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Witch Elves: The Particulars

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#11 » Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:13 pm

Sentinel - Jewelery + Helm
Beastlord - Jewelery + Pocket + Cloak
Vanquisher - all other items.

Knives - Outcast in main hand (From BB/BE) + Maharia Blade (From BS)

Tactics - Brute Force, Flanking, Masterful Treachery, Increased Pain

Then go backstab your target and do the combo:
Ellxir of insane Power + Feited Positioning (do it BEFORE you left an invisible), then left the invisible with Dot, then Sacr Stab, heart Seeker (knocks the target down), then Pierce Armor and Agonizing Wound 2 times. Do not try it on tanks or runepriests. All others will be dead.

Also you will need full + weapon skill renown tactics.

Posts: 1432

Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#12 » Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:34 pm

Landau wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:13 pm Then go backstab your target and do the combo:
Ellxir of insane Power + Feited Positioning (do it BEFORE you left an invisible), then left the invisible with Dot, then Sacr Stab, heart Seeker (knocks the target down), then Pierce Armor and Agonizing Wound 2 times. Do not try it on tanks or runepriests. All others will be dead.

Also you will need full + weapon skill renown tactics.
Taking a wild guess from facing quite a few whs over the years on different toons- won't down anyone with tweaked (700+) toughness.

Also, Heart Seeker not out of stealth pretty much asks for it to be parried (and you can get parried on everything, for that matter my magus has a renown parry maxed). Or say for them detaunting you before the KD.

Or speaking magus, or engi in we's case, putting a land mine next to them, so now they are down but instead of doing dmg you have to wait out a 5 sec stagger.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

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Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#13 » Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:46 am

Zxul wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:34 pm

Taking a wild guess from facing quite a few whs over the years on different toons- won't down anyone with tweaked (700+) toughness.

Also, Heart Seeker not out of stealth pretty much asks for it to be parried (and you can get parried on everything, for that matter my magus has a renown parry maxed). Or say for them detaunting you before the KD.

Or speaking magus, or engi in we's case, putting a land mine next to them, so now they are down but instead of doing dmg you have to wait out a 5 sec stagger.
parry doesn't work from back. MT tactic is about to kill someone out of stealh once in 30s. So HS will be parried only if you are too dumb if attack target to face while were stealthed.
talking about mines - it's free immune, just wait in stealth and continue your job.
talking about magus - WH is in much better position here, since can spec for disrupt + vindication. +35% (on live it was 40-45%?) just for disraption of crappy dot tick, thats why i loved them. Add here buff for 7s of 100% disruption vs M1 for engies.

also funny thing about WH, devs mindlessly mirrored OYK to dragon gun, but forgot bullets vs kisses mechanic.
slot tactic for healing from bullet proc, spam dragon gun at zerg - bum! full HP bar. Unlike WE's tactic for kiss of death, heal tactic even in same tree with dragon gun.

Posts: 91

Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#14 » Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:28 am

bichka wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:46 am also funny thing about WH, devs mindlessly mirrored OYK to dragon gun, but forgot bullets vs kisses mechanic.
slot tactic for healing from bullet proc, spam dragon gun at zerg - bum! full HP bar. Unlike WE's tactic for kiss of death, heal tactic even in same tree with dragon gun.
kiss did the same before the icd, although it was based on the rng ;)

Posts: 1432

Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#15 » Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:37 pm

bichka wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:46 am
Zxul wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:34 pm

Taking a wild guess from facing quite a few whs over the years on different toons- won't down anyone with tweaked (700+) toughness.

Also, Heart Seeker not out of stealth pretty much asks for it to be parried (and you can get parried on everything, for that matter my magus has a renown parry maxed). Or say for them detaunting you before the KD.

Or speaking magus, or engi in we's case, putting a land mine next to them, so now they are down but instead of doing dmg you have to wait out a 5 sec stagger.
parry doesn't work from back. MT tactic is about to kill someone out of stealh once in 30s. So HS will be parried only if you are too dumb if attack target to face while were stealthed.
talking about mines - it's free immune, just wait in stealth and continue your job.
talking about magus - WH is in much better position here, since can spec for disrupt + vindication. +35% (on live it was 40-45%?) just for disraption of crappy dot tick, thats why i loved them. Add here buff for 7s of 100% disruption vs M1 for engies.
If you use HS from stealth yep, however what was posted "then left the invisible with Dot, then Sacr Stab, heart Seeker"- 2 GDCs for target to face the WE before the KD. Same for mines- 2 GCDs is more then enough to click mine shortcut twice, and if you are attacking you ain't waiting in stealth.

And speaking of WH disrupt buff, on tank magus its just a time to relax and use all the stuff which can't be disrupted, like detaunt, Aegis, pots, and m1 punt if its up.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

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Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#16 » Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:48 pm

WExWH wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:28 am
bichka wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:46 am also funny thing about WH, devs mindlessly mirrored OYK to dragon gun, but forgot bullets vs kisses mechanic.
slot tactic for healing from bullet proc, spam dragon gun at zerg - bum! full HP bar. Unlike WE's tactic for kiss of death, heal tactic even in same tree with dragon gun.
kiss did the same before the icd, although it was based on the rng ;)
i am too lazy to logon on WE to test if build with IP(3rd branch) + tactic for heal(2nd branch) and OYK (last skill in 1st branch) even possible. And even if it is, WE forced to use outcoming healdebuff proc which is useless against any non healer, while WH can debuff ini or go for AP.

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Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#17 » Tue Nov 19, 2019 5:08 pm

Ehm.. I started to play this game on live since launch, just kept on gaming whilst the old servers died down til the last hour on martyr square. However I Was on order. Another time, another era. :mrgreen:

Back here on RoR i fell in love with destro thanx alot to Luranni and her guildmates in Perish. I also got the honor to be introduced into lore, gossip and history from another perspective by a true destruction realm player who I allways felt was true to her class and her realm. Obviously there are and were several other great WElfs both in RoR and in the old world. I think the way to play this class is very individual. A true Welf knows that almost every kill u take could be signed with ur own death so the skill boils down to survival and outgoing useful dps. Masteries and renown point reflects ur playstyle. I play WElf with the classes mechs; emotional and tempremental, allways trying to read the flow of the battle. I don't use fancy addons like nerfedbuttons or such. I use abilities in the moment whilst trying to dish out dmg.

Shyla ; "Smokeable Herbz and frozen yoghurt for life :twisted:"
Isak Malek R.i.P [2003-2013]

Posts: 80

Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#18 » Fri Dec 13, 2019 2:39 pm

ok guys, i got a question and i want your input - can this be something for WB play?
the idea is to spam slice with witch brew and applied armor pen ... ,2991,5599

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Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#19 » Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:58 pm

i use slice along with the OYK, and the tactic that allow armor pen after using a finisher.
-= Agony =-

Posts: 25

Re: Witch Elves: The Particulars

Post#20 » Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:53 pm

Anyone know if the Invader Set Proc and Sacrificial Stab stack for AA dmg?

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