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What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#21 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 4:12 pm

Good dps players.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#22 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 6:11 pm

I can just echo what others say: order lacks good dps more than anything.

order is full of useless dps who do no damage, not using detaunt, trying to facetank destro melees and what not. I'm playing IB as main and it is the most discouraging when we have shitty dps in the team. I see enough healers (most of the time) and enough tanks (almost always) in order, but we do no damage.
Gryyw - Ironbreaker

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#23 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:42 pm

Mystry wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:17 amAlso the core reason why there are few of them is because Order tanks and healers have garbage aesthetics compared to Destro. No one wants to play them because they look dumb.

On your Paper-Doll screen hide the helmet and the cloak. If you created a good-looking toon it will now look better. If, of course, you are playing an SM. Not much to be done for Knights and all Dwarves look alike.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#24 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:47 pm

When greenskins are on order, but then again not being able to kill those SW would be a big hindrance.

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#25 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:02 pm

This is an asinine topic. If someone needs to be incentivized to play something with something other than it will help you win. They are a person I probably dont care if they are healing or tanking. Better they solo queue dps so they end up in as few scenarios as possible.

Posts: 66

Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#26 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:29 pm

Perhaps its because damage is so high, that once your ap is gone from HTL, your fodder. 350 dot ticks to ST abilities hitting for 500 and 900 from dps shaman and WEs respectively. All the while your damage is sub 100 on most abilities.

Too much liability playing a s/b tank will to little return in regard to mitigation. The numbers above are on a RR 78 Ib with 900 toughness in full Invader. I don't like playing the class anymore, its just too weak defensively to bother. I'm not even talking about any morale dumps either.

Only if you off spec in a solo build and sacrifice your grp utility can you ever expect to win solo fights, and that is dubious. Then the point is moot, and you have to question why bother, just make WL, WE, or some other variation of a true dps class build.

There is a reason that most tanks who do lots of scs go 2h. You need better dps than s/b in target transitions. The s/b builds are HTL and guard bots. That is it, and why ppl don't play them.

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#27 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:38 pm

Tanks, being 2H or SnB, got boring and unfun mechanics (guardbot, stunbot, HtLbot) with some nice -more or less passive- buffs to party and enough resistance to be durable.

But tank impact in sc or RvR battle is somehow deterred by their non-threatening abilities ; sometimes you as a tank will try to accompany your dps (if you got a fine and skilled dps buddy) and focus backlines, but in pug environment you just cannot do that, not to mention the rest of the blob will probably not follow and support you properly.

So your tank is just going around and try to bodyblock while enemy just ignore you, because while your CC end and they got immunity, they just have to ignore you completely during 30s each time.
So you can always take damage off your buddy (provided you can move in coordinated fashion) and make a challenge, punt/cc a healer once in a while, but you are just not a threat for enemy 90% of the time. All you bring is useful buffs/debuffs and some cc (depending of tank class), but it's boring and frustrating to see you can just be ignored most of the fight, and just being a minor annoyance for enemy...

On the other hands, a proper assist from dps will drop a health bar, causing real threat on people, tanks and healers are forced to react fast to avoid someone's death.

So healer and dps are both very rewarding (your really save people from death and keep them alive, or kill threats while being one yourself), but tank is really not rewarding ; you add some HP to the pools, and cc that most other classes can do better (mass bumps, mass snares, ranged kd, various debuffs), but when enemy ignore you it's like you're not even needed to make a difference.

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#28 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:08 pm

I have all tank but when it cames to appereance:

-ib/bo/bg suck till rr 40
-Kobs have few very good looking geat
-Sm have some helm.good looking but when it came to chest oh my oh..
-ch is the best set for appereance from lv 1 to rr80 imo.

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#29 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:28 pm

Tesq wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:08 pm I have all tank but when it cames to appereance:

-ib/bo/bg suck till rr 40
-Kobs have few very good looking geat
-Sm have some helm.good looking but when it came to chest oh my oh..
-ch is the best set for appereance from lv 1 to rr80 imo.
So true. KoBS have weird appearances for a class where they could have just used embellished historical armor. Not enough closed face helms for Knight. Not enough plate,mail, or puffy sleeves on knight until rank 40.
SM also should have a closed face helm per the TT but they never got one in game.
Brynnoth Goldenbeard (40/80) (IB) -- Rundin Fireheart (40/50) (RP) -- Ungrinn (40/40) (Engi)-- Bramm Bloodaxe (40/83) (Slayer) and a few Empire characters here or there, maybe even an elf.

Posts: 309

Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#30 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:41 pm

Support classes can become very frustrating to play at times. High expectations, low appreciation, and when things go to Hell, you're invariably the one blamed for it - by the people you do the often boring but essential and difficult work for so they can do the much more glamorous and exciting damage dealing and kill scoring.

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