Give to me your Morale Ideas

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Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#1 » Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:24 pm

I am looking for creative ideas for morales that have to do with lore or class mechanics for all classes. Not looking for deal X damage, Y absorb, or Z stats types of morale suggestion. We have enough of those already. Here are a handful of existing morales that are uniqueish concepts to show you what I am asking for.
right tree m4 for AM
m1 for SW
m2 for SM
left tree m4 for WL
m2 for chosen
right tree m4 for magus
left tree m4 for mara
m1 for shaman
m3 for squig herder
m2 for dok

So if you have a cool idea post it here along with what pairing of classes it is meant for. Please refrain from +1 posts on people ideas and from attacking other people for their ideas. I'll give you some example ideas to start:

"We will rebuild" - Requires a turret to have died within the last 6s. You instantly resurrect your turret at your current location and gain 8 stacks of improvised weapons. [Engineer / Magus]

"Live to burn another day" - Resets the cooldown on stealth, grants 30% movement speed, and your next stealth cast within 5s builds up 100% faster (half cast) [Witch Hunter / Witch Elf]

"Da Best Planner" - Gork makes you da smartest allowing you to use all of your abilities regardless of stance for 10s. [Black Orc / Swordmaster]

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Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#2 » Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:50 pm

Squig Herder/ WL
"Squig Herd/Lion Allies"
Summon a 2nd Squig/Lion for X seconds that deals X % of your main squig/lions dmg. (This Ability summons a Squig/compatible to your spec.)

Witchelf/Witch Hunter
"Cleansing Escape"
Instantly clean all Damage over Time effects from you.

"Shadow Mastery"
Immediately restet the cooldown of your Stealth-Ability, make you for X (?) secounds immune to any damage and cast stealth instantly. Last 30 sec or till you hit a nearby enemy. The immunety ends if your left stealth.
To explain: The immunity shouldnt make your more powerfull, just save you from unstealth from to much dmg immediately again!

Shamen/Archemage (or any other heal ;))
"Not while I'm here!" Every near Party/Warband Member who die the next X secounds can ress themself. This Effect dont work for the useing Healer and end immediately if he/she died.

Maybe i will make this list longer one time, i dont have the time now ;)
But i think this is some of my best ideas.

Elvo 40/41 WL
Raschweg 36/35

Zaccar 40/50 Zealot
Aeedys 40/63 WE

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Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#3 » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:46 pm

Will post my m2 DoK ideas by updating this post

1) Run them down

As slaughter goes on, warriors around Disciple of Khaine feel invigorated by his preaching.
Allies in range of 30 get +10% movement and attack speed

2) Sanguine blessing

Aura of blood red apears around Disciple of Khaine as he channels hate of his enemies.
a) Gives DoK 1500-2000 shield against physical attacks for 5 seconds, 25% of damage consumed by shield goes into single group heal of DoK's party
b) Apllies buff to DoK, 25% of all damage done to him, but no more than 2000 in sum, heals his allies (group heal, with no selfheal)
Last edited by Rockalypse on Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#4 » Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:06 pm

This is quite inspiring, didn't thought I would come up with so many ideas :lol:

BO - "ME RUNT!?" - You charge to a party-member that's below 50% life, knocking away enemies in your path. Additional you absorb 25% of the damage this ally takes, while within 30ft for x sec. (Kind of an oh-****-button moral)

BO - " IZ DAT ALL YOUZ GOT?" - You challenge every enemy around you, by claiming to be the toughest bozz around. For 5 sec your party takes 20% less dmg and you take half of this on yourself. If you survive, you will be healed for the full amount of prevented dmg.
(Grp-Guard, with high risk, but can turn out into a big self-heal)

SH - "Squig goes BOOM!" - You shoot arrows prepped with tasty squig-baits, marking an area. A hord of gas-squigs will spawn at your location and try to get to this baits. The squigs either explode when reaching the marked area (overeating on those tasty bits) or on contact with enemies dealing x (aoe-)dmg.
(Either channeling or insta-summoned squig stampede)
(would love to see the animation :lol: )

Zealot - "Ritual of Change" - You draw a powerfull Ritual onto the battlefield. Partymembers within 100ft have their AP restored and a chance of 50% 1)to deal additional corp-dmg an each attack or 2) to have their attack-dmg changed to corp/a random resi-type. (Might be handy to add a resi-debuff or some resi-strikethrough) or 3) to reduce their next casttime by x and enemies get casttime added 4) to reduce the AP-costs of their next skill, increase enemie AP-costs

Magus - "Rising Horror" - You tear open the thin veil between warp and reality, summoning a random Horror (incl Flamer) next to each enemy within 50ft. You gain an Unholy Empowerment for each Horror. Horros will last 20 sec and attack the closest target. (not sure if they all should grant their boni. Could be difficult with red and blue as they both alter the range.) might be addaptable for Engie, too.

