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Morale Uses

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Morale Uses

Post#1 » Wed May 27, 2020 7:33 pm

Seems like a lot of the issues surrounding Rvr and Fort/City center around Morale skills an build up / up time / coordination. What would happen if we disabled Morale for a week? I know people will say good luck doing this or that, but seriously it seems the vast majority of those in the "know" say it is unbalanced one way or the other and fights often come down to who played the morale meta the best. Why not eliminate it? If it is the crutch and the problem, why not discard it.
-= Agony =-

Posts: 1432

Re: Morale Uses

Post#2 » Wed May 27, 2020 7:40 pm

Akalukz wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 7:33 pm Seems like a lot of the issues surrounding Rvr and Fort/City center around Morale skills an build up / up time / coordination. What would happen if we disabled Morale for a week? I know people will say good luck doing this or that, but seriously it seems the vast majority of those in the "know" say it is unbalanced one way or the other and fights often come down to who played the morale meta the best. Why not eliminate it? If it is the crutch and the problem, why not discard it.

No morales= non morale aoe spam, pretty much.

Also, much more stalemates, since lot of aoe dmg is morales, while most aoe healing is nonmorale.
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Posts: 336

Re: Morale Uses

Post#3 » Wed May 27, 2020 9:42 pm

Tank morales are a major part of the current mitigation mechanics in game and without them larescale fights above 100 ppl simply breakdown as the TKK is lowered exponetially.

Realizing this should also help you understand why most fort pushes fail because over half the people present are probably in shitty pug warbands with tanks who dont know how play or even tanks at all lol.

ID and Bellow cant be removed from the game without **** hitting the fan. Healer morales to a lesser extent.

Should also say that ppl complaining about morales in context of like city is pretty overblown, I have 2 characters in full sov now and I can count on 1 hand the amount of times morales mattered at all. Poor city MM is the biggest problem here or I guess the fact there is no MM at all. People commenting on faction balance in city is like someone doing a hot take on 6v6 balance based on some random gates of ekrund they did yesterday.

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Re: Morale Uses

Post#4 » Thu May 28, 2020 12:54 pm

fair enough. So basically the morale meta is really about being defensive enough to push in / hold because it increases TTK. So why don't we look at adjuting the base TTK, or look at the way crits work in general? As TTK is really about chain crit hits right?
-= Agony =-

Posts: 542

Re: Morale Uses

Post#5 » Thu May 28, 2020 1:53 pm

you would see a lot less desto city victory without morale pump into morale bomb

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Re: Morale Uses

Post#6 » Thu May 28, 2020 2:01 pm

The game is designed with morales in mind. You can't just expect to take a chunk of the game out and for it to work perfectly. Maybe it would, I dont know, but thats like a mad scientist idea.

Some people say armor is too high. Why don't we just remove a couple of armor pieces from the game and give the other pieces more non-armor stats to compensate?

Just removing something you think is an issue is a goofy way to fix it. Especially an issue that not everyone would agree is a problem.

Posts: 226

Re: Morale Uses

Post#7 » Thu May 28, 2020 2:06 pm

Well, as much as I hate how reliant orvr is on morales, you can't really dodge the fact that if we disable them, no zones ever are going to get pushed. Hell how do you even break a good funnel without morales?
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Re: Morale Uses

Post#8 » Thu May 28, 2020 2:43 pm

good idea remove morales , so we can really see wich side need morales more than breath to win. city sieges or forts.
i remember when ther was top rvr t3 some gm disabled pulls because they where buggy and pulled ppl trough textures, thy disabled pulls for some few moment to warn ppl to not exploit.
so i think its doneble with morales also
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Re: Morale Uses

Post#9 » Thu May 28, 2020 4:42 pm

adamthelc wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:01 pm The game is designed with morales in mind. You can't just expect to take a chunk of the game out and for it to work perfectly. Maybe it would, I dont know, but thats like a mad scientist idea.

Some people say armor is too high. Why don't we just remove a couple of armor pieces from the game and give the other pieces more non-armor stats to compensate?

Just removing something you think is an issue is a goofy way to fix it. Especially an issue that not everyone would agree is a problem.
Kind of what i am saying. Lets start tracking down the problem. If it is morale pump/dump/bomb lets look at it, maybe drastically. If it is crit chains, lets look at it, if it is TTK let' take a hard look at it. I think a lot of people and i think the current game play shows there is something wrong somewhere. We can't close our eyes and say oh well. Well i guess we can, but we will soon find oursevles back to 300ish people max on line.
-= Agony =-

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Re: Morale Uses

Post#10 » Thu May 28, 2020 4:51 pm

Akalukz wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 4:42 pm
adamthelc wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:01 pm The game is designed with morales in mind. You can't just expect to take a chunk of the game out and for it to work perfectly. Maybe it would, I dont know, but thats like a mad scientist idea.

Some people say armor is too high. Why don't we just remove a couple of armor pieces from the game and give the other pieces more non-armor stats to compensate?

Just removing something you think is an issue is a goofy way to fix it. Especially an issue that not everyone would agree is a problem.
Kind of what i am saying. Lets start tracking down the problem. If it is morale pump/dump/bomb lets look at it, maybe drastically. If it is crit chains, lets look at it, if it is TTK let' take a hard look at it. I think a lot of people and i think the current game play shows there is something wrong somewhere. We can't close our eyes and say oh well. Well i guess we can, but we will soon find oursevles back to 300ish people max on line.
You can lower target cap on offensive m2s so they dont have as much of an impact.
Will it be better for 24v24 balance? Probably.
Will it make funnels harder to break? Probably.
Will there ever be a perfect solution to anything regarding balance in this game? Probably not.

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