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[WE] Finishers

Proposals which did not pass the two week review, were rejected internally, or were not able to be implemented.
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Re: [WE] Finishers [Close Date: May 4]

Post#51 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:37 pm

How about wb disapaits when stealth is engaged also.

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Re: [WE] Finishers [Close Date: May 4]

Post#52 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:38 pm

1. Remove haste buff from SS and put healdebuff instead 5sec this would be worth spending the mechanic and opens to other builds.

2. WB could have a resist debuff to work with kisses.

Solution1. Doen’t Give more dmg just utility
Solution2. Gives a bit more dps on that tree but I don’t think a lot of WE are running it since the 1sec ICD
MA Kirth BG Melnibone SH Kikass
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Posts: 30

Re: [WE] Finishers [Close Date: May 4]

Post#53 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:18 am

The goal of WE finishers is to give a rewarding opportunity that makes it worth building up combo points. The Finishers should be diverse and provide different situational uses, so they provide the player with meaningful choices that they need to optimize for full efficiency.

I believe most finishers currently do not function according to the above goals. I think a rework of all finisher would be the best solution, rather than buffing a few finishers, which would just mean WE always use that specific ability and the playstyle is boring. By doing this you can make sure they are situational and the player needs to make meaningful choices.
Rather than making one or two finishers good, raise the general level of all of the weak ones. The player can only use his combo points once, meaning that it won't be overpowered, buffing multiple abilities. Rather it just makes them choose.
Some of these additional effects might make certain finishers too powerful. These finishers then need to have slight damage reductions in order to make them balanced and still have significant effects.

Finisher Options:
Puncture: Armor ignore 10-30%/4-5stacks undefendable, fits with right tree.

Heart render toxin: 5s damage explosion, similar to wop/boiling blood with tactic, delayed high damage to set up burst, fits middle tree very well. Also makes sense with the ability name.

Ruthless Assault: Channel increasing dmg on later ticks (first tick does 25% less, last does 50% more, overall dmg up). Pure physical damage option, fits well with left tree.

OYK: Below 30% finisher increased damage, heavily scaling with stacks, meaning at 1 does low dmg even if condition is true, but at 5 great damage. Fits great with left tree as it provides physical burst damage. Could replace OYK or be an added effect to OYK where it deals the increased damage to the primary target if it is below the threshold.

aa speed buff,I really like the aa speed buff as it is something WH has permanently and WE completely lacked previously. However, Sac stab being a more defensive minded ability it doesn't seem like the best place.

Crit buff 1-5% for 30s, low amount but longer duration, so longer term investment.

Parry Buff/selfheal: Defensive option. Sac stab without the aa speed buff and slow is very underwhelming. It could however, be changed to a purely defensive finisher option. For instance by buffing the self healing aspect and giving it a parry buff.

Tactic left tree: You finishers now penetrate an additional x armor (flat amount) or y armor %, increases per stack spent. I like the flat armor penetration here as it really underlines the left tree as one that wants to target squishy targets.
One of the Best Friends

Posts: 2524

Re: [WE] Finishers [Close Date: May 4]

Post#54 » Sat May 05, 2018 7:13 am

Thank you for discussing. Torque has some interesting things planned for finishers that I think WEs will appreciate -- less of the AW spam meta to give you a more interesting and dynamic experience.
<Salt Factory>

Posts: 2524

Re: [WE] Finishers

Post#55 » Wed May 16, 2018 6:47 pm

As per my comment above, Torque has a class redesign of sorts in store for WEs, so I'm moving this to rejected but just to clean it up for balance mods. Look out in the future for news on WEs.
<Salt Factory>

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