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Brut or Sav? How did mara’s build back in the day?

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Re: Brut or Sav? How did mara’s build back in the day?

Post#31 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:11 pm

Luth wrote:
noisestorm wrote: Marauder in that case simply has NO drawbacks at all.
Mara is lacking a groupheal and guard. Maybe this can be fixed later. :mrgreen:

Pretty much this for any monstr specced Mara :D :D
Bozzax wrote:You post opinions I post results of Annaises testing that was unbiased and done in a controlled manner. It is up to anyone to draw their own conclusions from them.

Before you continue the education have you played a RR100 Mara and RR100 Choppa?

EDIT: Results as I recall them I'm afraid wish I had a copy of the testing
I played a RR80 Mara and, man, u cant imagine the potential of that class NOT fully Sover-Gear. Its just OP compared to anyother class. Its like having a Dragon WH and a Slayer all in one. Massive debuffs and buffs, great AoE, great DPS, great Survavility if u control urself. Obviously is not as much specialiced as a tanky-WH (Dragon tree goes for tough-init mostly) neither an AoE-Slayer (that with a 2H axe was like "WTF killed me in 3 hits?"), but being able to do both AND debuff and buff ur party, its simply the most OP MDPS of the game, since tier1.
TenTonHammer wrote:Does monstro mutation help against wh armor pen? I was told by a guildmate that at least in t3 I need to spec focus monstro or I'll get blow up by wh but today I was told by some that monstro DOSNT help against wh armor pen only regular armor pen by melee attacks (and sw?)

Part of me feels bad that I'm playing an "op class" but I can't help but genuinely enjoy the class that still takes challenge to time stance shifting and stuff now I know how those KOB players feel about the looming prospect of nerfs to their class
Short answer: it does help against any non-magical attack, except for the positional attack that ignores armor from the back, but even against that Tough-increasing-tactic, that also increased with the amount of points placed in the tree if i recall correctly, from monstr-tree will help to reduce dmg.

Long answer: Trouble is that there is only 3-4 attacks that actually deal simply armor penetration. Most of them are positional, with the chance to "feint" position in both ultra-MDPSs (WH-WE). Still most of the armor penetration comes from WeaponSkill really, as MDPSs since t2 up to t4 are classes that actually have way less strght that WS in their gears. Cause of the talis this changed often, but still WS was nearly allways close to the cap-level of armor penetration. That was a REAL trouble to gear in t4 ur MDPSs.

Anyways, Tough coming from Monstr allways helps and can only teared down by DPS-tanks like the SM. Combined with the autoheal u can get a nice regeneration level, allowing the class to go for attrition fights. Trouble? Any WH semi-skilled noticing u in monstr will instantly moves from their many DoTs to their not-so-many-but-very-powerfull Alpha-Strikes, moving also the trouble from penetration to actual autoheal cooldown. Also the AP trouble comes at hand here. U NEED to deal dmg to autoheal, so u need to be conservative at the start of the fights to actually have AP to spam skill that would eventually trigger ur autoheal.

Here lays the basic balanced-fight needed in the Maras that made so many ppl abandon them in t3, cause from there on was a pain in the ass to control urself and dont spam ur AP consuming skills. Also why so many ppl thought that Brut was better, cause Impale, if i recall correctly, costed way less AP/DPS than any other attack-spam of the Maras.

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Re: Brut or Sav? How did mara’s build back in the day?

Post#32 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:57 pm

Are Tactics going to be implemented soon?

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Re: Brut or Sav? How did mara’s build back in the day?

Post#33 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:17 pm

yummypewp wrote:Are Tactics going to be implemented soon?

you already have your first tactic that you get at lvl 11, though warped flesh is broken and never procs :(

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Re: Brut or Sav? How did mara’s build back in the day?

Post#34 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:09 pm

yummypewp wrote:Are Tactics going to be implemented soon?
They probably won't be in my first combat rework.

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