow to his longbow. One scout would not win a war, just as a single wind would not stir the Great Sea. "But maybe" Eldoir thought once before letting the arrow fly and as his keen ears heard the surprised cry of pain echo across from the Druchii Shade it hit he smiled with something akeen to pride as he was filled with excitement

"Maybe the wave can change the currents"
Eldoir Duskoath SW 40/71 Shadowmaster of the Eternal Host

Strike swiftly aim true


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