Shaman - "Gorkafy you! (or Morkafy?)" - You hurl a big ball of mud on your target, turning it into a Gork/Mork-totem. Friend and foe are targetable. Grants a pulsing aoe-heal around the "totem". A targeted enemy will be snared and have the AA-speed reduced. A Friends will be healed for a small amount whenever hit by an attack.
(Similar to the M2 Breath of Mork, but castable on enemies, too. Also has differnt additional effects depending on the target)
Pächter des Wahnsinns
Gangan - SH 75 .... Blumnmoscha - BO 63
Scophis - Zealot 73 .... Drengur - WP 64
Iznogoud - Sham 50+ .... Bixo - Engie 50+
Apogemoth - Magus 40+ .... Loarelle - AM 65
originating from Drakenwald

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Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#5 » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:15 pm

Choppa : "Fierce Roar" --> Enemie forces tremble in fear and let their weapons fall on the ground for 5 seconds. 40ft aoe disarm

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Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#6 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:11 am

Tanks - Charge! Move forward in a straight line ~30-40 yards knocking back anyone you hit with your charge.

SW maybe SH - Skirmish - allows you (Allies?) to ignore collision detection for X seconds.

Could also give SW some form of stealth.

AM - High magic - Gives your group 100% Disrupt for X seconds.

Slayer - Give me Death(?) - You are immune to all damage and effects for X seconds. When this effect expires you take all negated damage, this cannot be cancelled or mitigated in any way.

Magus - Flying High - for the next X second you are immune to melee attacks.

SH or Shaman - Fanatic - for the next X second you randomly move at an increased speed dealing heavy damage to any friend or for you come in contact with.

Posts: 23

Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#7 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:28 am

SM M1 -Perfect Focus- For 10 seconds the SwordMaster will enter and stay in perfect Balance.

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Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#8 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:39 am

WP M4 - Faith Rewarded - for 10s if you receive fatal damage, you will automatically be resurrected at 50% health

WH M1 - Blind Inquisition - indiscriminately seek out heresey, dealing x damage to enemies and allies up to 30 ft in front of you.
Drystav - Magus 40/6X
Drysthex - Zealot 40/4X
Drystzyk - Chosen 40/5X
Drystax - Mara 24/2X

Drystal - WE 40/5X
Drystmar - DOK 40/4X
Drystelle - Sorc 40/7X
Drysthorn - BG 40/6X

Drystham - Shaman 40/4X
Drystig - SH 40/5X
Drystlak - BOrc 40/4X

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Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#9 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:35 am

Shaman M1
Da Explodin' Mushroom: Summons a mushroom in place which will detonate if stomped by enemy dealing X AoE Dmg and causes X debuff or CC.

Squig Herder M2 or 3
Squig Zerglings: Summons 6 Squigs that will run straight against your target 100 feet away, once they hit enemy and also beeing hit by enemy, squigs will explode into some nasty farts recuding X amount of any stat to the nereast enemies in a X feet radius

Choppa M1 (since GTDC is beein removed, use the animation which is funny and badass)
GTDC generic name: Da choppa channel an AoE for 6 seconds damaging and reducing X stat on enemies in a 40 feet radius

Black Ork M1:
Waaaghin' it up!: The Black Ork goes into a trance that regenerates X amount of HP for 10s.
Kabuterimon RR 109
Kabuchop RR 101
Kabusquig RR 92
Tentomon RR 86

Posts: 37

Re: Give to me your Morale Ideas

Post#10 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:34 am

Ltp --> any aoe skill will be locked, and you only do dmg if you find out, how to assist. M1 Baseline @ all classes.

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