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[DDZEALOTFTW!!!] The time has come, to tell you a story.

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[DDZEALOTFTW!!!] The time has come, to tell you a story.

Post#1 » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:12 am

All right folks a challenger appears.
Thing just got real. We need to sit down and talk. Talk about the most crucial class in the game, about DDZEALOT.

From where we need to start, cause it a plenty of work to do. So let's start from the history.

There was a time when the WAR was young and didn't know who it want to be. It had a lot of baby issues and juvenile maximalism in it. And in that time there was a class with a special spec who was hated the most of people, cause then longer you fight with him, then the less chances to survive you have, cause of THAT **** BIRD. Yes the birdman of this time have a lot of issues with the gear for that spec, cause the was almost none INT gear for Zeals in that time. But that was fun - the Guilty Pleasure for both sides. And what devs have done? They NERFED it to the ground broke and remove all of the FUN from DDZELOTs, to please that freaking beard ABOMINATION, cause those guys whine so HARD that even Mark Jacobs can heard them in his Ferrari. - We wannabe DD too, the bird ate my child, poor "Hatman" ran 100 km and then died from dehydration, waa waa. And the nerf has come. And you know what they have done, THEY **** MIRRORED the classes but in a very strange way. That was a first genocide of DDZEALOTs.

But we survived, we sit patiently and thought, what we gonna do, how we gonna live, and a solution came in mind. If you don't want us be a COLD blooded single target killers. Then we must go for AOE, and not just ***** ranged aoe, but freaking close combat wombocombo AOE like - "die in instant you freaking puny elf, filthy tabouret beardman, and baldheaded man" all of you gonna burn, and there more of you there more kills for the Ravengod. And everything was fine till the WAR died, and we thought we have finally can rest in peace.

But there were a bunch of order liking men, who just can't sit tight when the corpse is still warm. They take electric cables, spagetti code, and little VOODO magic named "THE INTERNET" and resurrect WARr from the land of dead. And guess what they done when the body start to take signs of life. They NERFED the DDZELOTs in every way, Chaotic Agitation - in their mind must canceled if target out of range or not in line of sight or being blocked once, Winds Of Insanity - must not punt enemies away twice a sec cause - they need to hatman slice you in 2 hits and tank punt you away like you never been there. They upped the resistance for all classes so your magic damage mitigate that hard that freaking slayer in RED state mitigates more than 50% of damage. And in the end nerfed the only one useful ritual, so now just dry out your AP in 3 GCD(cause of melee trains - like you can do something to a melee train - if melee train at your door - nothing can stop it, you know)(actually Zeals can pump AP for group like hell but who cares we need to nerf exactly that one).

"You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel"

So please take a seat, it is an intervention.

1. WAR branch point spending mechanic benefit to some classes more than another, cause some classes have a lot of base damage from the skill, not even spending a point in the branch where this skill belongs - due to raw damage increase of the skills.
Zealot in his turn don't benefit that much cause base damage of his skills lower than same kind of abilities of other classes,, and spending points never gonna give you the same damage, for example(2 sec cast no cd) - Maguses - Flickering Red Fire - does - 320 base dmg, AM Radiant Lance - 344 dmg when Zeal - Scourge has only 277 base damage. M - Indigo fire of change 1548 dmg, AM - Searing touch - 1376 - when Zeal - SoR - 1092 and so one and one - most of the Zeal skill had a lower base damage the the same abils of other classes.

So i see two path how to change it
- simple one just audit and tweak the base damage of Zeal abils to the level of other classes same abils.
- or hard one - make spend points in the branch - to become a % increase instead of raw dmg increase(let say 5% per point in the branch) - so in full branch spec its gonna be 75% increase of damage for abils of that branch - it's give you flexibility in specs
and you have a real benefit of specing in the definite branch.
- there is anonther one, but you not gonna like it, give a tact with 50% critdamage :mrgreen:(every other healers gonna be pissed so bad especially AMs lol, but not the RP if they got it too)

2. The Marks - from the start of WAR abils recvived from marks, never been useful due the insane CD for this abils for such crappy abils - my suggestion is lower the CD but only for abils granted by Zealot himself(i bet its gonna be huge whine if lower the CD for every one) - i say let make it 10 sec CD and see what happens.

3. The Tactics - WAR have a lot of useless or semi useless tactic and Zeal not the exception, so let's tweak some of them.

3.1 - Transference - instead of 50% direct damage make it - any damage - from tacts and dots. - it give some surviveability for zeals who come in melee range cause you can drain some heals from Demon spittle, Mark skills and Warp reality.

3.2 Manipulation no one use this - let's try one of this:
- 25% but from any heal - aoe ones too(in my clalcs if you were so lucky you can hit about max 3750 but if all of your group on low HP and you crit heal all of them atonce, average damage probably be like 1500 or lower in one of the 4 heal so it's not crucial dmg for war but give you some advantage for your risk)
- or increase it to 50% chance (50% strong) but from direct heals like now - so if you direct heal some one for your best long casting heal it's probably gonna be 2000 dmg in the target

3.3 Discipline - make it willpower buff to be convertible to int with the Harbringer - to add some variety in tact choice.

3.4 Tzeentch's Warding - no one use that - due to too much resistance in the game - so let's try one of this:
- auto detaunt the attacker for 5 sec onece in 30 sec.(kinda mass detaunt but save your ass in first second of battle - oh Hatmans gonna hate it if you spend all your burst in this detaunt)
- or 50% chance to snare the attacker for 25% for 5 secs - to give you some sec to run away.

3.5 Waves of Chaos - make dmg from this tact crit and benefit from int, to be in line with Dissolving Mist, in trade for tactic slot.

4. Skills and specs:

4.1 Boon of Tzeentch - remove a CD(to make it mirror of I'll Take That!) or make it use on the run. - for 10 points abil it's a fair trade.

4.2 Mirror of Madness
- make it crit and benefit from int - to become a real treat for healers - the concept of sepcing in 2 branch so high - gonna be direct Healer Hunter.
- Or make it proc on healer for each target they healed so if the mindlessly using mass heal they suffer - hard damage for their mistake.

4.3 Ritual of Lunacy - make it benfit from Willpower and crit to be worth to take it.

4.4 A new core skill melee range dagger strike right in to the heart(second tree abill with benefits from point in tree, corporeal dmg)
- a dmg+disarm for 4 sec to buy you a time to retreat.
- Or probably (WH)BaL like skill small tics with a big one in the end to have more choices in close combat battle, where now days Zeals only can spam AOE skills.
- or a dmg+snare 5 sec 10 cd - but who like another snare in Sanrehammer.
- or a friendly target instant strike which resurrect the target with a big CD let say 1.5 min.(nasty one but you take a risk to go close to corpse)

4.5 Embrace the Warp - 3 min CD it's a nonsense - it's a very strong one to survive but when am have Walk Between Worlds - 30 sec 5 sec detaunt. I think 1 min enough for 10 sec detaunt.

In the End i hope if at least some of this is implemented we probably have some increase of population of DDZEALOTs. And they take the roles of Healer hunters, mass close combat heal debuffers with some cc. To compete with other classes and inventing new metas for group play.

Sincerely yours, but still dreaming about 6 men DDZEATLOT AGE OF PWNAGE PARTYWAGON your friendly neighbor awesome Mr. Toad :mrgreen:

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Re: [DDZEALOTFTW!!!] The time has come, to tell you a story.

Post#2 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 1:00 pm

Far too convoluted and more akin to a class overhaul that isn't warranted.


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