magus and SW burst

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magus and SW burst

Post#1 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:46 am

havoc magus got buff.
scout SW got nerf.
it created unbalance in rdps burst.

I can only imagine why magus got 2sec MBF.
cuz there was no explanation.

magus/engie had no room in 6
6man is highly mobile ever changing situational battle.
stationary mechanic is not fit in here.
( or you have to build entire setup for it like bitterstone formation. )

yet you insist a room in mobile 6, so you created faster burst rotation to reduce stationary requirement.

MBF is one of highest dmg spell. even higher than BoC with full DoT addup.
every highest burst skills of rdps have 3sec cast time.
no reason to be exceptional for magus.
in fact, magus is one of only rdps having 2 3sec skills. now 1 became even 2sec.

if you need mobile, find another approach.
faster rotation so i can move again?
that's not mobile.
that's simple burst buff in every other situation.

I suggest back to 3sec or reduce dmg to line with other 2sec.

about scout SW.
b4 change, you can shoot fester whenever you want.
now you need acid setup and only 10sec window.
2sec + 3sec cast time, you need 5sec build up to max fester.

burst require pre DoT build up.
now fester itself needs setup time.
too long to call it burst.

what's the grand plan for rdps burst?
I prefer less rdps dominance.
but 1 realm got burst, another lost burst,
seems there is no plan.
I thought it will be handled soon.
but it wasn't.

so here's my input.
i suggest to revert both class.

hope you balance mod drop your magus bias and look at the big picture : rdps burst between realm.
SM8, SW8, AM8, WL7, KoBS6, BW6, WP8, WH7, IB8, Eng5, RP5, SL6
BG8, Sorc8, DoK8, WE7, Chs8, Mg8, Ze7, Mara8, BO6, SH7, Shm6, Chop4
SC summary - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20415
( last update : 2020.06.09)

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Posts: 6509

Re: magus and SW burst

Post#2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:45 am

You haven't followed the format whatsoever: you've instead opted to compare two different classes that aren't even mirrors in an attempt to justify your claim that one realm has burst over the other.

Rifleman Engineer is the equivalent to the Havoc Magus, plus you have the Bright Wizard who also provides burst DPS. Rifleman was recently buffed with a new 13-pt ability that has been proven to help against targets with higher armor, so I resent the accusation of 'magus bias', and it does little to further your case.

Wishy-washy statements, like 'it created unbalance in rdps burst' and 'but 1 realm got burst, another lost burst' - which are all wrong - are not offering us anything constructive. Balance is not conducted around anecdotal evidence/vague statements, so I would kindly request that you next time provide proof to back up such claims.

You then proceed to talk about how Festering Arrow in its pre-nerf state could be used whenever you wanted, but now it requires build up time...yet the same is also true of the Havoc Magus MBF rotation: you require being stationary to build 8 stacks, which means up to 16 seconds in total - not including spawning pet - as well as having your PET'S elemental debuff up on target (micromanagement), so I don't understand the relevance of this point when both classes need ramp-up time (the Magus requiring significantly more than 5 seconds). A Mutating Blue Fire that doesn't have either of these prerequisites (8x stack & Elemental debuff from a pet) will not deal sufficient burst.

Scout & Skirmish SW are in line for some work soon. We are fully aware that both specs could do with some tweaking and polishing up. Making a proposal like this, however, is the wrong way to go about it ('seems there is no plan, I thought it will be handled soon, but it wasn't').

Declining: wrong format, comparison with non-mirror classes and accusations of bias aren't going to bode very well.

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