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[Dev] Tank morale overhaul

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[Dev] Tank morale overhaul

Post#1 » Tue May 07, 2019 5:42 pm

Hello all.

This is the first post of a series to overhaul morales for all careers where it's needed as there are some major discrepancies as well as certain morales being too weak or too strong in comparison with everything else.

Keep in mind that ideas may change if they don't work out, as always. And time to implement may vary as we will probably not be able to make all changes at once.

As an overview:

General for tanks:

Immacule defence will be lowered from 75% to 60%. This morale is simply dwarfing the other morales and is still strong at 60. It should be worth getting the speccable M4s.

NEW ABILITY: Hold the line: Will be an instant 30% HTL stack for 12 sec to all members in 100 feet, will require a shield. This is as tanks are support when using a shield and not a dps. This is given as raze will have a 2h requirement.

Raze: Will have a requirement of a 2h weapon. This as tanks with shields are support and not dps.

Distracting Bellow: Its range will be increased to a 45 feet cone and reduction reduced to 35% instead of 50%. Bigger range to make it easier to hit with consistently but less power in return.

Specific Career changes:
Black Orc:
Puddle ‘o Muck: Change to a instant 1200 dmg but keep snare. Damage was crap.
Can't touch us: Will be changed to instantly give party in 100 feet 200 AP as well as a 4500 absorb shield. Made to match shield of Valor as it was clearly stronger.
Yer nothing: Entire rework will be 300 dmg each 0.5 sec with micro knockback in a 30 feet range. 3 Sec duration. Original implementation was simply crap with no damage and a small morale drain.

Deafening bellow: Silence component will be removed and replaced with a 1sec buildup increase debuff for 10 secs. Slightly longer duration but made worse as a 5 sec silence to all hit in an aoe is very strong and made all other choices no choice.

Walk it off!: toughness component removed and will be replaced by reduction of crit damage by 25% for 20 sec. Toughness is less effective and this change would make it interesting in the crit meta that DPS dealers usually build on.

Quit yer squabblin’: Total rework, single target silence for 7 sec. We wanted to give the BO some single target utility fitting for a M1 which can stop a healer for 7 seconds.

Warping embrace: 1200 damage in a line with 40% snare over 15 sec. Damage was crap.
Shatter faith: Total rework to match solar flare. 30 feet aoe with 800 damage and drains 1200 morale of all hit. Original implementation was crap as it was the damage with a simple dispel.

Tzeentch Amplification: We are open for suggestions on this one, its rather bad as it is and would be up for a change that fits with the theme and name.

Blast of hatred: Total rework. 1200 dmg instantly and knockback in a 40 feet line. Damage was crap.
Khaines warding: Total rework. Increase avoidance on party (not BG) by 20% for 15 sec and the BG gains a 3000 absorb for 15 sec and 100 hate. Original implementation was crap as it was a small heal dependant on a block inside the party which would most likely only be from the BG himself...
In Malekeiths name: 45 feet aoe with 1200 dmg and a +10 cooldown increaser for all hit that last for 8 sec. Increased range and changed silence to CD increaser to make it easier to hit with and to still allow it to be disruptive but not too strong.

Armor of eternal servitude: Will have its heal increased to 7200 over 20 seconds. Original implementation had a crap heal.

Banish Weakness: Healing component removed and instead gives 20 hate instantly. The heal was crap and with the hate increase you can dump hate and then use this M1 to get defensive tactics again and/or another hate dump.

Strength in numbers: party avoidance lowered to 20%. Original implementation was simply slightly too strong.
Earthen renewal: Total rework. Party in 100 feet will have hexes, curses and ailments removed and buffed for 10 seconds with “on enemy cast deal 400 dmg back to attacker”. Original implementation was simply crap and not worth taking in the tree. This way the IB should be able to turn the tide possibly in a tight spot with the damage back.

Skin of iron: Total rework. Disarm attackers on melee hit for 10 seconds. Compared to the standard M2 with 100% block this should not be taken unless 2h which for a generic morale is not ideal.

Rock Clutch: damage increased to 900 and root reduced to 5 sec. Slightly more damage for the IB instantly and then lower root to make it more tempting to take over demolishing strike.

Knight of the blazing sun:
Flawless Defense: avoidance lowered to 30%. Original implementation was simply too strong.
Solar flare: reduce morale with 1200 instead of full morale wipe. Original implementation was simply too strong as it could negate an entire push from the opponent force in a crowded defense. There was no other morale with the same power and has to be tuned down.

No escape: Total rework. 900 dmg and 5 sec root in a 30 feet aoe. Original implementation was simply too strong.

Emperor's Champion: Total rework. Removes all CC (like juggernaut), CC immune and 20% move speed for 10 sec. Original implementation was simply too strong, giving too much “free” stats on something that you can in practice under the best conditions have a 50% uptime on. Instead it will be a ability to make you close to impossible to escape from.

Shadow Blades: morale drain removed and replaced with a choppa pull effect. Morale drain was simply bad and replaced with something more fun.

