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Patch Notes 13/05/2020

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#21 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:38 pm

BelligerentBob wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:57 pm FINALLY! Magus and Engineers will be desired for war bands for things other than rifting.

Now make everyone's channeled abilities end when LOS'd or out of range.
I am not sure.
Because Napalm and Dissolving mist doesn't stack.
Meaning one in the spot is the max damage you get on that spot.
If 1 engie or 20 put it there doesn't make a difference.
So now maybe 1 engi gets in the wb, like before the riftengi. :D

But I am super hyped by all the new shield appearances on the WP and Doks.
Are the items bound do WP or could you use the appearance also on the kotbs?

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#22 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:39 pm

It seems the scens are broken, parties are not working there.

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#23 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:42 pm

Wam, the two cities before the last two cities were EU cities. They were both 3am for me in NA. Changing engie/magi aoe is not gonna keep cities in the NA.

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#24 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:49 pm

A small boost to an ability that's been nerfed 3 times and still doesn't stack. 250 proc damage and no crits isn't stopping a fort. Wam's correct and incorrect. Playstyle heavily favors defenses, but Engi/Magus aren't the issue. Morals are.

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#25 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:57 pm

Mythrendir wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 4:33 pm
ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:16 pm [Weekend Warfront: Blood Basin]

[Warrior Priest & Disciple of Khaine shield rework]

Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine previously only had lower level shields available from a special merchant and all of them used the same appearance. Now they have many appropriate appearances to choose from, based on modified versions of KotBS, Black Guard & NPC shields.

The shields been spread throughout the game. They will appear in loot tables, PQ rewards, quest rewards, influence rewards and at vendors, just like any other gear. There are also lower level versions of Bucklers & Disciple of Khaine Blood Wards at scenario reward vendors.

The old lvl 36 Blue rarity shields & weapons available from vendors have been added to the T4 Epic Quests
1h Sword "Bloodletter" is rewarded for the quest "The Ebon Flame"
Shield "Sanguinary" is rewarded for the quest "Annihilation"
1h Hammer "Cometstrike" is rewarded for the quest "Faith is Madness"
Shield "Falling Star" is rewarded for the quest "Unmasking the Enemy"
Warrior Priest Appearance guide

Disciple of Khaine Appearance guide


[16698] A great axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Slayer
[16726] An axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Slayer
[16262] A great axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Ironbreaker
[16191] The rewards you can claim after having triggered the unlocks for finishing X PQs as ranked #1 have been corrected

QUESTION: Why are the shields so tiny????????
Kinda defeats the purpose of of showing off your kool new skins when its so tiny like a child's toy and barely noticeable =(
If we can please increase their size, even if its a bit more (I understand you dont wanna copy tanks shields), to make them more menacing.
In addition, making them bigger will make them more visible and allow us to clearly see if they carrying a shield or book/chalice.
thanks =)
These are Bucklers, not full shields. Tanks have full shields. Mhealers have enough to have a minimal block rating.
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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#26 » Wed May 13, 2020 5:01 pm

I did da pq I won finally a green and no shoulder
- Added T1 Shoulders into chap 1 to 3 PQ green and Blue Chest
I replay wanna wear a minimal design shoulders for my Choppa IAM till hoping.
Last edited by SuperStar on Wed May 13, 2020 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#27 » Wed May 13, 2020 5:02 pm

Glorian wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 4:38 pm
BelligerentBob wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:57 pm FINALLY! Magus and Engineers will be desired for war bands for things other than rifting.

Now make everyone's channeled abilities end when LOS'd or out of range.
I am not sure.
Because Napalm and Dissolving mist doesn't stack.
Meaning one in the spot is the max damage you get on that spot.
If 1 engie or 20 put it there doesn't make a difference.
So now maybe 1 engi gets in the wb, like before the riftengi. :D

But I am super hyped by all the new shield appearances on the WP and Doks.
Are the items bound do WP or could you use the appearance also on the kotbs?
True and not true , you can coordinate napalm on a single spot with 3 engi to always have the highest napalm value up .
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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#28 » Wed May 13, 2020 5:05 pm

Lakini wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 4:39 pm It seems the scens are broken, parties are not working there.
Should be fixed after this restart.

I play around with Social Media, troll our players on Discord and officially hate anyone who plays a dwarf.

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#29 » Wed May 13, 2020 5:10 pm

I can't seem to update (I've updated a few times already before this fine). The updater keeps crashing at differnet points. Sometimes during downloading mainifast, sometimes checking the ART, sometimes during the actual download). Any idea what is up? I've tried rebooting my PC.

