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In need of some White Lion guidance

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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In need of some White Lion guidance

Post#1 » Sat Jan 26, 2019 9:27 pm

Hey all,
Straight to the point, I need some white lion guidance. I enjoy the aesthetics of the class and it's general lore, but as a tank/healer main - melee dps is a whole new world to me.

Not sure what mastery path to take (all I've found in my research is: Guardian and/or White Lions are terrible)

Furthermore, not sure what to spend renown rank points in? I started with strength, but imagine Futile Strikes would be a good choice as well.

Is there a burst rotation I should be aware of or work toward? In T1, I've mainly been waiting for targets of opportunity to present themselves, or for our tank line to make a move and take the fire off of me, while I smack my detaunt, engage an over extended healer or squishy and get out before drawing to much fire. I imagine I should scoop up Pounce and Force Opportunity as soon as I can.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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