Wings of heaven: open for suggestions here. But it has to be replaced. Order already have more gap closers and this is a heavy armor wearing tank career, a pounce does not fit here.

Guard of steel: toughness component changed to a party increase of 800 armor. The armor increase fits better for fluff and also makes it more useful against melee but less useful against magic.

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Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#2 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:23 pm

Will guard of steel stack with Heavens Blade?
Osri - 40/79 - Runepriest
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Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#3 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:25 pm

Just to pick up on a few in particular:

Banish Weakness: Healing component removed and instead gives 20 hate instantly. The heal was crap and with the hate increase you can dump hate and then use this M1 to get defensive tactics again and/or another hate dump.
The healing component was not crap at all: it would heal you to full if you used it at the right time, i.e. NOT when you only had 2 DoTs on you. It is an incredibly potent Morale to use in RvR.

The premise (that it was bad) is flawed, and BG does not need any further means of increasing Hate when Hate is incredibly easy to accumulate (matter of seconds) as it is.

Armor of eternal servitude: Will have its heal increased to 7200 over 20 seconds. Original implementation had a crap heal.
...but also has a hefty armor increase that stacks with everything for 20 seconds.

Wings of heaven: open for suggestions here. But it has to be replaced. Order already have more gap closers and this is a heavy armor wearing tank career, a pounce does not fit here.
It has always allowed the SM to synergise beautifully with a WL/WH (and now ASW) comp. Another reason why it shouldn't be removed is because it is part of the SM's 'class DNA'.

Mobility IS an issue on Order, but there are better solutions instead of gutting morales that are a part of the SM's identity: give BO his AoE snare back in its entirety, nerf KOBS AoE snare 100% uptime - I can go on.

At most, the snare component could be made cleansable.

Skin of iron: Total rework. Disarm attackers on melee hit for 10 seconds. Compared to the standard M2 with 100% block this should not be taken unless 2h which for a generic morale is not ideal.
...this morale is mandatory for a 2h IB when he is being focused heavily; it lasts a measly 5 seconds, only effects the IB himself, and means you give up a Demolish/ChCh/M3/M4 in order to use it.

This new disarm component just seems very messy, and entirely unnnecessary; we will see more people giving out free immunities like candies.

Tzeentch Amplification: We are open for suggestions on this one, its rather bad as it is and would be up for a change that fits with the theme and name.
Could not be further from the truth: TA is a lifesaver when Chosen is pressured hard.
Last edited by peterthepan3 on Tue May 07, 2019 7:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Posts: 105

Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#4 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:29 pm

Wings of heaven has to be removed since is a counter to bg super punt. Strange nath ur main is a bg. Totally umbiased uh? Very very very very good change :D
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Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#5 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:32 pm

Some intresting times coming up :lol:
Kkomrade 80 Zealot Akilinuz 80 Chosen Zaiyer 80 Marauder
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Posts: 91

Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#6 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:37 pm

SM: M4 pull seems really underperforming unless it ignore immune :D

M2 the pounce one was of the unique and enjoyable moral, sad to see it removed

BG: M1 like petertheelitist said, was a great moral in the current state, don't understand the
reason to change it unless u think was overpowered

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Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#7 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:44 pm

Natherul wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 5:42 pm M2
Distracting Bellow: Its range will be increased to a 45 feet cone and reduction reduced to 35% instead of 50%. Bigger range to make it easier to hit with consistently but less power in return.
You mean it will be changed to 45ft cone?

Atm it works as a AoE debuff around your target with 30ft range from your target with 100ft range. It is strong, but it used to be M3 for this very reason.

So basically double nerf and making it slightly better than challange on M2 slot.
Magus / BG

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Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#8 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:46 pm

When Nath got his hands on balance.
And how can you even say BG m1 was weak healing?
You main BG wtf.
You could go from 20% to 100% in a sec with that morale lol.
Annother proof you have 0 **** clue about this game.
Big **** LUL
Such offense is not welcome here.
Dalgri - Ftp/Sens - Sadboi - Fanboy


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Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#9 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:50 pm

Well I guess we won't be seeing raze in rvr anymore. I think zerg melting will be virtually impossible now, as reaching m4 is simply unrealistic to expect. We will see. But some of the m4s look interesting.

The bo m1 is really weird. Bo already has a 5s silence that can crit for big numbers also, so what would make you use this morale (you can also use a tactic that reduces it's cd and increases the damage)? I think the previous version was a lot better, it's not like bo needs much single target utility (I don't really know what made you think that, and what exactly you mean by that). If we are talking about 2h bo, he needs defenses. And the m1 was useful since it gave you a parry buff that stacked with other buffs; parry being the one thing bo really lacks compared to all other 2h tanks. Plus, it was a group buff also, which goes in line with bo role in a party, group support tank (among other things). I hope you will reconsider this change, or at least that you realize what I'm talking about, and try to give bo something in the defensive department in return.

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Re: Tank morale overhaul

Post#10 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:57 pm

if you insist on nerfing sm m2 pounce then just remove the snare component, make it ST or make it cleansable

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