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Patch Notes 24/03/18

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Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#31 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:16 am

rmpl wrote:
- You can now only respec mastery and renown if within range of the relevant trainer.
Why doe? Why would you get rid of a very good QoL change? :roll:
Not interested in repeating the same thing over and over.

It was an exploit that went unpatched by Mythic on live. We figured out how to fix it. Done and done.
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Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#32 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:17 am

The old career trainer in Altdorf took my gold but wouldnt let me respec. I tried respeccing 4 times :shock:
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Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#33 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:18 am

wargrimnir wrote:
rmpl wrote:
- You can now only respec mastery and renown if within range of the relevant trainer.
Why doe? Why would you get rid of a very good QoL change? :roll:
Not interested in repeating the same thing over and over.

It was an exploit that went unpatched by Mythic on live. We figured out how to fix it. Done and done.
Some exploits are good. Things like rocket jumping, circle jumping, bunny hopping were all exploits once.

Fixing something just for the sake of fixing it, eh.

Posts: 456

Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#34 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:25 am

Aceboltz wrote:Thanks for your work.

It was fun to buy respecs from squigs and lions but it sure made no sense at all.

Now them white lion change, so wls now have an activable ability in place of the useless M4 at the top of the tree?
Guardian spec can now guard his pet (more pet buffs -_-) while the damage seems to remain untouched
If I did not knew the game it would totally look like buffs (new ability?, free M4?, tougher pet?) but I realise now guardian spec mofos cannot take all the pet goodies and force opportunity which is quite a big deal. I hope thoses changes are in the good direction.
There is simple fixes to calm down wl opness like for example removing pet when you mount up, forcing wl te recall the pet every battle, which would greatly reduce the "I see you I kill you instantly" problem. But not, better invent new abilities for them and loose your mind trying to fix that broken class with a shitty design at the core. For sure you REALLY love white lions and you don't seem to realise they make the game truly shitty for half the population.

Anyways I hope these wl changes are in the goood direction. Rest looks definitely good! Thanks again.
Really? Remove pet when WL summons mount? WLs "make the game shitty for half the pop"? For how long will you keep crying about WLs on this forum? Do us all a favor and learn to play your SH. I still remember your rage tells when we had cross chat.

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Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#35 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:27 am

rmpl wrote:
wargrimnir wrote:
rmpl wrote: Why doe? Why would you get rid of a very good QoL change? :roll:
Not interested in repeating the same thing over and over.

It was an exploit that went unpatched by Mythic on live. We figured out how to fix it. Done and done.
Some exploits are good. Things like rocket jumping, circle jumping, bunny hopping were all exploits once.

Fixing something just for the sake of fixing it, eh.
This has got to be the dumbest statement I've heard in regards to development.

Fixing something for the sake of fixing something. Way to describe essentially what we've been doing here for the past 5 years. No one has to fix anything and you can live with broken crap. Or we can fix things for the sake of fixing them, and you get to roll with the fixes you don't like, along with the ones you do.

There's lots of QoL addons that did terribly unfair things. Some of them were outright broken on RoR, so we fixed them to prevent pretty major exploits. This is one of them, although it wasn't the worst of the bunch that we broke. It was still giving a massive advantage to people that have it over people that don't. Those are the sorts of things that we've consistently chipped away at. This latest bit should come as absolutely no surprise.
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Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#36 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:35 am

Rampage + coordinated strike spam, looks like fun :D
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Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#37 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:46 am

Interesting changes, cant wait to see how ambitious guild are for the keeps.

Renown thingie is good no more speccing just before the combats >:)

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Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#38 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:03 am

meh I still play my wl axeman as I think it was better even before the update, more fun... Can some1 explain me whata the cd on rampage 5 min or 60 sec? and that means we can use for 10 sec any skill without cd?

Posts: 456

Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#39 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:09 am

I logged in, some issues:

- Trainer takes money, but text says u need to be nearer to it --> no respec possible atm
Last edited by kryss on Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch Notes 24/03/18

Post#40 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:24 am

roadkillrobin wrote:I think the deimplementation of anywere trainer and not having acess to trainers in PVP instances is a very good idea. I would also like to see trainers removed from keeps.
The whole idea about group comps is about making a comp with streanghts and weakneses. By allowing easy acess to change everything about your build you have no obligation and don't need to deal with any consequenses with your chosen comp.

I also think something like a gear lock comitment for 15 min or so would be a good idea.
(Once all gear are selcted and eqiupied you only get the gear stats and bonuses once you pressed the hypotetical lock in gear button and have to wait 15 min to change it again)
Overall I like that anywhere trainer is gone also. But I do think you should be able to respec at keeps. The consequences on your chosen comp is your class selection. Your pigeoned wholed most of the time due to your class selection especially in mixed group comps. I also disagree with the 15 min gear lockout.

So I like the guild involvement on the keep change thang. I kinda wish it was more impactful thou instead of increased carrot chasing. Maybe you couldn't take a keep if it wasn't claimed, but you can decap if you have noyone to claim it? I dunno. Maybe RoR is just dipping their toe into it now and will add more bells and whistle's later.

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