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[Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#11 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:33 pm

I made a post a while back suggesting a pubg/fortnite style sc where you use the mechanics of Khaine's embrace, but reverse it. Start with a big death-sphere around you that gets smaller and smaller (slower than the current khaines bubble). But obviosuly not too too small. Otherwise, punt tanks would just get all the kills. The center of the death-sphere could be variable so the ending fights are in different spots. Not sure about mechanics. Could even keep it like Khaines where the death-sphere spawns after 2 points are capped. Maybe have a few baubles spawn afterwards that give you points the longer you hold it, but have the baubles spawn randomly, so they can be in precarious positions.

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#12 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:59 pm

1. the maze.
2. puzzle quest
3. public quest as a scenario.
4. scenario without healers.
5. the boss in the scenario
15th orks on a dead elf's chest
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#13 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:47 pm

1)i like idea with NPC, it's basically returns ORVR server's PQs, which is forgotten for now.
Core servers is result of whine "we want grind peacefully" and destroyed opportunity of joining to parties/groups to defend each other. It's not bait, just look at T1-T2 PQs. They were built in RVR part in mind. But in core you simply can turn off your RVR flag and grind mindlesly.

2)Also i trying to ressurect idea of arena - like scs with smaller than 6 man groups. 2-3 players without balance and reduced rewards to prevent abuse. Or maybe with special rewards like dyes/cosmetics/whatever. I mean there always will be high rank people who obtain current best gear and want to play just for fun, not for gear/weapon "grind". Devs seems against it for some reason.

3)Pure pug sc. No balance, 12 WEs vs 12 IB's? Fine. Probaly with reduced rewards or some penalty :)
Something fast like EC which i didn't saw like for 4 years.

4)There unused scenario named Iron Clad. Probably because it's too short and guards sometime bugs out and come to fight to another warcamp :mrgreen: . But it's good for small scale. Use it for arena maybe? :roll:

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#14 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:03 pm

Ironclad is used in T1. Reason : no group heal when T1.

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#15 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:10 pm

Crazy idea for scs :D - NPC healers (probably on BOs, kinda static and killable).
Not good as real players but throwing few hots once per 10 seconds will be fine

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#16 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:26 pm

Yaliskah wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:03 pm Ironclad is used in T1. Reason : no group heal when T1.
Thing is, group heals aren't gonna keep everyone afloat if the enemy DPS are playing properly, and assisting. You can't keep up a target that is being focused heavily from group heals alone. I can see the argument to be made in unorganised environments, but then again everything is potentially 'OP' in such instances.

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#17 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:43 pm

peterthepan3 wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:26 pm
Yaliskah wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:03 pm Ironclad is used in T1. Reason : no group heal when T1.
Thing is, group heals aren't gonna keep everyone afloat if the enemy DPS are playing properly, and assisting. You can't keep up a target that is being focused heavily from group heals alone. I can see the argument to be made in unorganised environments, but then again everything is potentially 'OP' in such instances.
Thing is, Ironclad is a small SC with walls. Having AOE heals means people can heal through those walls.

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#18 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:14 pm

Natherul wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:43 pm
peterthepan3 wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:26 pm
Yaliskah wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:03 pm Ironclad is used in T1. Reason : no group heal when T1.
Thing is, group heals aren't gonna keep everyone afloat if the enemy DPS are playing properly, and assisting. You can't keep up a target that is being focused heavily from group heals alone. I can see the argument to be made in unorganised environments, but then again everything is potentially 'OP' in such instances.
Thing is, Ironclad is a small SC with walls. Having AOE heals means people can heal through those walls.
I know that, but the point still remains that AOE heals aren't gonna keep your friends afloat if they come up against a semblance of decent DPS assist, as you will need ST heals. Having said that, I do agree that it's a bit cheesy.

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#19 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:22 pm

NAME: joy in blood (KHORNE VERSION) or tzeench will play you again (tzeench version)

MAP: ic arena

- every kill grant x points
- you win when your team reach 500 pt
- after you die you get ista ressurrected (or 5 sec delay) on spot full life (no respawn wc) for the joy of khorne/tzeench into a eternal slaughter ! ....... or till he get bored ^^ (aka 500 pt).

PLAYERS: your realm can play both vs opposite realm and same realm; khorne dont care from where the blood flow or tzeench wanna have fun ^^

Dev difficulty: easy and short


NAME: architect of fate
MAP: CW floating arena 58k, 46k; add ruined walls and intersection like those in cw rvr near south keep etc (remove bracerse and link the 2 door with one another ( so one can escape and reach opposite side in a flash ;) )

-defend yourself while solving puzzle game;
- tzeench will call a side that must solve and another that must block em every x mins ( it get wrote on screen and a flag on mid show the color for the side that must solve the prob)
- when a side solve a puzzle it get reward with points and a buff ( like dmg increase from logrin forge for exemple).
- puzzle consist into click stuff to fix litteral puzzle on walls or ground, while dealing with enemy
- there are several puzzle spread across the sc but you have to find the correct one first while the timer ticking....

Exemple of puzzle: 9 square grind , each square can rotate on spot, you must rotate in the correct way all the 9 square to solve the puzzle. for other puzzle exemple look at D&D online

PLAYERS: destru vs orders

Dev difficulty: easy but long


NAME: Swamp boss

MAP: build from scratch based on marsh of madness terrain (because pots off swamp everywhere to slow ppl is fun)

- mini siege
- sides try kill the enemy tower door and kill the lord inside (still 12 vs 12 and mini-lord is on bottom floor)
-lord wll stay only inside tower
- it reset to original spot if dragged outside
- when lord reset it dosent regain life (aka rdps from safe distance while it keep reset or hit and run are all fine strategy, it's party job to save him).

PLAYERS: des vs ord

Dev difficulty: easy, tedious to balance (of the 4 would be the only one i would ditch)


NAME: Beacons of magic

MAP: build from scratch, build (ideally a bridge with 2 elf-ish wall with a door per side suspended over lava in an enviroments like dw forge

- each side try break the 2 door of opponents side and destroy the magic catalyst behind second door
-respanw in wc
-all part of maps are equaly in distance and disposed in immaginary/virtual line/bridge as wrote here

-> wc - catalyst - door 2 - door 1 - empty space - door 1 - door 2 - catalyst - wc <-

PLAYERS: des vs ord

Dev difficulty: easy, but medium in time consuming as it requrie build from scratch the map.


P.S: i'll add screen screenshot tomorrow for maps
Last edited by Tesq on Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:59 am, edited 39 times in total.

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#20 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:33 pm

tesq have the best idea..

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