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[Buffhead] Building a list

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#81 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:54 pm

Jaycub wrote:You need the actual buffhead mod, and make sure if you did have it that it isn't getting any errors in the mod UI built into the game where you check/uncheck mods.
Yeah i downloaded an addon pack today that had a diff version of buffhead i think, and it overwrote the one that comes when you download ror. But its all fixed now that i re torrented only the interface folder for the addons
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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#82 » Sat Sep 30, 2017 3:14 pm

Can anyone help me find out the Stubborn as Stone AA tracker? I want to track whenever the AA procs, as opposed to the other corp res variant of the ability. The only workaround I have atm is to make Aura only show the ability when stacks = 2.

Posts: 14

Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#83 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:31 pm

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't see any discussion.

I have Buffhead with your custom changes (thanks by the way).

One thing I can't understand though is the punt/ knock back immunity icon.

In PVE I can see a broken shield icon immunity when I knock down mobs but I can't see any obvious/common icon in PVP/rvr. I might be wrong but I thought I saw zero icons on an enemy player, I tried the knock back but the guy was immune.

Do you have any ideas please?

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#84 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:46 pm

immunities should be showing up by default, even with a stock buffhead.

Is this just one instance? Or are you not seeing any immunities on enemy players at all?
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Posts: 14

Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#85 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:48 am

THanks for the reply. I only tried it in 1 SC but I think it was for all enemies. I'll try again today in more SCs and try to see more.
Do you know what the knockback immunity icon should look like?

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#86 » Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:10 pm

Jaycub wrote: The file itself: (updated 7/18/17)

The contents of this folder overwrites...

Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning\user\settings\Martyrs Square\<YOUR CHARACTER NAME>\<YOUR CHARACTER NAME>\BuffHead

You have to do it for each character, at least this is how I am doing it. If anyone knows an easier way tell me.
Just downloaded this file and looks empty, could you check if everything is OK or if im doing something wrong??

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#87 » Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:24 pm

Could someone re-upload the file with the content??

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#88 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:43 pm

Okay so I got couple guestions. I download that and then what ? Is it like a preset with best settings and everything set up ready to use ?
Also, is there any chance of it messing up with the entire UI ?
"If you want to know who you are, you have to look at your real self and acknowledge what you see."

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Posts: 82

Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#89 » Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:24 pm

Sorry to be a newb, but could someone highlight which abilities grant knockdown immunity? Is it the 400ish Unstoppable/Immovable ones noted near the bottom of the OP? I assume they also grant snare/root immunity in addition to the separate ones listed for that?

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#90 » Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:47 pm

dtjror wrote:Sorry to be a newb, but could someone highlight which abilities grant knockdown immunity? Is it the 400ish Unstoppable/Immovable ones noted near the bottom of the OP? I assume they also grant snare/root immunity in addition to the separate ones listed for that?
>KD immunity
402-408 + 412-414 Unstoppable/Immovable
Unstoppable prevents knockdown/silence and staggers.
Immovable prevents knock backs, pulls and roots.
Neither of these prevent snares.

The following skills prevent roots and snares.
>Snare/root Immunities
9173 WL
8095 WH
1445 Slayer
1757 Choppa
8408 Mara
9395 WE
695 Focused Mind (Healer)
674 Focused Mind (RDPS)

Might have missed some...
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