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#30 » Wed May 13, 2020 5:14 pm

if you want to fix engi/magus its a bit convoluted because of its turret mechanic and the ability to one shot turrets, its why in keeps where you can hide them and they get buff engi is a threat, in open they are less so. Any class with a "chunky" mechanic becomes problematic ... finding the middle ground is easier said than done. Making them able to be aoe healed and take less aoe dmg might lead to other problems, this class is so overly tied to its pet unlike WL / MSH ... just naturally making their pets have more base HP might be fair? In premade fights if enemy uses a WL with a pet the pet just gets focus and killed, you wouldnt bring a engi to premade and its mechanic can be shut down so easy nullifying it.

I understand this class needs love i am for this... but time and place, when order cry so much about losing cities, you give slight buff to one of the culprits why they lose pug cities, because stacking engi's does not work in open field (only excels in forts/keeps) and when things are already stalemated for EU prime, this is a buff for defensive siege mentality... when we should be looking back a couple of years ago when the campaign switched to making Battlefield objectives great again, and fights over BO's... somewhere along the road we lost sight of this and it became get to rank 2 siege keep, siege wars are the weakest aspect of ORVR, they are a part of it sure but its not the strongest unique selling point of the game... the big open field battles are epic, not the same usual suspects rushing into oil at a keep.

Current problems for EU Primetime to help reduce burnout
Now you have semi fixed the problem of invader being walled behind only way one to achieve... can we fix the problems of forts themselves? or atleast put them on a better path than they currently are for eu primetime?

Problem is when you reach so much mass, defending is so easy. Organised or not it doesnt matter, numbers is numbers... body block and any potential frames drop is mostly whats required, then you throw in morale damage on top of this.

Dynamic Fort population
So when you get to a fort (IF you get to a fort) you will auto lose by default due to Dynamic fort population is only good for defenders, forts should be hard capped at 150 defenders maximum... 6 warbands to defend 2 chokes (4 for front and 2 for back is alot... now you see why forts so hard to take when defender numbers are way and over 200), is very fair... the more this number goes up the easier it bcomes for defender. It is so much diminishing returns for attacker, due to body block and critical mass.

So if you get to a fort... the main problem is the campaign and keep sieges in general with hihg population defense.

Other problems the window of opporuntity is too short on sieges... (killing oil and respawning oil is just too fast) change oil cooldown to 5 minutes instead of 3 minutes... to give people half a chance to push properly and not be too forced / predictable. Deflect oil recently broken on tanks, and also not effecting that much since the damage change of oil.

War report
War report is another problem, you can swap zones easily and get to defend (ive done it myself with my warband 4+ times on monday) some zones the war report takes you right next to the keep, there is nothing the enemy can do about it, if its on a big scale then you can make a impact. Not sure if this is wanted or not but its really easy to stop enemy if you are big enough effective fighting force doing it over and over again.

State of realm
State of realm... this is a quality of life issue, i know people get tired of hearing where is the action at, but it plays psychological factors when people see numbers and also takes away some scouting and communication. If you can read a map/campaign pretty well this gives you all the info you need, but also helps prevents ninja attempts and attacks, you can see when a group is changing zone and can adjust/adapt almost instantly in combination with war report above. If people see numbers are pretty even unless they are dumb they not really going to attack just sit and bunker and this is less open field fights, away from a few years ago where the emphasise was placed more upon battlefield objectives... the get keep to rank 2 and siege mentality is pretty tedious and more tiresome gameplay than when BO's mattered more which provided much better action than just another keep siege. Keep sieges are not the strongest aspect of WAR/RVR.

Another problem is defend by suicide... respawn into a keep and play lemmings is another way to mindlessly stall the siege and campaign. Maybe large scale keep fights will be better if no respawning as soon as outer is flagged... so people have to fight properly, so warbands can cut off supplies on posterns, at the moment people can just suicide their way inside and once they got enough inside just funnel and make it tedious. So with all the early warning systems with State of realm, and ease of travel with war report, then ease of getting inside with instant respawn at keep... you see the problems quickly mount up when there are big numbers. This was less of a issue under the old server because when you talked about big numbers you was using a different criteria and rarely ever hitting critical mass. 100-200 was "big numbers" those are rookie numbers these days with 300-500+ common and thats just in one zone.

Not saying you have to change everything, just pointing some of the main culprits of the problems which are very predominant if you are interested in sorting out server health for majority of EU primetime playerbase and stopping them become disillusioned as the summer approaches then sorting out the main frustrating aspects of the game (lack of character progression, gear hidden behind barrier/wall, that EU primetime cannot breach because things are even and defender bias) Mixing up some of the things above, balancing out defender bias with attackers chances is in my opinion a opition that should be looked at closely to see if it can be improved so we are not stuck in stalemate forever, stalemate leads to negativity and toxicity eventually you see it in region chat where people play the blame game on others instead of mechanics setting people up to fail. That then effects motivation, which then effects desire to play because being stuck in perpetual cycle is not fun. You do alot of hard work, then reap none of the benifits.

Just trying to give helpful feedback from experience to the main issues of ORVR and the campaign. The few times i summon up 2017-18 motivation to push campaign server reboots impeded this :lol:
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