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[SH] Mobility Improvement

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Game Artist
Posts: 84

[SH] Mobility Improvement

Post#1 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:01 pm

-SH as a class was marked by its mobility in live and its mobility was always pointed as an excuse for its lower damage output compared to other dps classes. However, in RoR with all the changes on current CC mechanic (snares, kdowns. ranged kdowns, staggers etc.) SHs lack the mobility they used to have. In addition, considering there is no resolute defense or cleansing winds what is left to SH is Kaboom which is blocked and parried most of the time. Thus, SH has lower damage and less mobility now.

Solution 1 > Give Run away(ability) anti-cc effect like RD

Solution 2> Give run away(ability) the pounce effect it used to have in live before they have changed because people used it to enter unguarded keeps. I don't think it is an issue anymore with the fixed kaboom (it doesn't work in the air) and current keep mechanic.

Solution 3> Give run away or sticky squigz cleansing effect (removing snares).

Solution 4> Make kaboom indefensible.

Or any other solutions you can come up with.
Thanks in advence.
Come On

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Re: SH Mobility

Post#2 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:19 pm


RD/CW removal affects all classes - particularly melee classes that would use it in ORVR to survive zergs/ranged groups. I believe that its removal has less impact on SH - aka the most mobile RDPS in the game - than any other class, and for that reason, I am against giving a ranged DPS with a ranged charge RD tied into said charge.

Run Away giving snare immunity would enable competent SH/Shaman groups to kite melee almost indefinitely. It would also result in an increase in WLs playing , so as to counter a mobile RDPS with 2 means of speed increasement: a WH/Slayer that has finally caught up to you gets punted, their snare on you insta removed, and we're back to Catch The Pigeon again.


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