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Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#41 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:39 am

emiliorv wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:22 am

But, playing in each side you have that classes on screen...i mean, when playing destro you see destro classes on screen (as allies) and when playing order you see the same destro classes on screen (as enemies)...why you think its a "destro thing"??
because being a filthy xrealmer who plays both sides (Sorc 82, Choppa 81, WE 80 - BW 82, WL 82, Slayer 76, SM 72), all evidence with FPS drops suggest that I am playing with 5-10 FPS less when on Order and in large fights. I have close to no issues on Choppa diving into big bombs and remaining functional while engaging enemy in medium or bad lags, and even less issues on Sorc where I can do medium or close range bombing even with 15-30fps in larger fights.
On BW the loss of frames results in actual screenfreezing at times, lately past 2 weeks on Slayer have been quite "interesting" as well.

Given that I have same addons and effects on all my characters, there is something that causes extra lag when playing Order, whether it is some buggy VFX, maybe some debuff, maybe some weird cone AoE check, maybe some unoptimized self VFX, maybe some weird collision handling that somehow hurts Order more, maybe some other bug...
Not blaming any Destro players, just saying there is something going on that is producing a side effect that results in the issues stated above.

Posts: 277

Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#42 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:00 pm

i can assure you i have the same fps drops on destro verses order. mainly if there is heavy pop and action in ONE zone doesnt matter how many peeps around you or in the zone. just feels like the density of players somewhere on the server creating a fps-black hole.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#43 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 1:30 pm

Really, stop posting if you don't have chars in both realms to compare. There are fps drops in big fights. The thing here is if they are more noticeably obscene in order, which so far all video, not opinion, but actual factually checked evidence, seems to lead to.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#44 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:35 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:39 am
emiliorv wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:22 am

But, playing in each side you have that classes on screen...i mean, when playing destro you see destro classes on screen (as allies) and when playing order you see the same destro classes on screen (as enemies)...why you think its a "destro thing"??
because being a filthy xrealmer who plays both sides (Sorc 82, Choppa 81, WE 80 - BW 82, WL 82, Slayer 76, SM 72), all evidence with FPS drops suggest that I am playing with 5-10 FPS less when on Order and in large fights. I have close to no issues on Choppa diving into big bombs and remaining functional while engaging enemy in medium or bad lags, and even less issues on Sorc where I can do medium or close range bombing even with 15-30fps in larger fights.
On BW the loss of frames results in actual screenfreezing at times, lately past 2 weeks on Slayer have been quite "interesting" as well.

Given that I have same addons and effects on all my characters, there is something that causes extra lag when playing Order, whether it is some buggy VFX, maybe some debuff, maybe some weird cone AoE check, maybe some unoptimized self VFX, maybe some weird collision handling that somehow hurts Order more, maybe some other bug...
Not blaming any Destro players, just saying there is something going on that is producing a side effect that results in the issues stated above.
Maybe it's Bw aoe's fault. Too many bw in one place, effects overlap and fps decrease. Reduce range? Maybe help

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#45 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:51 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:09 pm adding more material for comparison, filmed on same day, same zone, same amount of addons running, Choppa POV to BW POV

Click here to watch on YouTube

vs fight at 2min timer

Click here to watch on YouTube

on Choppa im fine charging into enemy blob and still doing fine at 5-15frames, BW and you just drop to 0-1 frames as soon as fight starts.
I watched both videos and i think you have a problem with your computer. I think your video card/game is limiting your frames causing the issue. You lag in both videos the choppa doesn't seem as bad because you aren't hitting as many players as you are with the BW. But if you watch closely as you are running towards the fight with the choppa you get some studder and i suspect that is as you are approaching players and they are coming into your view range so it is loading them to be seen. The choppa video doesn't seem as bad because there are a lot less players in that area compared to the BW video.

I am not sure what video card you are running but i can tell you from experience of recording videos in other games that to record a game with a lot of players it has to load you need to adjust settings to let it have much higher frames then you need so that when you encounter big fights you don't drop to 5-15 frames.

I am not home so i can't check, i am not sure if there is a vsync setting in the game options or not. But I had the very same issues while recording a different game on a different pc that would drop me down to 5-15 frames while recording because Vsync in the game was on and it was on for my gfx card. Most older games have frames locked at 30fps with vsync on because that was the limit back then because of the limitations of the hardware. My solution for the other game i played was to turn vsync off in the game options and leave it on for my video card in the video card settings and this would lock me at a solid 60FPS even while recording. If you have an older video card that is locking you at 30fps with vsync on you can try to turn it off in the settings to see if that helps with your lag issues.

Extended chat log can also plague your performance. If you have it set to the max duration and you are at your cap text limit in the chat box when you start to hit people/move in range of effects that will display in your combat log it can cause a lag spike something else i also noticed from the BW video, a lot of times when you would hit a bunch of people at the exact same time it would lock up. This could be due to your setttings of the combat/chat log.

I really think your system is being overloaded from the combination of everything. The choppa video still has lag and studder you just aren't hitting as many players as you are on the BW so your BW locks up more. You have some throttling going on somewhere and i don't think it is just the server. From the small clips on the BW it looks like your system runs ok until engagement and then any kinda stress it starts to lag and even on the choppa it does that. That should not be happening unless it is a fort size fight or higher and even then you shouldn't be dropping to the frames you are. It definitely looks like your pc is having a problem. You could have bad memory, you could have a video card that is failing. You could also be overheating. I would start to check everything because if your pc is decent and you have the lag issues you are then it could be hardware related. I just got a new pc last month that has 0 issues with lag destro or order side and even in big fort fights it is playable unless the server is lagging.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#46 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:25 pm

My GPU has close to no issues with overheating, and it runs even modern games just fine. Recording with it has close to no effect on my game performance when running a 12 year old game.
I'll accept the argument that BW is hitting more targets, except when at times my Choppa is also doing 24 target attacks + while throwing napalm + while doing 24 DOT attacks.
Maybe you will one day try both sides and come to the same conclusion that something odd is happening with the frame losses being most of time worse on Order compared to when running on Destro.
I would not even be making this thread if I was just doing the usual Destro gameplay, where it is lagging at times, but mostly fine. Because somehow, the lags just get worse on Order, at least for me.
And it's not like I'm the only one lagging, others also have similar issues, and others who have spent numerous hours on both sides will say there is somehow more lag when playing Order, in various engagements.

Will probably buy new GPU in few months, even if I have no issues with my current one, just to see if it somehow mysteriously prevents this old game from lagging.

I tried the chat log settings at times, again close to no difference in past testing.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#47 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:28 pm

I think it has something to do with groups and group update information. Next time in bad lag, drop group and see what happens. Forts are usually a slide shows for me if in a warband, but if I am solo/small group no problems.
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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#48 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:38 pm

its not a problem with his computer or his settings, its just so laggy when getting hit by destro bomb compared to order one. But sure, lets just pretend its his computer or settings and ignore that getting hit my melee SH lags the game to ****.
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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#49 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:23 am

Thank you for finally posting real evidence of this issue, even if it gets ignored.
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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#50 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:55 am

Might this be an rvr issue only. I didn't notice any fps drops in city siege vs 2-4 melee sh.
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