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[Suggestion] IB - Avenging the Debt

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Posts: 308

[Suggestion] IB - Avenging the Debt

Post#1 » Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:04 am

Hello everybody. Quick question. Is it possible to change the ability "Avenging the Debt" by about the following

Deals xxx damage to your enemy, remembering all the offence caused to you, giving you instantly 25 grudges.

Cooldown 20.0 seconds.

ps. wargrimnir sorry for wrong section

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Posts: 6509

Re: [Suggestion] IB - Avenging the Debt

Post#2 » Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:29 pm

Going to decline this. I want you to restructure it properly, as per the guidelines of balance forums, i.e. explain what the issue is, why this is an issue, and why your proposal would help.

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